Patriot Post
November 2022
Construction Updates
Moving into November and December, we’ve got some new updates for you on construction that is happening on campus.
First, over the Fall Break you might see some action on campus when installation of our new field lights begins. In late November a team will be here to bore holes and set the foundation for large upright poles that will shine light on our auxiliary turf field. Then, in mid-December, we expect that actual poles to be delivered and light to be installed. The project looks to be completed by the end of December!
Second, construction on the CTE wing is moving along quite well! Below are some images that were recently taken showing the progress. Construction on the gym portion of the project should begin soon. At this point, the project is moving along and on pace to be completed around the beginning of next school year. We’re looking forward to opening these facilities for our students and are extremely excited for the opportunities they will offer.
Beckman Teams Up with Rasta Records for Art Walk
Beckman is teamed up with Rasta Cowboy Records in Old Town Tustin for the Art Walk this year. Tom at Rasta Records donated scratched Vinyl for the Art students to paint and cut designs into with the laser cutter. The classes also created original artwork of classic rock bands for tote bags and t-shirts.
A BIG Weekend for Robotics…
Beckman robotics participated in TWO tournaments on the weekend of 10/15 and 10/16.
On 10/15 we sent three teams (2496N, 2496Y, 2496V) to Viewpoint High School for a 32-team competition. It was their first competition of the year. This event gave them a good opportunity to compete for the first time and to work out the kinks in their robots. Our teams went 6-3, 6-3, and 5-4. 2496Y ended up in the Quarterfinals, and 2496N, 2496V finished in the semis. 2496V also won the Create Award.
On 10/16 FIVE teams (2496J, 2496N, 2496R, 2496V, and 2496Y) to Damien High School to compete in a 45-team competition. Our robots were firing on all cylinders and after qualification matches our teams went 7-0, 6-1, 5-2, 4-3, and 3-4. In eliminations we represented the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 7th seed alliance. After a long grueling day, 2496N ended up tournament champs!
Other awards:
2496J won Amaze Award
2496Y won Innovate Award
2496R won the Overall Excellence Award.
2496R crushed the Skills challenge and not only won the Robot Skills Award with a score of 391, but they are currently RANK ONE IN THE WORLD!
Spotlight Staff
If you don’t already know, Mrs. Martin is a Spanish teacher here at Beckman. She currently teaches Spanish 4H, Native Speakers 2, and Native Speakers 3. This year, in addition to teaching a new class, she took on the role of co-department chair and leads in the same way that she teaches… with a genuinely positive and caring tone. She is also supporting teachers through induction and is working with our counseling staff to help connect with our students from diverse backgrounds.
Mrs. Tomlinson is a secretary in the front office who works directly with Mr. Bushong. In addition to supporting Mr. Bushong with the organization of Advanced Placement tests, PSAT tests, and facilities-related items, Gabby has taken hold of the “reigns” while Rigo attends a wedding. With Rigo out, Gabby has taken care of substitute teaching needs, arranged period coverage, input work orders and purchase recs all while handling her normal day-to-day duties. She’s handled it all like a pro!
Congrats to our first Spotlight Staff members!