DuPage County Covid Status Update
Dear District 41 Community,
Today, the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) announced that the county will be moved into the Red/Substantial transmission category for community transmission of Covid-19. Please watch for a press release later today from the DuPage County Health Department.
Please know that this DOES NOT mean we will automatically move back into full remote learning. We had a successful first day of in-person learning for our kindergarteners, first and second graders yesterday and we are hopeful we will be able to continue with this model, with the support of our community behind us.
We will continue to use our process and follow the DCHD framework and metrics. Our Pandemic Response Advisory Team Metrics Subcommittee interacts almost daily to stay on top of the data and the emerging trends. Not only is the DCHD dashboard and daily reports utilized but so are resources such as IDPH and Northwestern. If the county remains in the red status for two weeks in a row, in consultation with the DCHD, we will notify our families via email and robocall of a need to shift to full remote along with a timeline for doing so. *If on the second Friday, the county remains in Red but the data has stabilized or improved, we will collaborate with the DCHD to determine whether or not it is deemed safe to continue with in-person learning and monitor for an additional week. We will give our families as much notification as possible before any decisions are made and we will alert our families to changes in the data as we have promised.
It is important to note that all districts in the county will be having these same conversations and making these same types of decisions. This is triggered by county-wide data but we are also monitoring data related to the communities that feed into D41. Our obligation, commitment and responsibility is to maintain our in-person learning to the greatest extent possible while being responsive to the guidance of the local health department officials.
We will continue to keep the District 41 community informed as we move forward with our transition to the Blended AM/PM Model for all of our grade levels. We look forward to welcoming our PreK students back to Forest Glen on Monday!
Dr. K
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41