Athey Notes
Week 30
Welcome to Week 30
Dear ACMS Community,
Today, as you are aware, is a non-student day at school. Teachers are busy completing grading and entering your child's third quarter grades into our records management system. Once we have verified grades, we'll send out a message to the community that the report cards have been released and you'll be able to view your child's report card on ParentVue. If you are unsure how to access the ParentVue system, please give us a call here in the office and we can help.
April is a busy month for transition in middle school. We are beginning to work with our primary school colleagues and scheduling our admin team visits to the primary schools' 5th grade classrooms. During these meetings, we'll introduce the middle school model and provide information regarding forecasting for classes. Our own current 6th and 7th grade students will also receive information this month for forecasting and will be able to request courses. Our 8th grade students will also be doing a variation of forecasting this month with high school counselors as well as visiting the high school that they will be attending (Wilsonville, West Linn and Riverside).
This week we will host the 6th grade Outdoor School Parent Meeting on Wednesday evening. On Wednesday morning is the 8th grade class picture in the gym and the middle school musical opens at the end of the week. It is a busy time at school.
Speaking of busy times, this might be a good opportunity to check in with your child's organizational system. Are they charging their chromebook each night for the next day of learning at school? Are they tracking their assignments in their planner, google calendar or some other reliable method? Does your child communicate with you about large projects on the horizon or particularly challenging assignments? Finishing the year well with completing all assignments and studying regularly for assessments is the work of each student for the fourth quarter. We want each and every student knowing that they can competently and confidently demonstrate their learning in each course.
Thank you,
Joel Sebastian
Mark Your Calendars!
Apr 12, 19, 26, 29 Garage Sale Drop Off
Apr 12 - 6th Grade Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting
Apr 12 - 8th Grade Class Picture (9:30 AM)
Apr 13, 20, 27 Track Meets (otherwise practice is Mon - Thur)
Apr 13, 14, 15, 17,18 - "The Little Mermaid" performances
Apr 21 SPRING DANCE! (Hollywood Themed!)
Apr 26 Early Dismissal at 1:45
May 4, 11 Track Meets
May 6, 7 PTSA Garage Sale
May 10 Early Dismissal
May 16 Choir Concert
May 29 No School
May 30 - June 2 Outdoor School 6th graders
June 7 - Junior Rose Parade
June 7 - Orchestra Concert
June 8 - Band Concert
June 15 - Last Day of School (for 6th and 7th grade)
8th Grade Calendar:
April 12th - 8th Grade Class Picture (9:30 AM)
April 18th - WHS will visit ACMS at 9:15 for Course Selection
April 19th - 8th graders visit their intended high school, WLHS, WHS or RHS
April 20th - WLHS Incoming 9th grader Family Night
April 27th - WLHS Visits ACMS for Course Selection
June 13th - 8th Grade Promotion 1- 3 PM
June 14th - Last Day of School for 8th Grade
2023-2024 WLWV Calendar is now available
6th Grade Creates an Egyptian Museum!
New Information:
1. Forecasting and Transition Information
2. Time to Buy Your Yearbook! Details Below
3. Yearbook Club Starting NOW!
4. National Poetry Month at Athey!
5. OMEA District 14 Honor Band at McMinnville High School
6. The Little Mermaid Middle School Musical Starts this Week!
7. Game Night at WLHS - You're Invited!
8. PTSA Update
9. Three Rivers Charter School Enrollment Information
Important Information from Last Week:
1. 8th Grade Class Picture Information
2. Coding Club is restarting!
3. Volunteer Hours for Students with Crest - April 15th!
4. WLWV District Events for Families
5. Panorama Student SEL Survey
Forecasting and Transition Information
Incoming 6th Graders:
- Parent Information Night at Athey was on April 6th.
- Administrators, counselors and student ambassadors will visit Primary Schools the week of April 11th thru 14th.
- Starting on the 14th students will begin their course selection and it closes on the 21st.
Rising 7th and 8th Graders:
- Students will begin receiving information in their advisory classes (Tuesdays and Fridays).
- Course selection will begin on April 14th and close on April 21st.
Incoming 9th Graders:
IF Wilsonville HS -
- April 18th Counselors will visit ACMS at 9:15 to assist with course selection
- April 19th Students will visit WHS at 9:30 to 11:30
- If you missed Incoming 9th Grade Parent Night click here.
IF Riverside HS -
- Course selection is already underway but students will meet with admin/teachers at Athey on April 19th 9:30 - 11:00 AM
IF West Linn HS
- April 19th 8th Graders will visit WLHS 9:30 - 11:00
- April 20th Incoming 9th Grader Family Night is 6:30-8:30.
- April 27th WLHS visits ACMS to begin Course Selection 9:30 - 10:30 AM
ORDER Your Yearbook!
Don't Miss Out - Order Your Yearbook Now Before It's Too Late!
Order your yearbook on ybpay.com Yearbook ID code: 12414423
Join NOW!
Join the Yearbook Club!
Would you like to be part of creating the 2022-2023 Yearbook? Yearbook club starts April 17th in the library. The club will meet Mondays and Tuesdays. Please sign up in the office with Ms. Chenevert. Students will need their Chromebooks to work on layouts.
National Poetry Month
Our Amazing Librarians are helping us all celebrate National Poetry Month! Have your students stop by the board to see if they can guess Who Said it? Taylor Swift Lyric Or is it a Line from Robert Frost Poem? Kendrick Lamar Lyric or is it a Line from a Shakespearean Play? Some of the answers will surprise you!
OMEA District 14 Honor Band at McMinnville High School
Congratulations to the following Students for participating in OMEA District 14 Honor Band at McMinnville High School this Friday!!
Milo Jordan (Percussion)
PJ Peterson (Flute)
Griffin Reim (Flute)
Rowan Simpson (Trombone)
Oliver Uelmen (Clarinet)
Show starts this week! Tickets are On Sale Now!
Are you ready to go Under the Sea...?
Come see "Disney's The Little Mermaid", this year's Middle School Musical, presented at West Linn High School, April 13-18, 2023! Students from all four of our district middle schools, plus Three Rivers Charter and homeschoolers are ready to perform this magical story that showcases the adventures of Ariel, Ursula, Sebastian and all of the other favorites you know and love! Tickets are $12 and are available on www.tix.com (search keywords "West Linn" for easy access! Visit our MSM webpage for additional information! https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/domain/754 or contact Julie Lane, lanej@wlwv.k12.or.us with questions!
Game Night at WLHS - You're Invited!
Hello everyone,
My name is Imo Udoh and I am a representative from the West Linn High School sources of strength club. We would like to invite you, your colleagues, and eight grade families who will be attending West Linn High School to the sources of strength family and friends game night this Wednesday, April 12th from 6 PM to 8 PM in the West Linn High School library. We would love to have everyone experience the fun of sources of strength. We are hosting this event in order to celebrate all of our communities inside and outside of the school and to strengthen our connections with each other. Please encourage people to RSVP through the QR code in the flyer below. We hope to see you next week!
Thank You,
Imo Udoh
We had a great meeting last Tuesday where we voted in a new VP - Elizabeth Bragg! Thank you for joining the board! Minutes from the meeting will be added as soon as they are available. I also had the opportunity to connect with some of the incoming 6th grade parents on Thursday. Please know we are happy to find ways for anyone to help.
Currently we are hoping to fill a few more slots for the school store and will have a TASA opportunity for Teacher Appreciation week. Very soon we will publish the large list of volunteer slots to fill for the garage sale.
Thank you all for the many, many ways you support our school!
In Case You Missed It From Last Week's Edition...
Order your 8th Grade Class Picture NOW!
Lifetouch Photographers will be here on April 12th during FIRST PERIOD to take the 8th grade Class Picture. You can order a copy on Lifetouch's page using Picture day ID: FO012024T0. Orders can be placed now!
Package A 10x30 Panoramic Group Picture $21
Package B 10X30 Panoramic Group Picture with Frame $36
Scratch Coding Club Starts Back Up Again
Scratch Coding Club - Learn to Code! Club is starting back up! Club will once again be held on Mondays after school starting 4/3/23. It will be held in Ms. Hudson's science classroom, #171. You can ask Ms. Hudson for additional information - hudsona@wlwv.k12.or.us An activity bus will be available. No Fees to participate.
WLWV District Events for Families
- FEC-CCC Community Education
- 2023 Spring Community Education Class Session is Open. The WLWV Family Empowerment Center and Clackamas Community College Community Education are collaborating to bring computer literacy, English, Spanish and more, to interested WLWV parents/guardians and members of the community at no cost. Check the link for information https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/Page/16707 and visit us at @WLWVFEC on Facebook and find out what is happening in our community!
- La Sesión de Primavera 2023 de Clases para la Educación de la Comunidad está ya abierta. El Centro de Motivación Familiar de WLWV y Clackamas Community College Educación para la Comunidad, están colaborando para traer clases de habilidades para la computación, ingles, espanol y más, a los padres/guardianes de WLWV y miembros de la comunidad sin costo alguno. Revise la liga para más información y detalles: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/Page/16707 y visitenos en Facebook a @WLWVFEC y vea que está sucediendo en nuestra comunidad.
Volunteer Hours for Students!
CREST is Celebrating Spring!
We will be having a Spring Volunteer Work Day on April 15th. If you'd like to make a difference in your community and help get CREST ready for Spring, this event is for you!
We will be working as a group outdoors from 10 AM to 1PM to prep the garden for summer, clean up debris from pruning, fix pathways, and a few other tasks. Join the fun and enjoy meeting new people that also love working outdoors. If you need volunteer hours for NHS or other youth programs, this will be a great opportunity for just that.
CREST is located at 11265 SW Wilsonville Rd. next to Boones Ferry Primary and Wood Middle School. Transportation is not provided to or from CREST, but all necessary tools will be provided. You may bring your own work gloves if you prefer. All students under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling for the entire work party.
All volunteers must pre-register HERE: https://forms.gle/StNyzpoMsuxvhott5
For more information, contact Helena Kilstrom at kilstroh@wlwv.k12.or.us
Panorama: Student SEL Survey
We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the children in our district. As you may already be aware, building our social-emotional learning (SEL) skills is an important goal for our school.
We will be asking for your child to reflect on their own mindsets and approaches to learning via an online survey they will be completing at school on Tuesday, April 11th. Students will complete this survey in their Advisory class and it shouldn’t take more than 20-30 minutes to complete. If your child is absent on this day, an additional opportunity to complete the survey will occur on Friday, April 14th, also during Advisory.
The survey content will ask students to self-reflect on social awareness, growth mindset, school climate, sense of belonging, and teacher-student relationships. (Grades 6-12 will also be asked about cultural awareness, diversity and inclusion.)
We are asking that all of our students participate in the surveys, as their responses will provide invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether. The responses to these surveys will be confidential. We are partnering with a third-party vendor to support us in administering these surveys.
If you have any questions about the Panorama survey , please reach out to Kevin Hertel (hertelk@wlwv.k12.or.us).
About Us
Thank you for subscribing to this listserv. This serves as one of our main means of communication. If you have a friend who isn't signed-up, please encourage them to do so. Thank you!