District Family Engagement News
What's happening in our Title I Schools?
What is Title I?
The Title I, Part A division at the Georgia Department of Education provides technical assistance, resources, and program monitoring to local education agencies (LEAs) in order to ensure all children have a “significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps" (ESSA, Section 1001).
Check out our District Policy
If you have any input on our District Policy we would love to hear from you! You can email Kristy Jablonski at kjablonski@catoosa.k12.ga.us or Dr. Regina Bacon at rbacon @catoosa.k12.ga.us
Which schools are Title I Schools and who are the Parent Involvement Coordinators?
Each of our Title I schools has a Parent Involvement Coordinator. They are a resource to all of our parents! Please reach out to them for information and ways to help at your child's school.
Battlefield Elementary-Audra Herpst aherpst.bes@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Battlefield Primary-Cherry Stephenson cstephenson.bps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Cloud Springs Elementary-Kathy Honeycutt khoneycutt.cse@catoosa.k12.ga.us
West Side Elementary-Heather Bradford hbradford.wse@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Lakeview Middle School-Stacey Newwell snewell.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Graysville Elementary-Marissa Watson mwatson.gse@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Ringgold Primary-Tracy Wilson twilson.rps@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Ringgold Elementary-Cathy Cooper ccooper.res@catoosa.k12.gs.us
Ringgold Middle School-Amy Blankenship ablankenship.rms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Tiger Creek Elementary-Carrie Webster cwebster.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Wood Station Elementary-Jayne Black jblack.wse@catoosa.k12.ga.us
What is Catoosa F.A.S.T?
F.A.S.T stands for Family And School Teams. Several of our schools have curriculum night meetings. They may be called Catoosa FAST or the school may have came up with a name that is personal to them. Our goal for the meeting is for parents to leave knowing their child's benchmark testing score and ways to help them. During these meetings your child's teacher will review the compact, show both a reading and math benchmark graph, a grade level goal sheet and introduce a take home activity. Please take part in these meetings when they are available. They are usually virtual so you can view them at your leisure. The Parent Involvement Coordinator also makes each child a packet that goes along with the meeting so you are able to follow along and learn ways to help your child!
Did you know that you can schedule a conference with your child's teacher at any time? We hope your school is having conferences or FAST nights so that you are aware of how your child is doing in the classroom. We want our parents to be informed! If you need help knowing what to ask during a conference we can help! You may want to ask: What are my child's academic strengths and weaknesses? Is my child performing on grade level? What assessments are given and how do I interpret the scores? How can I help at home to support what you are doing in the classroom? These are just a few questions to ask we can help with more if needed! Don't forget to ask your teacher about the school compact. It should be reviewed during your conference!
P.I.C. me! P.I.C. Me!
Each of our schools do wonderful and amazing things all the time to make sure our parents are informed and involved. I wanted to spotlight Wood Station Elementary and the PIC Jayne Black for having 325 conferences during their October FAST meetings! Way to go Wood Station families,teachers, and staff!!!
Remember to get in touch with your school P.I.C. (Parent Involvement Coordinator)
Get in touch with your school PIC for volunteer opportunities and for information about things that are happening in our county. They can help you with all sorts of resources! Check out the resource room in your school for books and games to play at home. We look forward to seeing you!