Holy Rosary School Derby
NEWSLETTER / TERM 2/ WEEK 6/ 31st May 2023
Message from Miss Melanie
Week 5 was a great week to be in Year 6 as they were lucky enough to go on camp to One Arm Point and participate in the Kimberley Round Up. Schools from across the Kimberley arrived on Monday and set up their tents. On the Monday night we enjoyed a meal of fish, turtle and salad and then entertained by the Bardi Dancers and a band. The days were filled with interesting activities like fishing, swimming at the beach, painting a mural and visiting the hatchery. I am sure that all of the Year 6 students enjoyed the experience and also made some new friends from other schools. Thank you to Miss Kylie for helping out during the week, without this kind of support we would not be able to offer these great opportunities for our students.
Thank you to our Inter-school Cross Country team who travelled across to Broome on Friday last week. All students tried their best and as the smallest school at the event everyone went above and beyond in representing Holy Rosary School.
A reminder to families that if your child is sick, to please keep them home so that they do not share their germs with others. With the flu season upon us, it is important that to reduce the rate of infection that sick children stay home.
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be happening on Wednesday 14th June. We encourage all families to meet with their child's teacher so that you are able to hear how they are progressing so far this year. Students who have an IEP, these meetings will also take place on the same day. The PTO link will be sent out to families shortly.
Finally I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our families for getting their children to school. Our attendance rate so far this year has dramatically improved from last year and this could not happen without your support. Lots of great learning is happening in the classes and this is made easier when children come to school every day, thank you for supporting your child's learning our staff really appreciate your efforts.
God Bless.
Miss Mel
Year 6 Camp - One Arm Point Remote Community School Kimberley Round-Up
Throw netting
Setting up camp
One Arm Point Aquaculture Hatchery
Rejoicing Religion
If you would like your child to be baptised and participate in the Sacramental program and you are not Catholic, please give your name to Miss Jenna.
Attendance Reward Yr5/6
Snowy and the Seven Cool Dudes Performance
Oli said "My Favourite part was when the mirror was rude to the witch because it was funny. I think it was the funniest and best play ever".
Shaneriah said "My favourite part was when the cool dudes came in and started running because it was fun to watch".
Sports Scoop
Congratulations to all of our students who represented Holy Rosary at the Inter-School Cross Country at Cable Beach on Friday 26th May. Every student tried their best and had a positive attitude to improving their times. I was very proud of all of the students and would like to say a big thank you to Miss Inge and Miss Tanika for helping out on the day. Also a huge thank you to Miss Lynette and Mr Darren for being helpers on the day, without your support we would not have been able to take our students across to Broome.
Head Lice
School Access
Please do not park in the bus bay located on Villiers Street.
School Advisory Council
Term 2
Friday 9th June - Crazy Hair Day - Parade @ 8:30
Monday 5th June- Public Holiday WA DAY
Thursday 8th June - School Photos
Wed 14th June- Early Close 12noon Parent/Teacher Meetings
Please note dates and events may change over the term
2023/2024- 3 Yr Old Kindy-Year 6
We are now taking enrolments for 2023 and 2024.
Please use the link below to download an enrolment form or contact our friendly staff in admin.
Email: admin@hrsderby.wa.edu.au
Website: https://hrsderby.wa.edu.au
Location: 99 Loch Street, Derby WA, Australia
Phone: 9161 7200