Bulldog Bulletin
February 11th, 2024
Dear Bulldog Community-
I hope that you enjoyed your week last week. We have been so busy at GMS this month. Last week we hosted some of our future Bulldogs at our 5th grade shadow day. Our WEB students showed them around school, took them to lunch and planned and facilitated fun activities for them. All students left happy and smiling.
Thank you, families, for engaging the wonderful opportunity Ms. Moorehead hosted at our school with Eye Love Care. We were able to provide eye appointments to 53 Bulldogs. Students were also able to order glasses of their choice, if needed! Glasses will arrive in 2-3 weeks. We will be in touch once they are delivered. Thank you again, Eye Love Care, Ms. Moorhead and Bulldog Families for participating!
This week we will host the Valentine's Day Dance from 400p-530p on Wednesday, February 14th. Tickets at the door are $2 and are currently being sold at lunches for the discounted price of $1. Please make sure that you are here on Wednesday promptly at 530p to pick up your student. Our wonderful counseling team has been there all day and would love the chance to go home to spend time with their loved ones.
Finally, here is my plea, once again, to remind your student to please leave their cell phones in their lockers. We will never deny a student the opportunity to go to the office to call home or accept a message from you and pass it along to your child. Students are using their devices to disengage from learning and instead engage in Snapchat or text conversations with each other that often end in disagreements and unnecessary drama. This week, at random, we may be conducting phone sweeps to ensure that devices are put away and students are engaging fully in their learning. While I understand that this may seem disruptful to learning as well, it is more of a proactive precaution for issues that tend to arise. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions.
I hope that you have a great week! We can't wait to welcome your students tomorrow!
In partnership,
Julia Scott
Last Week to Engage in 5 Essentials Survey
The following response rate information for Galileo School of Math & Science is current as of February 09 2024.
- The student response rate is 16% for the 2024 Colorado Springs SD11 5Essentials Student Survey. As a reminder, schools need 50% of their students to respond in order to receive a report. Also note a school must have a minimum of 10 responding students in order to receive a report.
- The parent response rate is 19% for the 2024 Colorado Springs SD11 5Essentials Parent Survey. As a reminder, schools need 20% of their parents to respond in order to receive a report. Also note a school must have a minimum of 8 responding parents in order to receive a report.
D11 5Essentials Survey
(January 30 – February 16)
What: The 5Essentials Survey from UChicago Impact is a diagnostic assessment of a school’s culture and climate designed to identify organizational strengths and areas of opportunity on the five essential factors that research has shown to drive school improvement – Effective Leaders, Collaborative Teachers, Involved Families, Ambitious Instruction, and Supportive Environment.
Scope: This 20-30 minute electronic survey will be administered from January 30 to February 16 to students* in grades 4-12, all teachers, most school staff**, and parents. We need at least 50% participation to get school level reports which will be shared in early April.
*The student survey is available in English and Spanish. Students with disabilities should be provided with necessary accommodations, such as having the survey read aloud or given extra time as needed. Any accommodations made for a student must protect the confidentiality of the student’s responses.
**To also include counselors, social workers, reading specialists, interventionists, instructional coaches, librarians, and some educational support professionals. The survey is not intended for administrators, deans, cafeteria workers, security staff, tutors, guest teachers, or student teachers.
Purpose: As revealed through World Cafés and the development of the district’s strategic plan, we are in need of a more comprehensive instrument that takes into account relational trust as a key factor for improvement. The data from this annual survey will help the district and schools measure and respond to factors aligned to the strategic plan that go beyond and complement traditional School Performance Framework (SPF) scores.
Streamlining: This partnership with UChicago Impact is part of a multi-year effort to streamline surveys, minimize the number given, and align our survey results to the strategic plan initiatives. We have the option of adding additional questions in the coming years.
Your voice matters: To improve, we need your honest input. While this anonymous survey is intended to capture the overall health of culture and climate in schools – it is not a place to air individual grievances.
How survey data will be used: Beginning in February, a cross-disciplinary district team, with support from UChicago Impact, will help schools translate 5Essentials Survey findings into actionable plans for school improvement and to build leadership capacity to successfully execute school improvement efforts.
Appreciation: We thank you in advance for taking time from your busy schedules to complete the survey between January 30 to February 16 and are looking forward to using the results to guide our improvement efforts!
For general information and clarification, please contact David Khaliqi david.khaliqi@d11.org (719.520.2347).
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, February 12th thru Wednesday, February 14th
- Free Dental Exams
Wednesday, February 14th
- Valentine's Day Dance from 4p-5:30p
- Hosted by WEB
Saturday, February 17th
- Learning Opportunity @ Colorado College
Monday, February 19th
- President's Day: School Closed
Tuesday, February 20th
- District Attorney discussion about Fentanyl at Sabin Middle School
Friday, February 23rd
- Whole School Community Circle @840a
Monday, March 4th
- Mitchell High School Registration in GMS Auditorium @ 840a