Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
September 12, 2021
a note from the principal
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting is tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM via Zoom.
Intersession Camp Information
Please click HERE to view information about DPS Intersession Camps.
Mark Your Calendars - Early Release Day and Teacher Workday
This Wednesday is an Early Release Day and students will be dismissed two hours early at 12:15 PM. This Thursday is a Teacher Workday and there will be no school for students. There will be school on Friday. Fall break starts on Monday September 20th and students return to school on Monday, October 11th.
Chromebook One-to-One Technology Agreement Form
Parents be on the lookout for the Parent/Student One-to-One Technology Agreement to be coming home with your child in paper form this week if you have not already completed. This completed form is required of all DPS students who receive a DPS-issued device. Once signed you can return via your child to your classroom teacher. Links to both the One-to-One Technology Agreement and the One-to One Student Device Handbook are in the email version of this message if you would like to review.
One-to-One (1:1) Student Device Handbook (Eng)
One-to-One (1:1) Student Device Handbook (Spa)
Parent/Student One-to-One (1:1) Technology Agreement (Eng)
Parent/Student One-to-One (1:1) Technology Agreement (Spa)
PTA News: Update/Membership
To purchase PTA memberships or make a donation, please visit: https://easleypta.memberhub.com/store
Duke Concessions
Duke Football Concessions have been a big fundraiser for Easley in recent years and we are partnering with them again this year. Typically we bring in about $10,000 for the season. Sara Harrell is the PTA chair/ stand manager for this fundraiser. The time commitment for most games is approximately 6 hours. Game times that have been announced are listed with times. Times TBA will be posted as soon as possible. It's it usually am mix of parents and staff who work the games and it really is a pretty fun time and a great way to connect with other parents and staff members. If you are interested in working a game, you can sign-up HERE.
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here. Current monthly promotion is - Save $5 off any order of $35 or more with code HOTSAVINGS