Tribal News
Donna ISD's Monthly Newsletter
April 2023
Superintendent's Student Scholarship Golf Tournament Fundraiser a Big Success
2023 School Bond Election Underway
Early voting for Donna ISD's 2023 School Bond Election is well underway. Proposition A is on the ballot, which if passed, will authorize Donna ISD to issue $120 million in school bonds for instructional facilities upgrades and additions at campuses throughout the district. We would like to remind you to exercise your right to vote. Early voting will continue through May 2nd with Election Day to be held Saturday, May 6th. For election poll sites and to learn more about the bond election, visit our 2023 Bond Election Webpage. It is available in English and Spanish.
View here:
English: https://www.donnaisd.net/domain/1027
Español: https://www.donnaisd.net/Page/2653
Donna ISD PD to Launch New Crime Stoppers Program
CTE DHS Student Wins State Championship Title
Congratulations to DHS student Jesus Bazaldua for capturing the State Championship Title in the Texas Public Safety Association's Law Enforcement Agility Course category. This is a physically demanding event that prepares students for the rigors of law enforcement patrol. It helps students develop endurance, muscle coordination, and mental acquity demonstrated by police officers in real world scenarios.
DHS & DNHS Students Headed to Nationals
DHS Students Selected as Texas Boys State Delegates
DHS & DNHS Top 20 Students Recognized
DHS Senior Awarded Dell & Terry Scholarships
DHS Senior Awarded Terry Scholarship
DHS Seniors to Compete in National History Day Contest
Congratulations to DHS seniors Cesar Zamora and Nicholle Moreno for their outstanding performance in a state level contest for National History Day, a nationwide curriculum program and competition that includes students, teachers, parents, historical societies and museums. The pair is one of two Texas teams that will be advancing to the National Contest in June with their documentary “The Webbers and The Underground Railroad: Frontiers in Love, Race, and Nations”. The story takes place in Donna, Tx. and documents the role the Webber and Jackson families played in ferrying escaped enslaved people to freedom in Mexico. The students' film not only earned them a spot in the national contest but was also awarded the Regional History Award.
Teacher of the Year Banquet
Donna ISD Partners with Hidalgo County Head Start Program
DISD Secretary Acknowledged at National Level
National Tennis Association Recognizes P.E. Strategist
Donna ISD's elementary after school tennis program was put in the national spotlight thanks to the hard work and dedication of DISD's Physical Education Strategist Rigoberto Rivera. Mr. Rivera recently received recognition by the United States Tennis Association (USTA) for his work in promoting tennis to more than 200 fourth and fifth-graders outside the P.E. classroom. In addition to tennis, Mr. Rivera and a team of coaches teach elementary students other sports like cross country, kickball, softball, baseball, flag football, basketball, soccer and volleyball through the district's Restoring Elementary Athletics in Donna's Youth or R.E.A.D.Y. program.
Donna ISD Hosts 2023 Bus Road-e-o
Upcoming events
May 1 School Principals' Day
May 1-7 National Physical Education and Sports Week
May 2 National Teacher Appreciation
May 5 School Lunch Hero Day
May 5 Cinco De Mayo
May 6-12 National School Nurse Week
May 7-14 National Music Week
May 8-12 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10 National School Nurse Day
May 14 Mother's Day
May 15-21 National Police Week
May 29 Memorial Day