FSU Campus Community Edition - February 2021
Come On In!
Scroll on down and discover what the Whittemore Library has to offer!
- Kate Burt, Editor
We're Here For You!
A Word from the Interim Dean of the Library, Millie Gonzalez
Welcome to Primary Source, the Whittemore Library Campus Community Newsletter. This month’s issue features resources and profiles of our student assistants of the month and two of our staff members. During the month of February, the Library honors Black History Month by highlighting new resources: our online Black History Month research guide, a Black History book display in the Library, and the streaming film Pushout, offered through a collaboration with the CIE and the Library. The Library is committed to antiracism as expressed in our statement, our participation in campus conversations, trainings, and book discussions on How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.
I would like to invite our campus to participate in two opportunities. On the 4th Tuesday of every month at 4:30pm, I will host an informal, drop-in Zoom room, Primary Source Talk, to answer any questions about the Library. Finally, the Library continues to accept submissions for the CoVID-19 Community Collecting Project. The goal of the collecting project is to capture the impact of the pandemic on the lives of our campus community.
On behalf of the staff of the Library, we hope you enjoy the Primary Source and we look forward to engaging with the campus community via this new avenue. I think you will discover that our bi-monthly newsletter will be a valuable resource for you, both academically and personally. Enjoy!
As you know, the Library has been restricted to FSU students, faculty and staff. However, as of February 18th, we are once again open to both the FSU community and the general public!
You do not have to ring a doorbell, swipe your ID card, use the side entrances, knock 3 times on the doors, bring us food, yodel, make faces in the window, or do your best floss moves on the front steps (though we'd love to see that!). Just breeze right through our main entrance doors, enter the Library building and say hello to our friendly front desk staff.
(Don't forget to check our hours of operation first and bring your mask with you!)
Though the access restrictions have been lifted, for your convenience, we will continue to offer non-contact pick-up of borrowed items. Please send an email to our charming circulation staff circulation@framingham.edu or call them at ext. 4650 (508-626-4650) to arrange for pick up of items you've ordered through Minuteman or for items we own that you want to borrow.
Can't wait to see you in the Library!
Our Hours - Spring Semester
Library -
The Library building is open and staffed during the following days/times:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Reference -
Librarians at our virtual Reference Desk are available to answer questions and book remote research appointments during the following days/times:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 9:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Did You Know....?
We have LibGuides on Many Topics!
Our talented team of reference librarians and staff have created guides on many subjects (i.e. economics, math, nursing, physics, etc.), many topics (i.e. career, current events, diversity, heritage months, etc.) and on how to use the Library.
Click here to see the entire list of LibGuides.
You Can Support the Library!
You can support the mission of the Library by taking part in our Innovation Campaign.
Are you looking for a unique way to leave your legacy to FSU? Support the future growth and innovation of the Library! Customize a brick - 3 lines of text, 18 characters per line - that will be placed near the Library entrance.
Click here to learn more and to get started.
You Can Text a Librarian!
Live chat and text are available during reference hours.
Text questions to a librarian - (508) 882-6225.
Chat with a librarian - visit our website and use the LibChat box.
Call a reference librarian - x. 4654 (508-626-4654)
Email a reference librarian - reference@framingham.edu.
Open Educational Resources ("OER")
Hello! I'm Reference librarian Rebecca Dowgiert, your new OER Liaison. I've created a LibGuide about OER and I've published my first monthly newsletter that contains news, tips and resources to help you navigate OER. Check it out!
If you have any questions or need additional information regarding OER, please let me know.
Email: rdowgiert@framingham.edu
Phone: 508-626-4654
We have a new addition to our available resources: FLIPSTER !
With Flipster, FSU patrons can read magazines via a browser or the Flipster app. Scroll through the carousel of the popular titles available on the first page of our website. The app authenticates with your Blackboard username and password. Download the app onto your tablet or smartphone and gain instant free access to select magazines. Instructions are available in our LibGuide.
Interlibrary Loan
Hi! I'm Alex Young, the Library's Interlibrary Loan ("ILL") Coordinator. ILL is the cooperative exchange of items like books and articles among institutions for the purpose of fulfilling the informational needs of their patrons. To learn more, check out our ILL LibGuide. We have video tutorials on how to request books and articles via ILL - click on the links below to get started!
If you have any questions, please reach out to me. I'll be happy to assist you!
Email: interlibraryloan@framingham.edu
Phone: 508-626-4690
We Have eBooks!
The Whittemore Library recently acquired the Ebsco eBook collection (over 200,000 titles). It can be found under our A-Z Database list. The Ebsco eBook collection has a number of features which make research and citation easier. Ebsco provides a video tutorial that quickly explains the basics of these features (see below).
The Library has recently produced a tutorial that quickly explains some of the more advanced features available: https://framingham.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=90f919bb-fe64-4c0d-bc0a-acbc00fb5d85
If you have any questions or experience any difficulties with accessing the collection, please reach out to Abe Newell, E-Resources and Digital Services Librarian, at ext. 4948 (508-626-4948).
From the Periodicals Desk...
The Periodicals Department is now receiving the Chronicle of Higher Education in print. The current issue will be available on the newspaper rack. If you are looking for back issues, please see Debbie Hogan, Periodicals Supervisor, or one of the Student Assistants in the Periodicals Department on the Upper Mezzanine.
COVID19 Precautions
Mandatory Masks!
One Per Room Please!
Keep Your Distance!
Student Library Assistant Profile
I’m Lauren Hunter from Springfield, MA. I aspire to become a Physician's Assistant. I am in the class of 2023. I'm a biology major.
I love to draw, paint, and go on hikes. I have a cat named Jack (like the baby from the Incredibles). I am a member of the Women's Track and Field team here at FSU. I also work at a nursing home in my hometown when I am home. My favorite TV show has to be either Chicago Med, Chicago PD, or 9-1-1. One of my favorite movies is Mamma Mia. I am currently reading The Emperor of all Maladies for one of my classes, but I recently just bought a new book called How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps the House which I am very excited to read. I listen to all genres of music, but my favorite is R&B. If I could have dinner with 3 people I would like to be joined by Michelle Obama, Beyonce, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
My favorite thing about working in the library is knowing that my colleagues and supervisors are always willing to lend a helping hand and listen to each other talk about our days. I love that it's a very positive environment to work in. My role in the library includes creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for patrons entering the library. I help patrons navigate through the library and check out any books that they need. I also help keep the library organized by shelving books and making sure they are in the right place. My typical shift includes shelving books that were checked in, answering phone calls as they come in, doing some paging (checking out books that have holds on them), and catching up on schoolwork with any leftover time.
One thing I learned about working in the library that definitely surprised me is how much student workers are capable of in the FSU community. We are capable of creating such a kind and welcoming environment for students, which I think is extremely important because it allows students to know that we are here to help them when they need it. We are also capable of creating change and bringing up issues that we find necessary. Our role in the FSU community is definitely bigger that I originally thought.
Student Library Assistant Profile
I’m Michael Perry. I grew up in Northborough Massachusetts. I am currently a Senior here at FSU. My major is Geography with a concentration in G.I.S. I am considering pursuing a career in G.I.S, or Emergency Management when I graduate.
I enjoy all music, but I would say I tend to enjoy Alternative Rock the most. In my past-time I like to hike and, (before the pandemic), travel to all 50 states. Another silly skill that I possess is that I can juggle. I tune into tv all the time at 7 pm to watch Jeopardy. I had a Beagle named Molly, but I currently have no pets. A book that I am currently reading which I would highly recommend is A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid.
My favorite thing about working in the Library is that it gave me the opportunity to connect with people on campus and spend more time on campus then I normally would have. It is also rewarding to help people find the information they want, and solve any complex issues that may arise. I have learned a lot and have gained valuable skills such as friendly customer service, patience, and problem-solving skills along the way.
My role in the library is working at the Circulation Desk. This is the desk that you see immediately when you walk in the entrance. My typical job duties include checking books in and out, shelving books, organizing the book stacks, and answering any important questions or concerns from our patrons.
The Library is More Than A Place For Research and Study...
We have novels...
Informational displays...
And lots of fun waiting for you!
Library Policies
Information about the Library's policies regarding access, borrowing, reference, interlibrary loan, circulation of materials, reserves, confidentiality of records, fines, public computers, diversity, and censorship can be found in this guide.
Answers to frequently asked questions are available in this guide.
Let's Get Cooking!
We have our own virtual cookbook, Chewy Dewey!
The first Chewy Dewey cookbook was published by the Library in 2004. It contained pages of delicious recipes from the staff.
For the Library's recent 50th Anniversary celebration, the cookbook was resurrected, updated and republished as Chewy Dewey 2. You will discover recipes from not only the Library staff but from FSU students, staff, faculty and alumni. The book is dedicated to our former Dean of the Library, Bonnie Mitchell, who retired in 2020 after 42 years at FSU.
Recent studies suggest that during the pandemic people are spending more time in the kitchen. What about you?
Have you found yourself: digging out old cookbooks, scrolling through how-to videos on YouTube, trading roasting tips with friends, devouring episodes of sizzling tv on the Food Network, wishing you could travel with Guy Fieri to Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, hoping to get yelled at by Gordon Ramsay on Hell's Kitchen, dreaming of being Rachael Ray's BFF? Do you love experimenting on your family with daring weeknight meals?
If you fit into any of these categories, or just want some new culinary ideas, get the book and get cooking!
Bon Appetit!
Holiday Magic For Local Children
December 4th -
It started off with an empty box and a grand idea by Millie: Decorate and place said box in the lobby and put out the word that the Library was collecting toys for local children in need. Enter Officer Harpreet Singh from the FSU campus police department with an even grander idea: Donate said toys to the local Toys For Tots toy drive and he'd help deliver them.
Fast Forward >>>>>>>>>
December 16th -
Officer Singh drove his police cruiser to our building. Library elves Millie, Kate, Alex, and Library student assistant, Jake, stuffed the vehicle with a box full of toys generously donated by the Library staff and the FSU community. Kate and Millie formed a parade behind Officer Singh's cruiser and followed him to the Mass. State Police barracks on Route 9 and dropped the toys into the waiting boxes in the police station lobby.
Mission accomplished! Thank you all!
The Library looks forward to making an even bigger donation next year!
Follow Us On Social Media For The Latest Library News
Henry Whittemore Library
Instagram: @whittemorelib
This newsletter is created and published by the Library's Social Media Committee and the Interim Dean of the Library. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns about this newsletter, please reach out to us. Thank you.
Chair of the Social Media Committee: Kate Burt.
Email: kburt2@framingham.edu
Website: https://www.framingham.edu/academics/henry-whittemore-library/
Location: Henry Whittemore Library, State Street, Framingham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-626-4651
Facebook: facebook.com/whittemorelib
Twitter: @whittemorelib