Patriot Post
Some Quick Updates...
Don't Forget... No School 9/7 and 9/8!
Return to School Info... Message from TUSD
The Orange County Health Care Agency has announced that if Orange County continues trending in a positive direction over the next few weeks, PreK/TK-12 schools can reopen in-person instruction (hybrid model) as of Tuesday, September 22.
The District’s in-person schooling (hybrid model) will begin as follows:
- Elementary schools (grades PreK/TK through 5) – Thursday, September 24
- Secondary schools (grades 6 through 12) – Tuesday, September 29
This split-start will allow for greater District support as each campus welcomes the return of students.
As a reminder, Tuesday, September 8, is a Professional Development Day for teachers (non-student day) in lieu of the originally scheduled date of Friday, October 2.
Each school will communicate to parents about the pick-up and drop-off procedures, bell schedule and safety protocols. Principals will also be sending a “welcome back” video to students and parents.
Tustin Unified’s top priority is to balance the education of our students while maintaining the health and safety of students and staff.
For the latest news and updates, as well as the District’s School Opening and Safety Plan, please visit the TUSD website at www.tustin.k12.ca.us.
Have a restful and safe holiday weekend.
Gregory A. Franklin, Ed.D.
Hybrid Schedule
Which hybrid group am I in?
When we transition to the Hybrid learning model, students will be in one of 3 groups:
1) DL - Online learning only
2) O1 - Hybrid, on campus Mondays and Thursdays
3) O2 - Hybrid, on campus Tuesdays and Fridays
Students will continue to participate on Wednesdays in the same manner as there are currently.
Below are instructions to find what group your student has been assigned.
Log into Aeries and navigate to the "Student Info" tab. Under "Student Info" tab click on "Demographics."
Once in the Demographics screen, on the bottom right of the screen, there will be a field titled “Hybrid/DL.”
There are 3 different tags that students will see:
DL – Distance Learning. These students have opted to remain online for the duration of the first semester and WILL NOT be on campus.
O1 – Hybrid Group A. These students will attend class on campus on Mondays and Thursdays. They will Livestream on Tuesdays and Fridays.
O2 – Hybrid Group B. These students will attend class on campus on Tuesdays and Fridays. They will Livestream on Mondays and Thursdays.
Is there an issue with the tag applied to you/your student? Please complete the form at this link: https://forms.gle/FkHTSgMjLcvPJrjn7
Please note: Where possible, all households have been placed on the same date. We apologize, but we cannot make special requests to change hybrid reporting days. A tremendous amount of time has been spent balancing students to maintain low/balanced numbers on campus and in classrooms. The only requests we can accommodate are those requesting to change from hybrid to online.
What are some of the safety measures being taken at Beckman?
Here are just a few of the safety measure being taken for the return to in-person learning. More info will be shared shortly.
- Our HVAC system has been thoroughly serviced and adjusted to pull in fresh air from outside in compliance with CDC guidelines.
- Students and staff will be required to wear face masks.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers have been placed in and around our campus and our classrooms.
- Enhanced custodial cleaning and disinfecting protocols have been established.
- A separate health office space for sick students has been designated on campus.
- Clear three-panel desk privacy/safety shields have been secured where needed for student use.
- Directional and educational signage will be posted related to physical distancing and safety protocols. A one-way traffic flow around campus has been established to limit student exposure risks.
- Drop Off and Pickup procedures have been revised. 9th and 10th will come through the back parking lot, while the 11th and 12th grade students will enter through the front.
PTO Corner
Beckman PTO brings parents and teachers together, sharing the goal of providing a well-rounded learning environment for our students that involves academics, arts, athletics, social activities and more. Whether virtual or back-to-campus, our students depend on your support! Every family is welcome and encouraged to become a Beckman PTO Member. We have flexible options! And when you join PTO by 9/20 and refer a friend that joins, too… you’ll BOTH receive an additional BHS Gaiter Buff! www.beckmanpto1.com
This year we face more challenges than ever before, and each dollar counts! Click to see the vital programs PTO funds (link). If you’ve already joined PTO, thank you for your voluntary donation.
Be certain to calendar these important dates!
- From 9/14 – 9/20, our long-time community supporter, Zov’s Restaurants, will donate 15% of dine-in and take-out proceeds to PTO. This includes the weekend, too! Please mention the flyer within Patriot Post.
- And on 9/16, join us for our next PTO Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.!