ASAP-NJ Sept. 2021
Association of Student Assistance Professionals
Welcome to the 2021-2022 Academic Year
Happy First Day to all of our Fellow Student Assistance Counselors/Coordinators.
We hope and trust you all are doing well and that you are still enjoying the last weeks of Summer. We also hope that you all took time to relax, recharge, and connect with family, friends, and also reconnected with yourselves.
While our 2020-2021 School Year looked nothing like we imagined, as an Organization or as SAC's, it certainly taught us how to adapt, think outside the box, and lean on each other all while making it work for the greater good of the students we serve. While virtual learning and virtually counseling our students may have been difficult at times, they still kept us connected to them.
This 2021-2022 School Year, let's continue to build upon those lessons that we've learned, continue to network with your fellow SAC's to share ideas and resources, and remain positive. Most importantly, continue to take care of yourselves all while doing what we are so passionate about.
We are excited about a few new things that ASAP-NJ will be rolling out this year. Stay tuned for those announcements. If there are any new county chairs, please let us know so that we can update our Chair Roster, and make sure that they are included in any correspondences. Also, please be on the lookout for an email from Membership and our Treasurer Jeanna.
We look forward to seeing and hearing from you all soon and Happy 2021-2022 School year.
Pam and the Executive Board
Pamela L. Felder
President, ASAP-NJ
Tweets by @ASAPNJ_SAC
ASAP - The Association of Student Assistance Professionals Guidelines
How do I become a member of ASAP?- Association of Student Assistance Professionals NJ?
Click Here for the Membership Link
Click Here to visit
- State of NJ (NJDOE) Student Support Services.
Membership Information and Link
Existing members, you will get an email from RefSec with your personal PIN; make sure to update your personal information and pay your dues by no later than October 31, 2021.
If you have any questions that pertain to membership, please contact our Membership Chair Andrea Saladino directly.
William Kane Retires
Meet your Executive Board for the Association of Student Assistance Professionals
- Meeting updates
- Links to County Websites
- Directory
- Website Resources
September is National Recovery Month
The JED Foundation Suicide Prevention Information
This September, for Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, learn about resiliency, help yourself and others develop resiliency skills, and help prevent suicide among young adults. Check out our tips and resources to help build resilience.
Working with High Risk Populations
Keynote Susan Tellone
Topics: Affirming LGBTQ individuals, BIPOC Mental Health, and Family Treatment
Brought to you by the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide and BCBS NJ
Student Assistance Coordinator Spotlight: Alysa Fornarotto-Regenye has great ideas!
September is Suicide Awareness Month
The Society of the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS) Click Here
Mental Health Association of NJ Click Here
New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services Suicide Prevention Click Here
New Jersey Hopeline Website (for immediate help call the hotline)
NJ Resources for Suicide Click Here
NJ Hopeline Posters and Brochures Click Here
Suicide and Covid-19 Lasting Effects
COVID-19 has had a profound negative effect on the mental health of the nation. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mental Health America (MHA) has witnessed increasing numbers of people experiencing anxiety, depression, psychosis, loneliness, and other mental health concerns. As the nation strives to mitigate the public health crisis introduced by COVID-19, there is even more responsibility to ensure a fast and coordinated response to address these mental health concerns, so we are not left with a mental health crisis long after the virus itself is under control. Click Here for the Guide regarding Covid-19 and risk.
Meditation | Mindfulness Exercises
Walking meditation is an active practice of conscious awareness and movement in the environment rather than a traditional sitting meditation. Take a break and boost your mood with a 10-Minute Walking Meditation! Practice alone, with another person, or in a group.
Benefits include: lowering stress levels, reducing anxiety, improving sleep, making exercise more enjoyable, & connecting with nature.
"Every path, every street in the world is your walking meditation path". -Nhat Hanh
DEPRESSION the effects of the Pandemic & Distance Learning.
Article- This is the Teenage Brain on Social Media
Article- How Depression Affects Learning
Article-Why We're All Addicted to Texts, Twitter and Google
Article- 8 Hidden Ways Depression Affects You at School
UCLA Scholarly Article- The Difference Between online learning and social media is DOPAMINE.
Trauma Informed Classroom- Click Here to learn how to support students. The Pandemic is Trauma!
NJ Statewide Addiction Access Center
Know anyone who is in need of referral to treatment?
Click here to access our online help-tool. Or, call the statewide Addiction Access Center at 844-276-2777.
What Should You Do During an Overdose?
Intentional or accidental overdoses can occur when someone you know takes too much of a drug — even if it's the first time taking the drug, and whether the drug is illicit, prescription, or over the counter.
If you suspect someone has overdosed, getting medical attention can save their life! Call 911, give accurate details about what happened, and make sure you provide first responders or emergency medical personnel with as much information as possible.
- What drug(s) did he or she take?
- How long ago were they taken?
- How much was taken?
- Who else should be contacted immediately?
Be up front with the medical professionals who ask questions about your loved one. The medical staff must know as much as they can to treat him or her properly.
To find out if your state has a Good Samaritan Law, you can check on your state government’s legislative website.CHECK NOW >
Still feel a little iffy about calling 911? Many states have a "Good Samaritan" law, which provides limited immunity from arrest or prosecution for minor drug law violations for people who get help at the scene of an overdose.
Good Samaritan laws do not protect people from arrest for other offenses, such as selling or trafficking drugs. But they do protect the caller and overdose victim from arrest and/or prosecution for simple possession, possession of paraphernalia, and/or being under the influence.
If someone is overdosing on an opioid (heroin, fentanyl, prescription-based opioids) you can use the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone, which is available without a prescription at many pharmacies across the country. Learn more about it.
Safely disposing of expired or unused medicine is critical to helping protect your kids, family and home. And it decreases the opportunity for visitors in your home, like your kids’ friends, to abuse medicine as well.
KEYS Academy - Recovery High School Happy 5th Birthday
For More Information Contact: Jennise Nieves
Assistant Principal of Student Wellness & Prevention Programs
Student Assistance Counselor (SAC), Bilingual
K.E.Y.S. Academy Recovery High School
(Knowledge Empowers Youth & Sobriety)
Matawan Aberdeen Regional School District
Matawan (732) 705-4082; fax (732) 705-4094, BCC (732) 224-2645
Caring for the Whole Person 9/23/21
Free CE for Teen Dating Abuse Workshops
Class 1: "Teen Dating Abuse":
- Thursday, October 14, 2021 from 10:00AM to 1:00PM
- Wednesday, December 15, 2021 from 10:00AM to 1:00PM
Class 2: "Children & Teens Exposed to Domestic Violence":
- Tuesday, November 9, 2021: 10:00AM to 1:00PM
- Tuesday, January 11, 2022: 10:00AM to 1:00PM
How to Register:
- Email
- Be sure to let us know the school you're from and the date you want.
Rutgers Behavioral Health Workshop on Trauma 10/13/21
10/13/21 10am
Presented by Dr. Robert Macy from the Traumatic Loss Coalition of New Jersey
Transgenerational Trauma and other essential elements of traumatic response.
Panorama Free Training and Information
Join the COSSAP RESOURCE Newsletter
Public safety, public health, and behavioral health stakeholders giving access to timely and accurate information about the drug environment at the community level & prioritize outreach efforts, assess the impact of local strategies, and monitor the evolving nature of the drug environment.
Need Help Adjusting to Coming Back to School?
Workshops available with these topics: Contact
Current trends of substance use & effects on developing brains
Stress management & coping skills to decrease risky behaviors
Mindful self-compassion & self-care
Any topic related to addictions tailored to meet your needs
Wellspring Center for Prevention Newsletter Signup!
Preparing for Red Ribbon Week
The DEA is beginning our Red Ribbon Week preparations for this year! Join us in our mission to help keep America’s communities drug-free.
Are you interested in receiving Red Ribbon Week content this year? Yes, please!
DEA Family and Education Website Sign Up
CLICK HERE for the link.