Wildcat Weekly
Willowdale Wildcats Have Heart!
New School Hours!
School Hours are M-T-TH-F 8:30am - 3:30pm
Wednesday Hours are 8:30am - 2:30pm
Email: tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
Website: willowdale.mpsomaha.org
Location: 16901 P Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-715-8280
Construction Update! The construction company and the City of Omaha have communicated with us regarding the crosswalk at 168th and P. Please read the following:
- I would encourage your school families to use the crosswalk at 168th & Q St. The project cannot close the crosswalk north of 168th & P due to commitments made tied to the project’s federal funding, but the crosswalk at 168th & Q St. would allow children to avoid construction activity.
- For children/families that choose to continue to use the 168th & P crosswalk, please encourage them to follow project signing. See below for a diagram of the designated pedestrian route. The existing sidewalk along the east side of 168th St will soon be removed.
- Our contractor has put out cones/barrels to delineate the pedestrian path along the east side of 168th St so it is more apparent where pedestrians are supposed to be walking.
- There may be an issue with accessing the crosswalk pushbutton on the east side of the street since it is located in the construction zone where the existing sidewalk is being removed. We’re working on a solution to this.
Please also reference the map that shows the walking path. Thank you!
Let's Keep Traffic Moving Safely at Drop Off and Pick Up!
2023-2024 School Calendar
Here is the school calendar for next school year, 2023-2024. The first day of school will be Thursday, August 10th.
The School Board has already approved the calendar for the next school year, 2024/2025. The link to that school year is below:
Willowdale Elementary
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