SCH Weekly
Scott E. Miller, Superintendent
Issue 13 - May 18, 2020
Hi SCH Family,
I recorded my virtual graduation speech today over at the ACC. It’s has me in a reflective mindset on how truly unique these circumstances are that we are all living through. This week I would just like to say “Thank You” for all of your hard work, being flexible and adaptable, and continuing to support our students and schools. We are so very fortunate to have such a great team here at SCH.
Have a blessed week.
Food & Nutrition
Last week we served our 200,000th meal since COVID closed the school buildings. We take so much pride in our work and are grateful to be able to provide nutrition during this crazy time. We know that the craziness won’t end on Friday May 29th (the last official day of school) and there will be no gap in service as we say goodbye to the 2019-2020 school year. Our summer meal service begins on Monday June 1st and the summer meal calendar can be found below – each day with a red apple is a day we will be at the 7 schools handing out meals.
Last Friday (May 8th) morning the USDA extended the waivers that will allow us to continue our ‘grab & go curbside’ meal service model. We will also be able to continue to provide meals to enrolled SCH students without them being present as long as the driver provides us with a completely filled out our form (form can be found at schk12.us/meals).
Quick Notes/Reminders on Summer Meals:
- Free to ANYONE 18 and under
- We do not deliver meals
- Children who are too young to be enrolled in school must be present to receive their meals
Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts
Please check out our SoundCloud where you can see many original compositions as well as the wonderful works of our students. Enjoy combined choirs, solo performances, and more. There is a ton of creativity despite our quarantine.
Please also join us for our final event of the year. The HAPA Academy Awards. We will see you on our YouTube channels on May 22nd at 7 PM!
Lastly, please enjoy this original arrangement by Christian Barretto of Il Vento D'oro.
May 22nd at 7 p.m.
Head Start
Head Start staff are wrapping up their Conscious Discipline “Managing Emotional Mayhem” small group book study. One of the biggest take-aways from the study has been the pivotal role the adult plays in a behavioral interaction with a child. It’s the adults response to a child’s emotion that will support or inhibit the child’s development of self-regulatory skills. Staff have reported many “AHA” moments through the study that will continue to influence their professional practice, as well their interactions with students and other children in their lives. A special thanks goes to our four group facilitators: Crystal Bell, JoAnn Guevara, Maricela Morales and Patti Richardson!
Health Services
“Ready Today, Preparing for Tomorrow”
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) week (May 17-23, 2020) brings together communities and medical personnel to honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s “front line.” Emergency Medical Services is a vital element of our nation’s health care, public health and public safety system.
During National EMS Week, and throughout the year, we are proud to recognize EMS and fire professionals who tirelessly serve their communities and respond to calls for help at any time and any place. The EMT and paramedic care of tomorrow will continue to expand into services that include community paramedicine, injury and illness prevention training, CPR and bleeding control education.
The SCH Health Services Department would like to recognize and honor our health aides that are Certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). They are a vital and essential part of the Health Services Department: Karen Saypta, Mark Fetzko, Heather Lozano, Evangelina Garcia, Erika Vasquez, Connie Jeka, Angelica Lemus, Deborah Arnold, Adam Blomquist and Tiffany Salvador.
Human Resources
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to all of our staff members who have birthdays this week!
Elizabeth Almeda, Kevin Arellanes, Paul Asbell, Gwendolyne Atkins, Jeffery Belle, James Bowman, Wendy Bradford, Lyle Carating, Silvia Collazo, Patricia Cushing, Ramen Deardorff, Evelyn Emigh, Christina Gonzalez, Khamari Greer, Larry Hare, Anthony Harris, Donna Hobbs, Heather Hulett, Joseph Larimer. Cali Lemus, Davida Lewis, Jingwei Liang, Mark Maldonado, Criselda, David Massey, Jacqueline Miller, Odessa Miller, Helene Mulloy, Jasmine Noble, Luz Osorio-Rodriguez, Annette Patino, Denise Ross, Tamara Seles, Archiaka Shipp, Robin Sizemore, Marshell Stapleton, Raquel Sterczek, Slavica Vlahu, and Ericka Wills-Cox.
Special Education
Special Education Support Staff Resources
On School City of Hammond main website, there is a section called Covid-19 updates. When that link is open, under the eLearning tab on the top of the page, there are two sections labeled Teacher and Student Resources. Embedded in both of those sections, the special education support staff has created their own websites to provide information and resources relevant to their positions. The sites use various modalities (articles, video, cartoons, quotes, etc.) with both English and Spanish translations.
- Occupational Therapy Support Services - Wondering how Occupational Therapy has been impacted by elearning? Looking for activities that can be carried out at home with adult supervision? This site has the answers you need. It also provides the email addresses of the SCH Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants should you need to get in touch with them
- Social Worker Activities & Resources - In addition to the resources and activities featured on this site, you’ll also find the email addresses of the SCH Social Workers should you need to get in touch with them.
- Words of Support - Our School Psychologists have created a website for teachers, parents, and students. The topics include Grief and Loss, Mindfulness for Kids, Stress Management, Community Resources, Motivation, FUN, Emotional Support, Teacher Resources and Parent Support. The site uses various modalities (articles, video, cartoons, quotes, etc.) with both English and Spanish translations.
- Speech & Language Resources - This site has been designed to offer resources that help promote speech and language skills, and to provide strategies for fluency and social skills. Not all activities or topics apply to all students. If questions arise, please direct it to the speech personnel at your student’s school. All contact information is located within this site.
- Physical Therapy Resources - This site has been designed to offer resources that help promote physical therapy for students and parents.
Secondary Curriculum
This week the secondary teachers and principals will participate in Virtual Professional development. The PD sessions will take place for 3 consecutive days this week beginning Tuesday, 5/19. We have planned these sessions with “fall re-entry“ in mind. We don’t know what our fall schedules will look like, but we want our teachers to be prepared for instruction (in any format); therefore we want to provide as many resources for teaching and learning as possible. Each session will run twice on its assigned day (see attached schedule). Our SCH instructional coaches will deliver on Tuesday as usual. We are adding several resources for Wednesday and Thursday from some of our most popular and most used consultants and vendors.
health care, education, and more. Respond today at 2020CENSUS.GOV.
Stay Informed
An update from the Superintendent is distributed at the beginning of the week.
View previous weekly updates from Mr. Miller here.
Follow us on Social Media
If you are on these platforms, please LIKE, FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to see the great things happening in our district!
Email: schadmin@hammond.k12.in.us
Website: www.hammond.k12.in.us
Location: 41 Williams Street, Hammond, IN, USA
Phone: (219) 933-2400
Facebook: facebook.com/SchoolCityofHammond/
Twitter: @SCHK12