Alto All Star Gazette
October 13th, 2023
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
Notes from the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
It was a great Homecoming Spirit Week! Thank you to everyone who participated and brought a little extra spirit to our school this past week. It was a fun and entertaining week!
Fundraiser Update
Thank you for your generous contributions to our annual fundraiser! As you know, it has been important to us to consolidate our fundraising efforts and limit the times we’re asking for donations throughout the school year. With your help, we have been successful in these efforts once again! Our profit from this year’s fundraiser was $17,861! These funds will allow us to support field trips, guest presenters, special classroom projects and supplies, supplemental curricular purchases, and family fun nights.
Lion Heart Assembly, October 17th, 10 AM
We are excited to bring Part 2 of the Lion Heart Experience assembly to Alto this year! This group was here in the fall of 2019 and again last year for Part 1 of their inspirational program. This has definitely been a favorite for our students! “Through music, humor, visual-art and music we land on the truth that every day we are painting with our words - we are painting with our actions and how we treat each other and in the end, we are either making people feel like a mess or a masterpiece.” “I have worth. I have value. I have a beautiful future.”
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at the school on the evenings of October 16th and 18th from 4:00-8:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you all then!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair will be featured the week of P/T Conferences! During the week of October 16th (Monday-Thursday), students will have opportunities during the school day to visit the library to make purchases. The book fair will also be open the evenings of October 16th and 18th during P/T Conferences.
No School October 23rd and Half Day October 31st
Just a reminder that do not have school Monday, October 23rd. We hope everyone enjoys the three day weekend! Tuesday, October 31st will be a half day for students. Our half day dismissal time is 12:00 PM. During the afternoon hours, our dedicated teaching staff will be participating in district professional development.
We will be celebrating Halloween on Tuesday, October 31st. The school parade will start at
11:00 AM. Parents are encouraged to join us! The parent viewing area will be outside unless we have inclement weather that day. If we have inclement weather, the parent viewing areas will be moved inside. The plans for class parties and activities will be communicated by your child’s teacher. The teachers will also reach out regarding volunteer opportunities. We ask that parents do not “drop in” at parties unless they are signed up to volunteer or prior arrangements are made with the teacher. We hope that this relieves some pressure parents often feel to attend class parties because they think it is expected that every parent attends. We encourage students to bring costumes to wear for the parties and parade. Please note: Toy weapons, blood, gore, etc. are not allowed with costumes at school. Teachers will be communicating their requests for donated treats or other items. Our Alto staff has decided that we will continue to require that all treats be store-bought (no homemade treats please). This will also continue to apply to birthday treats as well. We’re looking forward to this fun event!
Have a great weekend!
With gratitude,
Paul Papes, Principal
It's GYM time!!!
For all of you who think the PE teacher has the best job in the school, you are 100% correct! I love teaching, playing sports, and getting to know every student at Alto Elementary. As a PE teacher, I completely understand that not all students are going to love every unit we do in PE, but I am determined to help them find at least one unit that gets them excited! So far this school year, we have worked on cooperative activities, fitness testing, underhand striking, underhand throwing, and are currently working on overhand throwing. Kindergarten and first grade students learned the basics of the overhand throw this week. We have been using various balls and throwing from different distances to targets and partners. Next week we will be using our newly acquired skills in games such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Elimination. Second and third graders have been honing their throwing and catching skills. We have practiced throwing at moving targets and catching on the run. Next week we will be playing American Gladiator and Pin Knockdown. Fourth and fifth graders have been learning handball skills and using these skills in a game of handball. I was very impressed with their understanding of handball and the quality of the games. Next week we are going to play quidditch.
A big thank you to all our families that let us borrow their cornhole sets. It was greatly appreciated. If you have not picked up your boards yet, you are welcome to do so.
As always, please remember to send your child in athletic shoes on physical education days. As comfortable as Crocs are, they do not count as athletic shoes - even when sport mode is activated. Stay healthy, keep active, and go blue!!!
Mark Your Calendar!
10/16: Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/16-10/19: Scholastic Book Fair
10/17: Lionheart Assembly
10/18: Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/20: Popcorn Day
10/23: NO SCHOOL
10/24: Picture Retake Day
10/25: Gold Ticket Store
10/25: 4M/4Bo to WWC
10/26: 4Bu to WWC
10/31: 1/2 Day (dismissal at noon)