The Wildcat Week Ahead
Hello, GIS Families,
It looks like we're in for some wet and cold weather tomorrow. Please be sure to send your kiddo to school with snow pants, gloves, a hat, boots, and a jacket. All students go outside for recess unless the feels like temperature is 10 degrees or colder. If you need help with warm weather gear, please let me know.
Thank you to Ms. Drasler for hosting a wildly successful book fair! Her goal for GIS was to sell $5000 in books, and we surpassed that! GIS gets a portion of the money and it will be used to buy new books for GIS. We also had many student helpers set up the book fair. A big thanks to Sam, Lainee, Paige, Sylvia, Penelope, Ella and Trey. They were all such a huge help and they gave up their recess to be in the library!
Please be sure to get your ski and ride signups in, check out the update on gum at GIS, and read the special message from our Unified Arts teachers.
As always, my door and inbox are always open,
Mrs. H
Dates to Remember
December 13- Informational Wrestling Meeting in the GIS Library @ 6PM
December 15- 5th and 6th grade Unified Friday
December 20- Last day to sign up for ski and ride.
December 22- January 2 - No School Winter Break
Basketball Information
Grand Isle Wrestling Club
No More Gum
Gum, unfortunately, has not been thrown away correctly at school, leaving messy globs for Ms. Shannon and Mr. Toby to scrape off different surfaces. We will not allow students to chew gum and will let you know when that changes.
Message From Unified Arts
We are planning a special Unified Friday for the 5th and 6th graders on Friday December 15th. Based on our theme of Caring, Sharing and Giving, our students will be going to Bayview Crossing senior residence and Turn To Joy Preschool to carol, play games, decorate cookies and spread some joy. We are looking for some parent volunteers to help assist and have some fun! Please reach out to your principals before Wednesday if you are willing to join!
Thank you!
Math Fun!
Check out this message from Ms. Natalie!
" We have been doing a lot of work with 10 frames and the numbers that add up to make 10 (Ten Friends). Today we got out our brand new Play-Doh and number stamps. The kids used two different shapes to make 10 and then stamped the equation. That was the quietest I’ve ever heard them. They were in such deep concentration. It was super cute! "
School Board Meeting Information
CIUUSD Meeting
The CIUUSD board meeting meets on the second Tuesday of each month. You can participate in person or virtually. Here is the meeting link to attend via Google Meet, or you can call in:
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 724-436-2108
PIN: 234 032 665#
Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023, 06:00 PM
Grand Isle Supervisory Union, VT, USA
Operation Happiness brings support and joy to families in need this holiday season. In the link, you will find a contact if your family is in need, and you can also donate an unwrapped toy to support Operation Happiness. Please drop off all unwrapped toys to the main office.
Ski and Ride Information
The GIS Ski and Ride program is back and continued sponsorship from the Grand Isle Rec Committee is making this affordable for all families. Please see the informational link below.
Due to a very generous donation, ski and ride has never been more affordable for families! ❤️
Important Links
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
All meals are free to ALL students.
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913
Attendance Form: