4-H Friday News Blast for 6-21-2019
Fair theme: "Country Fun for Everyone"
Pre-fair entries
The NEXT deadline is July 15th. This is the deadline to tell us what animals you are bringing to the fair. All animals are pre-entered on-line at https://cass.fairwire.com/, stalling assignments are made according to how many animals of each species are coming. The July 15th deadline is a FIRM deadline.
Static exhibits do not have to be pre-entered. Simply bring them to the fair on entry day, Sunday, August 4th and fill out the little pink cards.
Contests do require an on-line pre-entry at the same website: https://cass.fairwire.com/. This includes Shooting Sports, Presentation Contest, Table Setting Contest, Preforming Arts Contest, and Tractor Driving Contest.
Volunteer Opportunity in Community Service Workshop - HELPERS NEEDED!
WE NEED HELP from High School age students and adults. Assist the 4-Hers with:
- Measuring ingredients for Soup Jars
- Cut Fleece fabric for scarves and mittens
- Guide young sewers as they do very basic straight seam sewing
- Assist in assembling simple craft projects for nursing home table decorations.
- Plant flowers in planters for community beautification
Please call the office at 402-267-2205 and let us know that you can come and help. Thank you!
Last Call for Tractor Driving Workshop
Did you know .... all youth aged 14 ,15 or older who work on a farm or ranch other than their own MUST be certified through a Hazardous Occupations Course. Cass County Extension is holding a 2-day class for this certification.
Successful completion of this course will allow trained youth to operate a tractor over 20 horsepower, or to connect or disconnect an implement or any of its parts to or from a tractor. Cost $60.00. Dates: July 1 and 2. Deadline to sign up .... NOW.
Call the 4-H office at 402-267-2205.
Workshops Next week ...
Tuesday ... Quilts of Valor
Tuesday and Wednesday ... Community Service Workshop Days
- For the Community Service Workshop, it would be helpful for our planning if you let us know which day(s) you are coming and how long you are staying. Drop-ins are also welcome.
4Hers are encouraged to drop off donations for military care packages during the workshop and through the weeks before the county fair. For some good ideas, check here:
- Attendees should bring a lunch if they are staying through the lunch hour.
We ask that a parent or guardian stay with any attendee younger than 6 or 7.
Read the 4-H Fair Book
It also contains rules for county fair exhibitors as well as rules for project exhibits.
It is very important for you to read your fair book, so you can be prepared!
You can purchase a copy at the Extension Office for $2.00, or access it on-line. Click here for the on-line version.
Would you like to be a 4-H volunteer at the Nebraska State Fair?
Do you want to spend a few hours at the state fair as an important part of the 4-H programming going on during the fair? They need your help! Nebraska 4-H is looking for volunteers to help with exhibit entry day, judging, and serving as 4-H exhibit building hosts. Volunteers will also be needed to serve as the Lil’ Green Mascot and an event photographer. We also need people to assist with all 4-H contests and events throughout the fair. State Fair 4-H volunteers will receive a gate pass for the day(s) they volunteer.
For more information go to our website at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cass/the-nebraska-state-fair/
If you have questions about being a 4-H volunteer at the Nebraska State Fair, please contact: Cathy Johnston, Extension Educator, cjohnston1@unl.edu or (402) 472-1762.
State Fair Tickets
All livestock exhibitors and in-person event exhibitors (contests, fashion show, presentations) will still be able to order discounted tickets when they enter in ShoWorks for State Fair.
Clover Kid Activity Lesson: Sound Science
Go to: http://u.osu.edu/cloverbudconnections/2019/06/17/sound-science-craft-stick-kazoos/ for this great activity.
County 4-H Calendar
July 20 ... Bridle and Saddle 4-H Club hosts Horse Fun Day scheduled date. Held at the fairgrounds
June 24 ... Babysitting Workshop
June 25-26 ... Community Service at Extension Office
June 25 ... Quilts of Valor Quilting at Extension Office
July 1-2 ... Tractor Safety Training at Cass County Extension Office
July 15 ... Deadline for livestock and contest pre-entries for the County Fair.
Aug 7-10 .... Cass County Fair 2019 Calendar
Ag Information & Other Opportunities:
- You can pick up an Open Class fairbook at our office.
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
Harlee Brauckmuller, 4-H Summer Intern, harlee.brauckmuller@huskers.unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty