FMS Parent Newsletter
2/24-3/8 Edition
ELL (English Language Learner) ACCESS testing is 2/24 & 2/25. This is testing for students who are learning English as a second language.
FMS quarterly awards assembly for students is 2/26. Ask your student if they got an awards certificate for attendance or one of last quarter's character traits (safety, character, honor).
6th grader orientation is 2/27 from 12:30-2:00pm. Current 5th grade students from our feeder schools will be visiting FMS for a tour, a meet and greet with teachers, and an overview of all that FMS offers. Parents, if you have a current 5th grader who will be attending this orientation, look for a folder filled with all kinds of information about FMS!
Week of March 2 progress reports will be shared with students.
March 3 - SUPER TUESDAY! Get out and vote!
Sunday, March 8 is Daylight Savings Time - turn clocks ahead.
March 13 is a Teacher Workday - no school for students!
BOB (Battle of the Books) dates:
High School BOB: March 3 (FHS) 9 AM
Middle School BOB: March 10 (TLMS) 9:30 AM
Elementary School BOB: March 19 (LES) 9:30 AM
Wednesday, March 18 is now a full student day. It is on the calendar as an Early Release day but became a full student day due to the February 21 Snow Day.
March 27 - Last day of quarter 3!
April 8 - Report Card Pick-up night at the FMS gym
Need help to access PowerSchool? Come to the school with a photo ID and the Main Office will give you an access code. (see Ms. Boardman if you would like to sit down and get it done right then and there).
Click here for directions to follow once you have your access code from the school.
Home Curriculum message: parent school involvement in middle school looks different from elementary school, but it is still just as important. Be there for after school activities, make sure your child has needed supplies, make sure you are getting PowerSchool updates, and don't hesitate to email teachers or call administrators.
Need to sign up for FCS FindOutFirst for bus changes, school closings, important messages from the county and our school? Click here to go to the county page.
Need to sign up to pay lunch or Chromebook fees online? Click here to get started.
Traditional school calendar for 2019-2020 CLICK HERE.
FMS school day master schedule - CLICK HERE.
FMS students gave thundering applause for one of their favorite teachers!
Congratulations Mr. Smith - FMS 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year
Mr. Smith is our Band, Chorus, & Music Appreciation Teacher
Ms. Oakley - Staff Person of the Year!!
FMS has the best secretary ever!
Hard worker, patient angel, and sweet as sweet can be :)
Franklinton High School info:
On Tuesday, February 25th, FHS staff will meet with our 8th grade class to present an overview of what to expect in High School and explain the registration process.
Our current 8th grade students will be registering for 9th grade courses at a later date when FHS staff visit FMS and meet with students to register for courses in Powerschool.
Please plan to attend the Franklinton High School Spring Showcase
On Tuesday, March 3rd at FHS from 5:30-7:30 to learn about academics, electives, athletics, clubs, etc.
6:15 Freshman Orientation in the Auditorium (for our current 8th grade students)
Early College High School info:
Applying to Early College? (Current 8th grade students only.)
We are still taking applications for Early College High School! Applications are online at www.fcschools.net/franklincountyearlycollege. Application packets must be completed by March 19th. Please let Ms. Moore know if you have applied so she can complete the packet of required info and submit it to ECHS before the deadline. This is a lottery process so our students who apply for Early College also need to attend the Spring Showcase at FHS and register for courses at Franklinton High School, in case they are not selected for Early College. Questions? See Ms. Moore!
Applying or thinking about applying to Early College? Please plan to attend the Parent Information Night at VGCC in Louisburg on Thursday, March 12th from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Ms. Faulkner - Media Center
Battle of the Books competition - March 10th at Terrell Lane Middle School
6th graders will have a quiz 2/25 on chemical and physical changes. They can study their notes or the slideshows and videos on google classroom to prepare. Our unit test on Matter will be on 3/6. After that, we will begin our unit on heat transfers.
We are continuing our Unit 8 lessons that involve working with algebraic expressions (order of operations, PEMDAS, etc.). 6th graders will be completing a study guide on Tuesday to prepare for a short quiz on the material on Wednesday 2/26. After that, we will continue with working with algebraic expressions but be focusing on using variables (missing numbers)!
We will continue to work on the following standards and read Bud Not Buddy.
I can cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (RI.6.1)
I can determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)
I can analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits in and contributes to the development of ideas in a text. (RI.6.5)
After chapter questions are due on Friday 2/28. Please put page numbers of where you found the answer next to each question. This is a classwork grade.
We will have benchmark review in small groups on 2/26-2/28 in class.
This week we are learning the digestive system in class and continuing our education through an online textbook at Ck12.org. Students are learning how the systems affect each part of the body and how each individual organ operates as a whole and how systems work together to form homeostasis. Students are working in groups to finish a nine weeks sketchbook project, solely based on the human body systems we are learning each week. Students should be caught up to chapter 6 in their sketchbook and sections 12.37-12.44 on the Ck-12 website.
Class - This week we continue equations and move into multi-step equations and inequalities. The STEM activity assigned last week is due at the end of the nine weeks and will count as 2 test grades. All assignments can be found in Canvas and are also linked from the assignment in PowerSchool. Don’t forget to visit my canvas page at bit.ly/KW-canvas for math resources and other important information.
Field Trip - As soon as we finalize our new date for the field trip, we will let parents know.
This week we are working on a Black History month project in class. The students were introduced to the project today and the project will be due on Friday. We are coming up in the middle of the nine weeks soon, so please check your child’s PowerSchool for any missing assignments. If they are missing assignments in my class they can be made up and can be found on Canvas. If you have any questions please email me at rebeccakeith@fcschools.net.
This week we will be going over Benchmark 2 to focus on those areas where we can close the gaps and increase overall comprehension of content. Following content review we will be continuing to deep dive and break down the purpose for why Frederick Douglass wrote his narrative and how it still impacts us today. In addition, we will focus specifically on the author's purpose, vocabulary, themes/symbols, authors claim; and overall content application as they relate to excerpts. The students Q3 project was put up on google classroom last week. This week the students will select groups and inventor/abolitionist they will be presenting google slides on; and begin working on the assignment, due Monday March, 23rd (worth 2 test grades). Any further questions please contact me at : kimberlybaechle@fcschools.net or visit our google classroom page.
February is Teen Dating Violence Prevention Awareness month.
Facts from www.joinonelove.org/learn/teen_dating_violence_awareness_month
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, an issue that is all too common among young people. 1 in 3 adolescents between the ages of 10-19 is a victim of abuse by a dating partner. Many adolescents who have experienced dating violence have reported bullying others. Adolescents in abusive relationships often carry these unhealthy patterns of violence into future relationships. And, children who are victimized or witness violence frequently bring this experience with them to the playground, the classroom, later into teen relationships and, ultimately, they can end up the victims and perpetrators of adult intimate partner violence. It’s never too early to help them break the cycle of abuse.
Signs or “red flags” of unhealthy dating or relationship behaviors: lack of trust, disrespect, dishonesty, lack of communication, control, jealousy, demanding passwords, rudeness or meanness to you or others, isolation from family or friends, punching holes in the wall, lack of interest in each other’s interests, rushing the pace of the relationship, explosive temper, manipulation, possessiveness, spreading rumors about you, talking behind your back, name-calling, belittling or criticizing you or things you like, yelling, threatening, cheating, abuse (can be physical, emotional, verbal, financial), they steal from you,, “do this or I’ll…”
Signs of a healthy relationship include: trust, respect, honesty, communication, independance, compromise, equality, kindness to you and others, responsibility, healthy conflict, fun & enjoyment, similar goals, even-tempers, practices self care, and encourages self care, shows empathy for you and others,
What can you do? If you’re concerned about a relationship your child is involved with, start a conversation about it, put limits or boundaries on the time your child spends with him or her, block social media accounts, trust your gut, reach out to resources in the community like:
If you know of a teen or parent that could benefit from speaking to a caring, well-trained peer advocate, please connect them with the National Dating Abuse Helpline, a project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, at 1-866-331-9474 (TTY: 1-866-331-8453), by texting "loveis" to 77054, or through live chat at loveisrespect.org.
Hygiene Items:
Ms. Moore has a small supply of personal hygiene items, such as deodorant, soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste and feminine pads, in the counseling room for our students in need. We also have a variety of clothes and shoes in our clothes closet. Please reach out to Ms. Moore if your child is in need of these types of items. We also take donations as well to keep this supply in stock for our students.
Email: heidiboardman@fcschools.net
Website: fcschools.net/Page/25
Location: 3 North Main Street, Franklinton, NC, USA
Phone: 919-494-2971
Twitter: @FranklintonMS