FMSD GT Review Process
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding GT Eligibility
Where can I find information from the South Carolina Department of Education about Gifted and Talented?
What are the requirements for a student to qualify for the Gifted & Talented Program?
Will my child have more than one chance to qualify for GT?
Yes, in FMSD we have an ongoing review process for students that begins in first grade and continues through high school.
At the close of each school year, the following data is reviewed for ALL students in grades 2-8.
Grade 2 Winter Iowa achievement scores (all students test)
- Grade 2 CogAT aptitude scores (all students test)
- Grades 3-5 CogAT aptitude scores (testing offered to students who have met the achievement dimension in the last calendar year)
- Grades 2-5 Performance Task Assessment scores (testing offered to students who have met the achievement or aptitude dimension)
Grades 3-8 SC Ready achievement scores (all students test)
How will I know if my child is found eligible for GT?
Parents of students who become eligible for the academically gifted program will be informed by mail, and students may begin gifted classes the next school year.
If my child was in a GT program in another school will they qualify in FMSD?
If your child was previously in a GT program, please make sure you communicate this to the Data Manager or Assistant Principal at your new school.
- New students previously identified in SC by state criteria are eligible for gifted services, as long as sufficient documentation is obtained.
- New students who were enrolled in an academically gifted program at their previous school may be referred for screening.
- Screening is available for new students who are seeking to continue, not begin, gifted services.
- Previous school records must be received before a referral can be submitted.
- Parents should request referrals from their school assistant principal
- Referred students who do not have recent, valid, nationally-normed achievement and aptitude scores from their previous school will be will be scheduled into the next available test session through the school district office.
What is an aptitude test?
Aptitude tests yield verbal, non-verbal, quantitative, and composite scores. Nationally normed tests include national percentile scores. SC uses national age percentiles.
What is an achievement test?
Achievement tests yield reading comprehension, math concepts and problem solving, or total reading and total math scores. Nationally-normed tests include national percentile scores.
What are Star Assessments?
Who do I contact with questions about the GT program?
Coordinator of Assessment and Accountability- Mr. Matt Rohring- rohringm@fortmillschools.org