Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 17th March 2023
Experiencing a day in the Life of a roman soldier
Year 3 become roman soldiers at Murton Park
On Tuesday Year 3 travelled back in time to AD 43 to Roman Britain. We started the day by swapping our Celtic garments for Roman tunics, we then signed a contract in Roman script promising to serve Emperor Caesar for 25 years. Once signed up as new recruits we were given a tour of our new fort, we visited the villa, storehouse, and granary. The young Roman recruits were particularly interested in the Roman toilet block where they found out what the Romans used sticks with sponges for!
Romans were self sufficient and worked together to make everything they needed to survive; we were given the task of making oil lamps for the fort, we made some fantastic lamps using clay and decorated them with a stylus.
We then found out about different weapons and armour, our Centurian demonstrated how daggers, javelins and shields were used by the Roman army. We then had the opportunity to test out our fighting skills. Finally, we came together to squash a Celtic rebellion by creating a tortoise formation.
As a reward for our hard work and loyalty to Emperor Caesar we each received a silver coin.
Do take a look at the video below which includes lots of pictures from our Roman day.
Appreciate your world
Reception - Appreciating our World
Open the Book
Open the book - the Baptism of Jesus
Key Stage 2 Gymnastic Competition
Dogs Trust
Comic Relief - Best Joke Competition
There were some good entries:
What's a cat's favourite colour? purrrrple - Reception
What type of dog does a magician have? A labracadabrador - Year 1
How can a farmer count his cows? With a cowculator - Year 2
What nuts can you wear on your feet? cashews - Year 3
Why is dark spelt with a k and not a c? Because you can't see in the dark - Year 4
What did one plate say to the other plate? Dinner's on me - Year 5
What do you call a man blocking a river? Adam - Year 6
Well done to Year 3 who were judged as having the funniest joke.
Up coming events
Key Stage 2 Music Concert - Friday 31st March at 2pm
As space is limited in the hall we do ask that it is just Key Stage 2 parents who attend.
Summer Term Clubs
Celebration worships
- Wednesday 29th March at 9am we will have a worship for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
- Thursday 30th March at 9am we will have worship for Years 3 - 6.
Easter Service Tuesday 28th March at 2pm
Easter Egg decorating competition Monday 27th March
The Mayor has once again kindly agreed to judge the competition and there will be prizes for the best entries in each year group.
If parents need to help with dropping off creations on Monday, please come to the main entrance from 8.45am which will be open so that you can access the hall where eggs will be displayed.
Oscar's Holiday Club
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th March - Year 6 London visit
Tuesday 28th March - Easter Service in the Cathedral at 2pm
Wednesday 29th March - Year 5k dog walk
Wednesday 29th March - EYFS and KS1 Celebration Worship at 9am
Thursday 30th March - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship at 9am
Friday 31st March - Key Stage 2 Music Concert at 2pm
Friday 31st March - School closes for the Easter holidays at 3.30pm
Oscar's Easter Holiday Club - Tuesday 4th to Thursday 6th April, 9am to 5pm (booking essential)
Monday 17th April - School opens for the summer term
Due to staff being out of school with Year 6 in London, there will be no newsletter next week.
Community news
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool