The Shawsheen Shout
November 2023
Get ready for cozy sweaters, hot cocoa, and beautiful fall colors. It's time to embrace the magic of autumn. School is in full swing with exciting activities, new lessons, and friendships blooming. Let's make this month a great one together!
Upcoming Dates
Parent Teacher Group (PTG)
We invite you to attend our Parent Teacher Group (PTG) meetings. For those of you who are not familiar, PTG is a group of parents, educators, and support personnel who are committed to our children's education.
Our upcoming PTG meetings are as follows:
November 29th, 2023
January 31st, 2024
February 21st, 2024
March 20th, 2024
April 17th, 2024
Check out our website for our previous PTG meeting notes:
This Month We Are Learning...
Hello Shawsheen families,
There are a few updates in preschool!
You may have heard that we shared this would be our first year where a music teacher is coming into our preschool classrooms once a week to teach a music lesson. We received GREAT news that the music program (Union Colony Music Academy) received their funding, and will be back next school year in our preschool classrooms.
We have entered into our second unit of study, Clothing.
We greatly appreciate every family who donated socks for the school-wide sock drive, and the yummy treats for our classroom fall parties!
We are having a great time in kindergarten! We are learning and growing so much!
We are focusing on identifying, describing, comparing, and composing two-dimensional shapes in math. We also are continuing our work with reading, writing, and counting objects from 1 to 20.
In reading, we are concentrating on recognizing sounds and blending them together to read words. It would be great if you could help support our kindergarten goals by regularly practicing letter names and sounds at home.
During writing, we are drawing pictures with more detail and adding words to go with our illustrations. We are working on pencil grip while we practice proper letter and number formation.
We are thankful for your wonderful support of your kindergartener as we learn and grow together this year!
First Grade
Reading/Language Arts
We are continuing to work on Module 2 called What’s Up in the Sky: A Study of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. In this module, students build their literacy and science skills as they engage in a study of space. The module begins with a story about a young boy who is curious about the sun, moon, and stars. He wants to learn more. We are currently in Unit 1, where students will study space through various narrative texts and begin to understand how and why the sun, moon, and stars inspire authors. Students respond to texts through role-play and written responses.
We have taken our assessments on Unit 2: Story Problems and have begun
Unit 3: Adding and Subtracting within 20. In this unit, we begin to see 10 as a group. This will help us understand place value later when we begin to work with larger numbers. At home, it will help build our skills when we practice adding numbers with a sum up to 20.
Reading is important! The very best way to support your child in growing his/her reading skills is to read to them or with them each night for about 20 minutes.
Thanks for all you do!!
Mrs. Kotalik, Ms. Beeman, Ms. Cruz and Mrs. Ulrich
Second Grade
Welcome to the November edition of our School Newsletter! As the new month unfolds, we are thrilled to share the exciting curriculum themes and learning objectives that your children will be exploring.
📖 EL Modules: Unit Big Ideas & Guiding Questions
What do paleontologists do?
Paleontologists are people who look for, unearth, and study fossils.
How do characters respond to major events?
Characters respond in different ways to major events and challenges in books.
What can we learn by studying fossils?
Fossils can help us understand what plants and animals lived long ago and how the earth has changed.
How do readers learn more about a topic from informational texts?
Readers use different strategies to learn about a topic from informational text.
🔤 EL Skills:
Students engage in deep word analysis, learning spelling rules to help them generalize spelling patterns for vowel teams and affixes, but also learning that there are many words in English for which no rules apply.
➕➖📊 Math Adventures: Students measure and estimate lengths in standard units and solve measurement story problems within 100.
Here's to a November filled with learning, growing, and adventure!
Warmest regards,
The 2nd Grade Team
Ms. Johnson, Ms. Dillehay, and Ms. Shultz
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Hello Fourth Grade Families,
We would love to share what we are learning over this next month. In our Math block, we will be working on Unit 4: Decimal Fractions and Large Numbers. The goal of our fourth math unit is that “Students can read, write and compare numbers in decimal notation. They also extend place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers and add and subtract within 1,000,000.” In our Literacy EL Block, we will continue working on our second Module: Researching to Build Knowledge and Teach Others: Animal Defense Mechanisms. Over the course of this module, students are working to answer the overarching questions "How do animals’ bodies and behaviors help them survive?” and "How can writers use knowledge from their research to inform and entertain?" We will be using Animal Behavior: Animal Defenses as our main text. Their performance task will be to write their own Choose-Your-Own-Adventure narrative piece about an animal.
Mrs. Apparito & Ms. Wikoff
Important date: We have a field trip scheduled for November 30th. We will be going to the State Capital in Denver.
Fifth Grade
ELA: We are starting Module 2! We will be studying, reading, and writing all about the rainforest. Our final project will be a compilation of stories they have written all combined into an ebook. Students are encouraged to read any books that are linked to the rainforest to grow their knowledge on the topic.
Math: We are finishing Unit 3: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions. The test will be on November 2. Then, we are starting Unit 4 which will focus on multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers. You will see students come home with a new strategy for dividing. When multiplying students will follow the standard algorithm. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Social Studies: We are beginning our dioramas. These projects will be completed in class. Donations of materials will be appreciated. Please be on the lookout for that communication. Thank you for your support!
Kindergarten: Students are working hard on learning the steady beat, high/low singing voices, and playing independently with animals on the farm. We are excited to begin a new unit learning high and low pitches with fall leaves soon! Ask your kindergartener about their favorite animal on the farm.
1st Grade: 1st graders are mastering their rhythms, such as tas, ti-tis, and rests. Students are beginning to read music as a class and composing their own rhythms! Ask your student to write you a song using the rhythms they have learned in music.
2nd Grade: 2nd grade students are beginning to identify half notes by dancing, speaking, and performing rhythms. They are also beginning a folk dance unit in November where they will learn to line and partner dance! Ask your 2nd grader to show them their new moves.
3rd Grade: Students in 3rd grade are reviewing dynamics, which is how loud or quiet music is. They are also beginning to sing canons which are songs that sound the same but start at different times. Pretty challenging but very fun! Ask your 3rd grader what a canon is.
4th Grade/5th Grade: Students in fourth grade are reviewing the notes on the staff and playing songs while identifying the notes to play. They are also learning rhythms that will help them be successful in middle school music should they choose to be a part of that. Ask your child to draw you a note on the staff with the correct note name!
Student Council
The third, fourth, and fifth graders in Shawsheen Student Council are off to a great start! In October the group helped sponsor a Spirit Week and hosted a Socktober Sock Drive to benefit people who are unhoused who work with the Greeley Family House. StuCo is also partnering with UC Health to share Fall Baskets and brighten the days of several pediatric patients.
Soon Student Council will be sharing more information about our upcoming Food Drive which will help fill Shawsheen’s new food pantry. The Pantry is being established in collaboration with District 6 Food Services and the D6 Success Foundation to help address food insecurity in our local school community. Big thanks to all of the Shawsheen families who are helping support Student Council’s school and community projects!
Be sure to mark your calendar for our upcoming Shawsheen Spirit Days! On Friday, November 17th Student Council is hosting a Hat Day. We will also have Stuffed Animal Day on Friday, December 15th. We hope you will join in the fun!
Choir students are busy working on their songs for their concert at 5:30 pm on December 5th in the Shawsheen Gym. They are singing Cold Snap, I See Stars, a Sky Full of Stars, Tanabata Sama, and Eh Soom Boom Kawaya. Once they master their songs, they will add bucket drumming, dancing, and body percussion to the songs. Thank you for getting your students there on time and more information about the concert to come in the November newsletter as well as a Newsletter I will send home after Thanksgiving break. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or contact me on Class Dojo.
Greeley-Evans School District 6 Community Nights with the Denver Nuggets
Enjoy special savings through Greeley-Evans School District 6 this season!
**A portion of every ticket purchased will benefit the District 6 School Kickoff Community Celebration, helping provide much-needed backpacks and supplies to District 6 students!**
Tickets start at $27
Friday, November 3rd, 2023
Dallas Mavericks vs. Denver Nuggets
Saturday, December 16th, 2023
Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Denver Nuggets
Monday, January 1st, 2024
Charlotte Hornets vs. Denver Nuggets
Order your Tickets Online at: