2024 CAoC Lunar NewYear Celebration
February 10, 2024: Year of the Dragon 🐉
2024 新春慶祝活動 注意事項
CAoC's Lunar New Year Celebration Information 🧨
⏰ 二月十日,9:50am -1pm,中文學校。
Feburary 10th from 9:50am to 1pm, at Shaker Middle School.
(二)日程表 Agenda
🀄 遊戲:9:50 - 11 Game
- 於前台簽到時,請記得領取集點卡及填寫問卷調查表。十一點前繳回集滿八點以上的集點卡與問卷調查表者,將喜得禮品。Pick up collect point card and fill out survey when check in at the front desk. You will get reward if collecting more than 8 points and returning survey before 11.
- 遊戲攤位均設置在體育館裡。遊戲包括抓娃娃機、寫春聯、套圈圈、射氣球、打彈珠等等...。Game stands will be set up inside the gymnasium. Games include claw machine, writing Spring Festival couplets, ring toss, balloon darts, pinball machine, etc.
🎭 表演:11 - 12 Performance
- 十一點整,將由學校學生在餐廳為我們帶來『恭喜恭喜恭喜你』歌唱表演 ,及 『龍的傳人』武術表演(由CSL老師所準備之教材)。At 11, please come enjoy students' GongXi GongXi "Congratulations!" Song and Gōngfū performance “Descendants of the Dragon” (prepared by CSL teachers for teaching purposes) in cafeteria.
- 表演完畢之後到十二點前,將進行中文卡拉OK節目。節目行進間,請盡情慷慨解囊、打賞歌者,收入將全數支援中文學校之文化及學術活動支出。感謝各位幫助中文學院,細水長流!After the performance until 12 is non stop Chinese Karaoke time. We would be appreciate your generous donation during the show. All the income will be donated to support CAoC's cultural and academic events. Thank you for your support!
🥟 小吃:11:30 - 1pm Night Market food
- 若無另行通知,小吃將於11:30在餐廳開賣。由於安全性的考量,小吃攤禁止提前搶購。感謝您的諒解與體恤!Food stands are planned to be opened at 11:30 in cafeteria unless further notice. For safety concern, NO EARLY SHOPPERS ALLOWED. Thank you for kindly understanding!
(三)小吃餐券預購 Pre-order Night Market Food Tickets
🎟️ 餐券方式 How to purchase food tickets:
- 2/10 當天早上10:30到下午一點,可在現場購買餐卷。Purchase on 2/10 from 10:30am to 1pm on site.
Following is the menu for our night market food:
Thank you all in advance for your cooperation!🦾
We are looking forward to a safe and joyful Lunar New Year! - CAoC ㊗️
恭喜發財 紅包拿來 | Gōngxǐ fācái hóngbāo ná lái 🧧🤲
What does that mean? It's a playful Lunar New Year greeting which is more popular than ordinary "Happy New Year (Xīnnián kuàilè 新年快樂)" among teenagers and close friends. It means I wish you prosperity and good luck, but pass me the red envelope! : )
『恭喜發財 紅包拿來』是什麼意思?