St. Luke Weekly Memo
September 13, 2020
Leadership Message
What a joy this past week has been to welcome our students in full capacity back to St. Luke. We continue to look forward to what this year will bring and take comfort in knowing that when we put our faith in Jesus all good things will happen.
Thank-you to all of our school community for their understanding and corporation as we continue to navigate through these waters. We are all committed to doing our best to make St. Luke a safe place to learn and thrive.
As I walk through the hallways and the classrooms I am amazed at the teaching and learning in every classroom and the excitement that students have for learning. St. Luke is truly blessed to have an amazing staff that are able to adapt to the changes and support each student through this ‘new normal’.
Thank you for your continued trust and support.
With joy,
Mrs. Hinger
Chaplain's Message- Mrs. Damur
Even when Paul commands us to rejoice, he’s fundamentally calling us to place our confidence in who God is and what he’s done. Paul’s command to rejoice comes at the very end of his letter to the Philippians (4:4). This command comes after Paul acknowledged the good work of salvation God began and promised to complete (1:6). It comes after Paul recalled how earthly trials are nothing compared to heavenly hope (1:23). It comes after Paul recounted the high-cost Christ paid to save an unholy people (2:8). It comes after Paul proclaimed his identity is not in safety, reputation, or ministry but Christ alone (3:12). It comes after he declared no matter what happens in this life, our citizenship is in heaven (3:20).
In all these chapters, Paul’s deliberately placed the eyes of his readers on the trustworthy Savior. And only after doing this, only after pointing to the reality of God as worthy of all our faith, did Paul finally command, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice” (4:4). It’s as if Paul is saying, “You must rejoice, and if you want to know how, revisit what I’ve just said: put your trust in Christ.”"
Adapted from
Meet the Teacher - Virtual Evening Sept 17th
This year our Meet the Teacher night will look a little different.
We will have a virtual Meet the Teacher on Thursday, September 17th. The times for your teacher meet are listed below. Teachers will send a google meet link through classdojo to each parent so they can join the meet on Thursday. The teachers will begin with a small presentation and then there will be time for questions. We will also have an administration google meet from 5:40 - 6:20 to answer any admin questions you may have. Please join with the link provided below.
Admin Google Meet 5:40-6:20
Kindergarten 6-6:20
Grade 1 6:00-6:20
Grade 2 6:20-6:40
Grade 2/3 6:20-6:40
Grade 4 6:20-6:40
Grade 5 6:40-7:00
Grade 6 6:40-7:00
Grade 7 & 8 6:40-7:00
Picture Day!
Terry Fox Marathon of Hope
St. Luke Catholic School is proud to take part in this year’s 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope. The date for the run for our school will be in the afternoon on Tuesday, September 22nd. Please help show your support by donating to:
Students can even get involved too by creating their own fundraising page under their school name:
Thank you for your supporting our school in the fight against cancer and continuing Terry’s legacy! #terryfoxschoolrun @terryfoxfoundation
Grade 5 - 8 Options
Annual General Meeting will be held virtually on September 14 at 6:30pm. Use this link to join the meeting:
Please consider joining the executive team and aiding in moving our Council forward this year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Members of the School Council can be reached at:
As a parent/guardian you are required to complete a daily health screening check for your child each day before they come to school. We need everyone's help and commitment to these health checks, as well as making sure that your child stays home if they are feeling unwell or displaying any symptoms. This is the most important measure we can all do to keep our school safe.
COVID-19 Symptoms.This document provides guidance on what to do if your child has symptoms. Please read and follow the protocols.
Please refer to the Parent Guide for more information
Data Verification Forms as well need to be updated on Powerschool. According to Alberta Education these forms are to be updated each year.
*IMPORTANT - please update emergency contact names and numbers.
Update all Medical Forms. If your child has a medical alert that we should be aware of please indicate this on your Powerschool account.
Powerschool link:
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and sacremental preparation.
Read the lastest bullitin from OLPH.
St. Luke Catholic School
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS