Rāmere Friday 17th of Mahuru September (T3: Wk 8 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
From the Principal's desk:
- Rongohia te Hau Survey: Edendale Primary School, along with schools in our Community of Learning Kahui Ako, are working on a Ministry of Education pilot project called Te Hurihanganui. It is focusing on growing our strengths in culturally supporting all our learners. To help us with future actions we have extended the time to complete our whanau survey (see the link below) where we invite your feedback. This survey now closes on Friday 1st October.
- Polyfest Update: Due to the uncertainty around COVID alert levels Polyfest has been moved to a digital performance. We will film our children and send this through ready for it to be broadcast in November.
- Weetbix Stat Attack Cards: We have started our Swap Meet. The children enjoy collecting the cards. Having a time and place to exchange them to get their sets is really helpful. If you have spare cards drop them into the office.
- Sunflowers: This week I have been busy at interval and lunchtime handing out sunflower seeds to a lot of children who are taking part in the Term Four Principal's Challenge. I look forward to seeing the results on Friday 3rd December. It is a while away but it will take that amount of time for the sunflower to grow. Remember to send progress photos. All the information is below.
- Spider Story: Well done to Caden Dobbie for his Bubble School spider story. He wins the prize. Good work Caden.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Kim Nicol: Kim has worked hard behind the scenes with our Polyfest to get our songs organised, buses sorted and programme arranged for our visit, only to have all this background leadership work unravel with COVID. We noticed it and appreciated it, so thank you, Kim. Fingers crossed for next year. At least we will be able to record our songs for the digital Polyfest.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Principal's Term Four Challenge: Sun Flower Competition
The Challenge
Term Four's Principal's Challenge needs to start now as it is a sunflower growing competition and it can take around 70 days for maturity.I have the seeds here at school for two sunflower types - Golden Crown and Moulin Rouge.
Children can come to me over the next few weeks to get their seeds (one of each) and take them home to plant and nurture them.
Due Date
Judging will occur at school on Friday 3rd December. We will line them up along the front fence for all to see as they drive past.
Prize Categories
There are five categories for prizes.
- Tallest Golden Crown sunflower
- Tallest Moulin Rouge sunflower
- The tallest combined pair (heights added together)
- The widest flower.
- Best decorated pot/container.
Things to Think About
There are some real challenges to work through with this final challenge for 2021.
- What soil will you use?
- How big do you need your pot?
- Where will you grow it so that the weather (wind, frost, cold) won't damage it?
- How will you keep it safe from pests?
- How will you support the height of your sunflower?
- Can you make your plant grow faster?
- How will you transport it to school for judging?
Points to Note
- Height: Measured from the base of the stem to the highest point of the plant.
- Diameter: Measured across the widest portion of the flower, through the centre.
- Named: Plants will need to be appropriately named so we know whose is whose.
Progress Photos
You are welcome to send progress photos to to inspire us with your skills.
Our Events Coming Up
Please Note: All up and coming events are subject to Covid-19 pandemic alert levels.
Week Nine (of 10)
- Tuesday 21st September - Sports Activator
Week Ten (of 10)
- Tuesday 28th - Thursday 30th September - Life Education
Our Kaitiaki School Board
General School Board Meeting - Meeting Six
The School Board met on Tuesday 14th of September for their sixth of eight general meetings for 2021.
- Mrs Coyle tabled a STAR Reading report which had some very pleasing results for our senior children with their reading.
- Mr McKenzie tabled his Compliance Report which included how the school responded to the recent COVID-19 Lockdown Level 4 and then Level 3.
- Mr McKenzie table his Progress Against the Annual Goals Report.
- Solutions and Services provided a financial update summary for July and August. The school is in a good position with its working capital.
- The BOT continues to work towards his updated Charter for 2022+. A further draft was tabled. From there an annual plan tied in with the annual budget will be developed.
- Architectural drawings are about to begin for the reroofing of the swimming pool complex and junior block veranda (to make it compliant). The BOT are pleased to finally see some movement with this.
- Modifications to the administration block to provide another office space for the Learning and Support Coordinators, due to COVID, have been pushed out to the Christmas holidays.
- The entire country's bussing network has been retendered for 2022. A number of areas of concern have been identified with our revised runs and work is being done to clarify these concerns.
The School Board would like to commend all the staff for their work during E-School. The move to Level Four came with very little warning and the school had to move quickly to reinstate its systems for distance learning.
With the move to Level Three, we could open up Bubble School. The Board would like to publically thank the Bubble teachers Sanne den Boon, Kim Nicol and Laura McVicar; teacher assistants Stefanie Troster, Liz Scott and Tracey Lockhart; office manager Andrea Russell for getting the office function up and running; and principal David McKenzie for his coordination and communication.
2022 is School Board elections for the whole of New Zealand. Should you wish to take a strategic role in our school, thinking into the future and prioritising now is a good time to be thinking about it as you can come and sit in on a School Board meeting prior to the elections to get a feel for how it works.
Out of Zone Enrolments - Term Four
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The School Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2021 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
Term Four enrolment period - Monday 18th October to Monday 13th December
Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 18th October.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office and are also available on our website
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on the following Monday from the deadline dates.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot as early as possible (and within three school days of the ballot being held).
Teaching Vacancy - 2022
With the position of Assistant Principal being filled by an internal promotion, the BOT is advertising a teaching position for 2022. This process is underway and we hope to have an appointment confirmed by early Term Four. See the link for this position below.
Our Home and School
End of Year Christmas Hamper - Coordinator
The Home and School is looking for a parent volunteer to coordinate the End of Year Concert Christmas hamper fundraiser for this year.
Should you be able to offer your services please contact Louise Duffy (Home and School President) on
Next Meeting - Term Four
The Term Four meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 8th November starting at 7.30pm in the school staffroom.
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. This is $70 per cubic metre.
If you want to put an order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
LMV Speech Finals - Wednesday
Four of our students (Fleur Blackmore, Charlie Frantz, Natalie McKenzie and Caitlyn Wallis) represented our school at the LMV Speech Competition held on Wednesday at Tuturau Primary School.
Congratulations to Charlie who got first and will move forward to an area final on Monday evening 6.30 pm at Winton Primary School.
Student Council - Master Crafters Contest
Next week: Friday 24th September.
Entries must have a name written on the back (or a card underneath the item if can’t write on the item directly) and can be brought to school on the morning of Friday 24th Sept - there will be a display table in each classroom for that Team’s entries.
Uniform - Excellence
We love seeing children with the right uniform items. It presents our school to a consistent standard of excellence.
The one area that we do see variations is with the tops. Check out our website for what is regulation and then please work hard to get those items. We have some at school, the Invercargill Warehouse has some and they can be purchased online.
Our Team for this Week - Team Pukeko
Kia ora!
What an interesting term we have had. Well done to everyone for doing so well with your E-School efforts during lockdown. It is a different way to operate and I am very proud of the mahi that the tamariki posted to their Seesaw journals. Thank you to all whanau members who supported the tamariki with their tasks.
With only two weeks left in the term we are finishing off a few projects, including some fun pirate-themed art and story-writing. We are enjoying the imaginative writing opportunity, having created informative science reports in the first week back during Level Two.
Our science reports were written to record our observations about the daffodils-in-dye science experiment that we carried out. This helped us learn about the capillary action; our native bush DRIVE inquiry had taken a sideways path into learning about plants and how they grow. It was fascinating to watch the petals of the daffodils turn into different colours.
Our PR1ME Maths work has been a mixture of solving problems involving mass (weight) for one group, and using our adding and subtracting skills with money for the other group. We are really pleased with the progress we've all made in this area and are looking forward to exploring some multiplication activities next.
This week, for Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori, we have had fun with a new fitness game called ‘Whanowhano’. It is an actions game that gives your legs a work-out - have a look at the school Facebook page to see how it is played.
We look forward to performing some small plays for our end of term reading activity, and to be visiting Harold the giraffe in the Life Ed van for our Health programme.
Wishing you all the best for the rest of Mahuru (September) - take care,
Mrs Coyle and Team Pukeko.
Character Values (Positive Behaviour for Learning - PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practise, effort and attitude.
We show excellence tohungatanga when we...
- Work hard, have a go and do our best.
- Leave everything how we would want to find it.
- Wear our uniform with pride.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Casey Anderson for being a strong contributor, living out our school values every day.
Most Valuable Pupil - Team Tui
This week in Team Tui our MVP for Tohungatanga - Excellence is Charlie Ritani
Charlie is a hard-working member of Team Tui who is always doing the right thing and showing our school values. He comes to school wearing his Edendale Primary School uniform correctly and with pride. I can rely on him to have his home partnership work completed every week and he is always ready and organised for learning.
Charlie shows excellence in class by always having a ‘can do’ attitude and finishing a task to the best of his ability. He presents his work neatly and tidily, with well-thought-out answers. He asks relevant questions, and offers appropriate ideas, during group or class discussions. Charlie focuses on getting the job done. His hard work is shown through the excellent progress he is making in all learning areas.
Charlie is kind and caring towards others and works well in a group setting. He uses his manners throughout the day and speaks kindly to classmates and teachers. Charlie is reliable and trustworthy and we are very lucky to have him in Team Tui.
Keep being excellent Charlie!
Most Valuable Pupil - Team Weka
Team Weka’s MVP for our school value of Tohungatanga - Excellence is McKenna Clarke.
McKenna is a very deserving MVP as she always takes pride in her work and constantly strives to do her best in all areas. She will listen and act upon advice or feedback given to her to improve her learning. She completes her work to a high standard and is always helping others in Team Weka to ensure they know what they are doing as well.
McKenna continually tidies up after herself and leaves things how she would want to find them. She always wears the correct uniform with pride. McKenna is quick to offer to do any tasks or job for the teachers too!
McKenna is a great friend to the students in Team Weka. She has a caring nature and looks after anyone who needs it.
Wow, McKenna, you set such a great example to others in the class by striving for excellence at all times.
You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the awesome work and you will achieve great things!!
Most Valuable Pupil - Team Kahu
Team Kahu’s MVP this week, for showing Tohungatanga - Excellence, is Lucy Smyth.
Lucy regularly displays an attitude of excellence. She works hard on all tasks given and always presents her best work. Lucy works well independently or as part of a team. She takes part in learning conversations, sharing her opinions and ideas as well as supporting and encouraging others.
Lucy understands that to get better at something she needs to practice and put in the time. She shows this in her classroom learning and while out playing team sports.
Lucy can be relied upon to make the right choices and to be a role model for other students. She takes responsibility for her learning by following instructions and staying focused.
Lucy is honest and trustworthy and knows what is expected from an Edendale Primary School student. She displays all of our school values and is proud to be part of our team.
Lucy, we are very lucky to have you as a member of Team Kahu. You are a great role model to the students and a supportive friend.
Keep up the excellent work!
Writer of the Week - Case Dickson
Silly, sporty, happy.
Who enjoys guns, games and rugby.
Who wonders - is Santa real?
Who feels good when he gets something right.
Who dreams of becoming a S.W.A.T. team member.
Who is able to make a disgusting milkshake.
Who fears the day his dogs pass away.
Community Notices
Pet Day - AGM
The Wyndham and District Pet Show AGM is to be held on Thursday, 23d September in the Lounge Bar at Wyndham Pub at 7.30 pm.
A general meeting to follow.
All parents and caregivers are warmly invited to attend.
Apologies to Bathan Muir 206 6334 or Leanne Johnston 027 66 44 647.
Menzies Clubs - Term Three Update (Marg Dale)
The decision has been made to cancel Term Three's Clubs.
We think this is the best option to keep everyone safe.
All students will be rebooked into Term Four that will occur in the last five weeks of the term, on a Wednesday.
If you don't wish to be rebooked please contact the Menzies office to arrange a refund.
Thanks for your understanding.
Edendale Community Pool Society - AGM and General Meeting
Date: Monday 20th September; 7.30pm (Note change of date)
Venue: In the Edendale Primary School staffroom.
We invite any of our ECPS members/pool-users to attend - if you enjoy using the pool please come along and get involved with keeping the pool open and available for our community.
Queries or apologies to Jenny at
The Wyndham Athletic Club - AGM
The AGM will be held on Tuesday 21st of September, 7.30pm at the Menzies College Staffroom.
Anyone interested in being part of Wyndham Athletic Club for the coming season is welcome to come.
Apologies or enquiries to Jane Muir 027 626 54 67 or Abby Duffy 027 262 44 22.
Tennis Tournament - Eastern
This year we are holding the tournament in Week 2 on Thursday 28 October.
Entries must be in by Friday 1 October (end of this term) so we can ensure Tennis Southland have enough time to put the draw together for us.
All information is in the attached form -
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool