The Cardinal Connection
Week of Nov. 10th
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity
Stay Connected With Us...
Important Dates:
Nov. 9th: LSAT Meeting @ 4:30PM
Nov. 9th: PTA General Body Meeting @6PM
Nov. 11th: Veteran's Day Holiday...No School for Teachers or Students
Nov. 12th:
Nov. 17th: Virtual Principal Chat@ 6 PM
Nov. 22nd: School Picture Day
Nov. 24th-Nov. 26th: Thanksgiving Holiday
PTA General Body Meeting
Our monthly PTA general body meeting is taking place on Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 6 PM. Please click the link here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlf-6orTMqGdVuM-8l2TexcYrZ0IQNC0y-or below to join.
Vaccines for Students Ages 5 and Up!
Because many sites will not be able to begin vaccinating children until later this week, families are encouraged to check providers’ websites and coronavirus.dc.gov for more information about which sites have received their doses and started vaccinating children.
Parents who are unable to bring their child will have the option to print and sign a form allowing a trusted family member to accompany their child to the pop-up vaccine clinics. The trusted family member should bring the printed forms along with a photo ID.
On Friday, November 5, DC Health will host pop-up vaccine clinics for children ages 5-11 at two community centers: Takoma Community Center in Ward 4 (300 Van Buren Street NW) and Ft. Stanton Recreation Center in Ward 8 (1812 Erie Street SE). Parents or guardians can bring their children between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to receive their first dose of the pediatric Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
Getting your child vaccinated will help keep your student safe and, in the classroom, where we know students learn best. Students who are fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine if they come in close contact with someone in or outside of the school who tests positive for COVID-19. Learn more about our health and safety measures when there is a COVID-19 case at school at dcpsreopenstrong.com/health/response.
Holiday Travel Reminders for Families!
With the fall and winter holiday season approaching, please continue to review and follow DC Health travel guidance. We encourage families to limit travel as much as possible as part of our Stronger & Safer Together Pledge. DCPS will continue with in-person learning throughout November and December, and schools will be closed for students on the following days per our school year calendar:
- November 11
- November 24-26
- December 23-31