Falcon Newsletter
February 7th, 2024
Catholic Schools Week Roundup
Good Morning,
WOW! We are so grateful for the support that our parish and school community has shown us. We had a great turnout at our inaugural Shrimp Boil on Saturday! It was a great way to cap off Catholic Schools Week. There simply isn't enough room in this letter to thank everyone. THANK YOU to everyone who attended. Our mission here at St. Philip Neri is simple to put in words but can be difficult to execute because of its depth.
Under the patronage of Saint Philip Neri, our school's mission is to prepare students for a joyful life lived according to the Gospel, enabling them with a strong defense against the confusion of modern culture, by promoting charity, humility, and excellence. St. Philip Neri Catholic School complements the sacred work of the parish by forming joyful disciples of Jesus Christ, who are equipped with the knowledge, wisdom, and virtue needed to live out their vocations in accordance with the truth of the Catholic faith.
Our teachers come every day to fight for our mission, and by attending the Shrimp Boil, you have helped us continue our mission. We had 15 corporate sponsors, and countless volunteers who poured into this event. Our PTO President, Andrea Barry, and her amazing PTO team of Lecye Lippoldt, Carly Hobart, and Renee Witten worked countless hours to make this a great event. Our SAC President, Austin Murray, and SAC members hashed out details daily to ensure this was a success. Brandon Ersteniuk and his team were outside all day prepping and cooking a delicious meal for all attendees and volunteers. I simply can't name everyone, but we are so grateful for all who gave their time & talent for this inaugural event. We exceeded our fundraising goal, which will allow us to directly enhance the student experience by offering transformative class trips & retreats, enhanced academic & extracurricular programming, and much more. THANK YOU for your support of our parish school!
We hosted our annual Spelling Bee yesterday. Our students competed for a chance to advance to the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Spelling Bee which will be held on February 21st at the Catholic Pastoral Center. I was so impressed with our students. Not only with their ability to spell, but how they presented themselves in front of their peers and spelling bee enthusiasts in the crowd. I have no doubt that St. Philip Neri Catholic School will be represented well at the Archdiocesan Spelling Bee in a few weeks.
Our very own Mr. Shon Perkins was honored at the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Saints & Scholars Dinner last week. Mr. Shon was named as a finalist for Support Staff Member of the Year! We are truly blessed to have him on our campus. He is a "one stop shop" for all of our maintenance needs, but more importantly he absolutely loves our students and staff, and has a true servants heart. If you see him, make sure you congratulate him, and thank him for all that he does!
Our local Knights of Columbus council will be hosting their annual Free Throw Shooting Contest this Friday, February 9th at 3:30pm in the gym. This is open to boys & girls ages 9-14. There will be a girls division and a boys division for each age group. This is the District round of the competition, and the winners will advance to the Regional Championship for a chance to advance to the State Championship! In the District round, the contestants will shoot 15 free throws each. Regional and State rounds will shoot 25 free throws each. You can view more information on the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship HERE.
Reminder: There is no school Mass this week. However, Deacon Jim Tucker will lead us in the Liturgy of the Word at 9am on Thursday instead.
School Mass / Rosary / Morning Assembly
Rosary is at 2:30pm on Wednesdays.
NO SCHOOL MASS THIS WEEK! We will have Liturgy of the Word at 9:00am.
Morning Assembly is at 8:00am on Fridays.
We love for our families to join us!
Thank you for reading our Falcon Newsletter!
Corky McMullen
Spelling Bee
1st & 2nd Grade
1st place: Kinneri Damani
2nd place: Victoria Brown
3rd place: Adessa Tozer
3rd & 4th Grade
1st place: Nico Bagalawis
2nd place: Arden Tozer
3rd place: Sydney York
5th & 6th Grade
1st place: Kate Marquez
2nd place: Brooklyn Herrera
3rd place: Corky McMullen
7th & 8th Grade
1st place: Branden Cooper
2nd place: Karrington Lee
3rd place: Noah Streets
Shrimp Boil
Brandon Ersteniuk and his team were prepping and cooking all day!
Pulling Pots
It was quite a show watching the cooks synchronize their pot pulling!
Thank You Volunteers!
Middle Schoolers and Parents setting up
Middle Schoolers helping set up
Team Effort!
Heating Up!
The 2nd & 3rd Grade Boys team improved to 7-2 on the season!
SPN Student Section
The SPN faithful hit the road to cheer on the Falcons!
Basketball Season
Basketball Season is winding down. Thank you to our volunteer coaches who give a lot of their time to pour into out student-athletes! Click the button below to view the full CGSAA schedule.
Soccer Season
Be on the lookout for Soccer sign-ups! We will be sending these out soon!
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shooting Contest - Friday, February 9th: 3:30pm
Upcoming Events
Liturgy of the Word
Thursday, Feb 8, 2024, 09:00 AM
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shooting Contest
Open to boys and girls ages 9-14. Contestants will be split into age groups and each will shoot 15 free throws. The winners for each age group will advance to the Regional Championship which will be held at a later date to be announced.
Friday, Feb 9, 2024, 03:30 PM
Family Life Center
Mass with Archbishop Coakley
Archbishop Coakley will be celebrating our School Mass at 9:00am!
Thursday, Feb 15, 2024, 09:00 AM
Archdiocese of OKC Spelling Bee
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024, 08:00 AM
7th Grade Day at the Mount
Our 7th graders will be visiting Mount St. Mary HS for the day!
Thursday, Feb 22, 2024, 08:00 AM
THANK YOU to our February "Snack Sponsor"
THANK YOU to HOLIDAY DONUTS, located at 7040 E. Reno Ave, Midwest City, for being our Teacher's Lounge "Snack Sponsor" for the month of February!
**Interested in being a monthly Snack Sponsor?? Email Mr. McMullen