The Acorn
Message from Academy of the Canyons' Principal, Dr. Fine
Weeks of 3/27-3/31
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! Friday is a T/TH schedule. Here is the student bulletin. All families are invited to our AOC talent show this Friday. We hope that you have a wonderful Spring Break next week! We will look forward to seeing you when you return on April 10th.
Our Seniors are starting to receive their college acceptances. Thank you to our students who have shared this news with us. We're so excited to celebrate with you.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 28th- District Wellness Department presents the topic of "Sleep and Teens" on zoom. See flyer below for details.
- Dr. Shapiro will be hosting a meeting for students interested in a historical tour of New York City and Washington DC from 6-6:30pm. See link and message below.
- ROOTS Board Meeting at 6pm on zoom.
- 6-9pm AOC Talent Show Rescheduled in the COC Cafeteria.
- Spring Break for AOC, No School for WSHUHSD
Have a wonderful week!
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
(661) 362-3056
Carla Tuttle, Office Manager/ Registrar- ctuttle@hartdistrict.org
Letter to Our AOC Students
I have attached a copy of a letter that I have written and sent to all of our students. I asked the teachers to read this letter aloud to their classes. The entire William S. Hart Union High School District has taken a position to require our students to no longer use this word on our campuses.
Free Food Services this Summer at Newhall and Canyon Country Library
Newhall and Canyon Country public libraries will be serving free lunches all summer on Mondays-Fridays to anyone 18 and under. This is a new public service that many of our students and siblings may take advantage of. The Valencia library did not qualify for this funding so this one branch will not be offering the service. And the library in Stevenson Ranch is not city-run so they are not part of this either.
ASB Talent Show Rescheduled for 3/31 from 6pm-9pm
You are Invited to the AOC Talent Show 3/31 6pm-9pm in the COC Cafeteria
All families are invited to the AOC Talent Show held on 3/31 from 6pm-9pm. It is an opportunity for families to see the many talents of our AOC community. Everyone is invited to this community-wide event held in the COC Cafeteria.
AOC Surveys to Improve Our School
Please fill out the survey to help make our school a better place. Thank you to everyone who has participated.
Student Highlights
Congratulations to AOC Senior, a Creative Artist, Tiffany Requeno on College Acceptance to Rhode Island School of Design
Tiffany is a future architect who was accepted into the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). She
hopes to explore design and learn more about the technical aspect of creative thinking!
RISD was her top school of choice! Tiffany followed her passion in design and architecture. Congratulations, Tiffany! AOC is so proud of you!
Tiffany Requeno's Art
Do you have some good news about your student that you'd like to share with the AOC community?
For the rest of the school year, students and parents are invited to share any good news that they are proud of with the rest of the AOC community. Please share the good news with me, jfine@hartdistrict.org and I will share it with the entire community. Let's celebrate our students' accomplishments together.
Historical Tours of NY and DC with Dr. Shapiro
Dr. Shapiro will be hosting a meeting for students interested in a historical tour of New York City and Washington DC on Tuesday, 3/28 from 6-6:30pm
Photos from the Week of 3/19
AOC marathon runners for SOAR.
ASB March Madness- Congratulations Seniors!
Thank you, ASB for an AWESOME community-wide event! Way to go, Seniors! All of our students were wonderful competitors! Great job, AOC! School spirit is high at AOC!
Youth Ambassadors from Matsuri, Japan and AOC Students
Our visit with our youth ambassadors from Matsuri, Japan has come to an end. We held a beautiful discussion with AOC students and our guests in UCEN 107 on Tuesday at lunch and the City of Santa Clarita and Sister Cities recognized our students as youth global ambassadors. Thank you to our hosts, Emma Finch, Zayna Jawich, and Chloe Williams and their families for hosting our guests. They have safely arrived home and invited our students to visit.
Spring Break is from April 3rd-April 7th and there is no school.
Academy of the Canyons
Email: jfine@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.academyofthecanyons.com/
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Academy-of-the-Canyons-Middle-College-High-School-330158873741614
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons