Bumpus E-News
September 24, 2023
R. F. Bumpus Middle School
ATTENDANCE: bumpusattendance@hoover.k12.al.us
FOR ALL ATHLETIC NEWS AND INFO: https://bumpusathletics.com/
Other accounts to follow:
Bumpus Instagram: @RFBumpus
Bumpus Athletics Instagram: @bumpusbucsathletics
Bumpus Athletics Twitter: @BucsBumpus
PE Instagram: @bumpus_bucs_p.e
Bumpus Photo Instagram: @rfb_photo
Bumpus Photo Facebook: @BUMPUS.DIGIPHOTO
Email: bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/bumpus
Location: 6055 Flemming Parkway, Hoover, AL, USA
Phone: (205) 439-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BUMPUSMS
Twitter: @RFBumpus
A Message from our Principal- Donna Burke
Dear Bumpus families--
We had an AWESOME week! The students enjoyed Spirit Week which ended with a Pep Rally and the COLOR RUN. The Pep Rally was the first one we have had since 2019 and it was so fun!
Hats off to the PTO and all of the volunteers who made the COLOR RUN a success. This event is not an easy one to “pull off” but our parents and volunteers did a great job. We also appreciate the peer helpers from the high school. This is an incredible group of students who help out with the COLOR RUN every year!
We will go back to our “regular scheduled programming” next week!
Thanks again for all of your support & GO BUCS!
Donna Burke
Principal - RFBumpus
From the Bookkeeper- Shanthi Ravikumar
Chromebook Device Protection Plan Fees Due by September 29
The last day to pay for Device Protection plan is 9/29 by 3:00 PM. Please see the Chromebook Information details below regarding the recent changes regarding Chromebooks this year.
Additionally, School Fees for the 2023-23 School Year are now posted on MySchoolFees.
You can use the link below to pay for both the Chromebook Device Protection Plan and your child's School Fees. Thank you!
Please note recent changes that have been made regarding Chromebooks:
- If your student has a Chromebook with a clear case issued by HCS, please do not take the case off as it voids the warranty. 6th graders will be receiving new Chromebooks with clear cases within the first few weeks of school. Please do not take the cases off.
- A revised HCS Chromebook Protection Plan (pages 8-9) will be available to purchase during the month of September with school fees. The second repair is no longer covered by the plan, but it will be determined by an HCS staff or designee. Additionally, damage that is deemed intentional is not covered by the plan, and the full amount of repair/replacement will be due. Please see the image below for more details.
If you have a Chromebook in need of repair, please bring it to the first-floor office to Mrs. Stacey.
PTO News
Thank you for an amazing Color Run!
Silver Sponsors
- Kristie Allen Photography
- Callahan Eye Hospital & Clinics- UAB Medicine
- Prestige Movers
- Biscuit Belly
- Warren Averett
- M and M Pathology Associates, LLC
Gold Sponsors
- KRB Homes- Keller Williams Hoover
- Med Center Mazda
- DMS Color
- SMG Mortgage
- OS1 Sports Injury Clinic
- SD Construction- Custome Homes & Remodeling
- The Trak Shak Running Shops
- City Bowls
- Samuelson Orthodontics
Big Buc Sponsors
- LBFoster
- Switch Alarm
- Allison Burleson Realtor
Plastic 2 Liter bottles needed for Science!
Please donate 2L bottles to the 8th grade Science Department until 10/10. Click on image for details.
Drama Club Meetings
Next meeting 9/27
Community Service Information
Please use NEW form.
Boys and Girls Golf Team Information
Boys GC Code - jwm77vm
Girls GC Code - mdnehz6Congratulations to the new Bumpus Softball Team
Bowling Tryouts
10/2 and 10/4, 4:00-5:30pm, Vestavia Bowl
Join Google Classroom Code: WVE3NDZ
Girls Basketball Tryouts
10/9 & 12, 3:30-5:00pm
Practice Gym
Interested? Join the Google Classroom: Code: diam6yw
Boys Fall Basketball Tryouts
10/9 & 13, 3:30-5:00pm
Competition Gym
Interested? Join the Google Classroom: Code p34yor7
Join the Bumpus Wrestling Team
Practice begins 10/23.
Join Google Classroom code: ujufhav.
Schedules for Fall Sports
Information regarding over-the-counter medications at school
Please read the following guidelines for having medication at school. At NO TIME should students self-carry any over-the-counter medications on their person as stated in the outlined box.
Thank you,
Melanie Schmith, RN
School Nurse
Join us September 26 for a discussion about Trends in Juvenile Drug Use
"We don't always have to fix things for our kids. Sometimes, they just need us to listen."
Learn how to listen better on @PsychToday #ActiveListening #ParentingTips #RFBMS
Library News from Mrs. Mims
Library News:
Welcome Back Everyone! Students may check out up to 3 books from the library. Students may check out only 1 print book at a time, but they can also check out eBooks and Audiobooks online using the Destiny Library Catalog or the online catalog called Sora. Students can access the 2 catalogs through their Clever account on their Chromebooks. The checkout period is 30 days for print, eBooks, and Audiobooks. Please encourage your students to read at least 20 minutes a day to improve their reading skills. Students may check their Destiny library account to see what books they have checked out. Library account emails are sent to parents/guardians and students every Tuesday at 5:00 P.M. This email will let students see what print book they have checked out and when it is due back to the library.
If you have any questions email Mrs. Mims at dmims@hoover.k12.al.us
Destiny Library catalog https://hooverk12.follettdestiny.com/
Sora Library Catalog https://soraapp.com/library/hcmsal
Volunteers needed for the Fall musical
Recycle Your Magazines for Family Living
Bus Expectations for 23-24
Please read the following letter from Hoover City Schools regarding expectations for all middle school bus riders.
From the School Nurse-- Melanie Schmith
Regarding Covid and Flu Tracking
Anticipated Absence Form
Attendance Matters Every Day!
Attendance Cheat Sheet
Important information for all of our Bumpus Families
Use this link to access some important information about Bumpus. https://bit.ly/RFBumpusInfo
Here is our “Frequently Asked Questions” document for you. You can also ask questions when you come to school on Thursday or you can email bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us.
Please be aware of our Bus Expectations as well as our Carpool Procedures.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Please use the QR Codes in the image below or the following links for more information.
From the Registrar's Office- Carol Stone
If your lease has expired (or will expire) during the current school year, please ensure that you have provided a copy of your new lease and a current utility bill to Bumpus. Conversely, if you have moved during the current school year, please provide us with a copy of your new lease or deed and a current utility bill.
Your child's account will be put on hold if their residency information is not current.
Please contact Mrs. Stone, our school Registrar, if you are planning on moving anytime during the school year. There is a procedure we have to follow to withdraw your child. You will also need to fill out an "Intent to Withdraw" form on our website. The Registrar will contact you once she receives the "Intent to Withdraw" information. In addition to the "Intent to Withdraw", you will need to come into the school to withdraw, turn in your child's Chromebook, etc. Please call her at 205-439-2212 or email her cstone@hoover.k12.al.us.
Join us at Bumpus as a Substitute Teacher!
Would you like to be a substitute teacher? Visit https://www.hoovercityschools.net/ and look for the Human Resources tab under Departments. You may also contact Amanda Hiltbruner at ahiltbruner@hoover.k12.al.us or 205-439-1045 for additional information.
Flexible work locations and days! Current substitute teacher pay rate is $100 per day (certification/licensure requirements apply)
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email or call. If the question is specific to a teacher, email the teacher directly. If you have a general question you can email us directly or through bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us
If you have a question email your administrator.
Ms. Donna Burke, Principal dburke@hoover.k12.al.us
Mr. Justin Jones, 6th-grade Asst. Principal jjones@hoover.k12.al.us
Mrs. Kerry Efurd, 7th-grade Asst. Principal kefurd@hoover.k12.al.us
Mr. Sean Colosimo, 8th-grade Asst. Principal scolosimo@hoover.k12.al.us
On occasion, GOOGLE identifies certain emails as SPAM and blocks these emails. If you have sent an email to a staff member at Bumpus and have not received a response, call the main office at 205-439-2200 and leave a message for the staff member you are trying to reach.
Counseling Website for more information and mental health contacts.
Ms. Chardae Franklin- 6th-grade Counselor chafranklin@hoover.k12.al.us
Ms. Zaneta Heard - 7th-grade Counselor zheard@hoover.k12.al.us
Ms. Brennita Keith - 8th-grade Counselor bkeith@hoover.k12.al.us