Kennedy News
Back to School Update #KENNEDYBEST
Note from Mr. Rustad: Start of the School Year Information
Hello Kennedy families!
I hope this newsletter finds you well, enjoying the last remaining weeks of summer. I have no doubt that you have "back-to-school" on your mind, with lots of questions and many hard decisions to make for your family. Here is some additional information to share with all which may help you at this time:
~ Making a Decision: As you are probably realizing, no matter how you slice it, school is going to look very different this fall. It's really important that you understand how each model will look so that you can make an informed decision that best matches the needs of your family and your child. To aid you in this decision making, I will hold three online google hangout sessions for parents to ask questions and form a better picture of each model. If you need additional information, please choose one that works in your schedule. Also know that you can always email me as well. Here are the links to these sessions:
Thursday, August 13 from 6 PM-7 PM
Friday, August 14 from 9 AM-10 AM
Friday, August 14 from 1 PM-2 PM
~ Census Verification: This was emailed to you last week, and it is incredibly important for you to complete this for your family. If you have NOT YET done this, please do this as soon as you know your family's decision. The accuracy of our plan is based on the results of your survey responses, and this information will be significant as we plan for the fall. If you have problems logging in or need to set up an account, please contact our Infinite Campus support team at ICsupport@isd77.org. Here is a link with information to get you started on the Census Verification.
~ Can we change our mind? Here's a common question I've been getting..."Ok, so my family has made our decision...can we change our mind?" The short answer to that question is that if the school year has started and the choice you made as a family is problematic, your family would need to reach out to me, and together we would talk through your concerns, try to problem solve those concerns, and discuss what is in the best interest of your child. Together, we might decide that a change is in order; at this point, we would discuss a timeline for a possible change. If you have already completed the Census Verification and you want to make a different decision now, please contact ICsupport@isd77.org and they will help you with that change. Please do that ASAP as it will be important in our planning.
~ Entrance Conferences: This will be happening for all students. NEW Kennedy families, including incoming Kindergarten families, will hold entrance conferences in person (online will be on option if families would prefer), with safety measures in place. Returning Kennedy students will have an online entrance conference. Specific information and details about this process will be shared as we get closer to the start of the year.
~ COVID-19 Preparedness Plan: Many questions that I have received have revolved around how we will respond when there's a positive COVID case. Our MAPS COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has outlined details around your questions. Pages 16 and 17 are a great starting point. If/When a student or staff member tests positive our MAPS COVID-19 team will work with the school and local agencies on determinations with each case. This would include procedures for quarantine as well as contact tracing. Specifics of who is quarantined and who is not quarantined will be determined on a case by case basis and follow MDH and MDE guidance. There will be no onsite COVID testing completed by District 77 employees or anyone else.
~ Heath Services Video: Please watch this really important video from the District 77 Health Services department. It will provide you with critical information about this fall.
~ Continue to stay informed...additional information will be provided as we know more, so your time and attention to all of this communication is needed and appreciated!
I hope that you have found this information helpful as you prepare for the start of the year. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions.
We Are Kennedy!
Steve Rustad
Many parents are feeling the stress of making the best decisions for their child, while also preparing them to return to school after the unprecedented disruption caused by COVID-19. There is still much to be determined, but parents can begin working with their children now to get them ready for the upcoming year, regardless of whether they will return to the classroom or continue to learn at home.
Here are six things you can do to get a leg up on a back-to-school season like never before.
1. Be flexible. If we have learned anything over the last few months, it’s that things can change very quickly. School districts have been working through the summer to develop multiple plans to accommodate many permutations of possible situations, including a full reopening of schools, modified and blended remote-onsite schedules, and fully remote learning. As COVID cases rise or fall in your area, be prepared for schools to adjust the plan to prevent the spread.
2. Be open. It’s important to talk to your children and make them fully aware of all the possibilities for returning to school. Tell them about the current plans for schools in your area but be sure they understand that plans may change in time in order to keep everyone safe. Discuss the safety measures around wearing masks or social distancing and answer any questions they may have. Reinforce that they can talk to you about their uncertainties or anxieties and keep them updated as new information is released. Doing this will help children know what to expect and eliminate any surprises.
3. Create a consistent schedule. Summer is a time for respite and relaxation for students, and a summer schedule is often very different than that of a school day. As the start of the school year gets closer, it’s helpful to implement consistent sleep and activity schedules, especially as many students have been out of school for much longer than usual. A healthy routine that mirrors their routine during the school year will make the start of school easier for both parents and students.
4. Don’t forget to read. Reading is perhaps the single most important activity to keep students engaged during the summer and prepare them for school in the fall. It is also a great time to engage your children in the books that interest them most. Most libraries will allow you to reserve and check-out books online with touchless pickup. And reading together is always a great way to connect with your child and support their growth.
5. Go for walks. With museums, amusement parks, and movie theatres mostly closed, we’re all feeling more than a little cooped up. This is a great time to go for a daily walk with your child and find out what’s on their mind. Giving your child your full attention away from computer and television screens is certain to spur meaningful conversations, especially around their hopes and fears for the upcoming year.
6. Most importantly, be patient with your child…and yourself. We had little time to adjust to remote learning and parenting in the time of a pandemic. Many worry that they aren’t doing the “right” things when it comes to their child’s education: Is my child falling behind? What can I do to make sure she stays on track? Are other parents doing it better?
Remember, it’s not a competition. You are not competing with anyone else; your number one job is to make sure your child feels safe, loved, and supported. Going for walks, reading books, spending time, and talking with them will give you insights into their academic strengths and weaknesses. When you focus on their individual needs you can better support them with their teachers and be the advocate that all of our children so desperately need at this time.
Important Information for Kennedy Families
Busing Update for the 2020-21 School Year
Tiered Busing Plan Continues
On December 16, 2019, the school board approved a transportation plan that will establish a tired busing system for the 2020-21 school year. Since that time, the district’s tiered busing implementation team has been working diligently to establish the new routes and other details for implementation. While we do not know for sure yet how school will be delivered in September, we do know that we will continue the implementation plan for tiered busing that was approved in December 2019. We will send you more information in August, once the start of school is more clearly defined.
Bus Registration Reminder
If your child is eligible for busing (Live at least 1.0 mile from school for grades K through 5 and 2.0 miles from school for grades 6 through 12), and plan to use bus services, please email tbaumg1@isd77.org the following information:
Student(s) name
Student's home address
Student's school beginning September 2020
Student's grade
Parent name
Parent phone number
One email listing all eligible students in your family will successfully register the students for busing.
Have you registered your child(ren) who will be in kindergarten next fall?
Use this link to access the district web page.
If you need help, you can call or email Central Registration staff for assistance.
Phone: 507-387-2125 or centralregistration@isd77.org
Knowing which students will be attending Kennedy in the fall helps us in our planning process, thanks in advance to taking care of this.
Kennedy Elementary School
Steve Rustad
Assuring learning excellence and readiness for a changing world
Email: ke@isd77.org
Website: https://ke.isd77.org/
Location: 2600 East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: (507) 387-2122
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISD77MAPS/
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS