May 2023 - Blue

May 2023
Welcome to the Birch Grove Bulletin!
As part of the Osseo Area Schools operational plan and strategic direction, the district's communication team is working together with schools to help create improved communications between the district and its families and community members. Our new e-newsletters are more accessible and translatable, and they can be shared for easily in a variety of formats. Moving forward, monthly newsletters will no longer be printed and sent home with students. We hope you enjoy catching up with the latest Birch Grove news in this new format!
A Message from Principal Salazar
Dear Families,
Learning is an ongoing process, and we always learn something new. It is exciting to have about 30% of our scholars staying after school participating in our Targeted Services Enrichment Program. Many of our scholars registered for our Amplify August learning academy. You can continue the learning process at home by having your child read to you, their sibling or listen to you read to them. Bedtime is a great time to read stories to children, but any time during the day is good as well. The greatest motivator for young people to read is to see their adults reading. Story telling also helps the brain make connections and increases their vocabulary. Similarly, having scholars use everyday math at the grocery store or gas pump brings math alive rather than disconnected from our realities. Taking family walks around the neighborhood or park is a good opportunity to do a bit of science - observing insects, birds and other animals searching for food and shelter. The outdoors is a perfect place to interact with the arts from pretend play, drawing clouds, singing, and dancing in the middle of the forest. The possibilities are endless, and the main thing is spending time together.
We are congratulating four teachers who completed a year-long course on the Science of Reading. It was a lot of work which included online modules and over 50 hours of online seminars. Nine staff members have completed or will soon be doing two half-day online trainings on Restorative Practices. All the staff members are engaging with a variety of books entitled How the Word is Changed by Clint Smith, Redeeming Justice by Jarrett Adams, and Street Data by Shae Safir and Jamila Dugan. The Equity Team is also leading a book club with the books Hacking School Discipline by Brad Weinstein and Nathan Maynard and Rez Life by David Treuer. The learning will culminate with a breakfast reading club meeting in June to share their learning experiences. We all continue learning to be better prepared for our scholars.
We are excited with all the field trips and artists in residence we had this school year. Field trips and artists in residence increase our exposure to new learning and helps us enjoy other perspectives, experiences, and information. The PTO and the school have covered most of the cost of these projects. The goal is for every scholar to attend field trips and to have enough parent volunteers as well.
The school year is coming to an end soon, but learning continues through the summer. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for your scholar.
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal
Highlights & Announcements
Birch Grove Welcomes Titambe West African Dance Ensemble
Students in grades K-2 were able to watch and participate in Ghanian music and dance on April 10th with the Titambe West African Dance Group. Click here to learn more about the performance!
Birch Grove Families & Staff Attend Steak Fry Fundraiser
Students, families, and staff came together on April 16th at the Osseo-Maple Grove American Legion for a steak fry and bake sale fundraiser. A huge thanks to the Birch Grove PTO, event volunteers, the American Legion staff & community, and everyone who attended to support our school!
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8th-12th
The Birch Grove PTO is taking donations to help show our teachers how much we appreciate all they do! Click here to donate money or here to sign up to donate items for our Salad Bar Potluck on May 10th. Any questions can be directed to the PTO at ptobirchgrove@gmail.com
Krispy Kreme Donuts - Our Next FUNdraiser!
The Birch Grove PTO will be selling Krispy Kreme Donuts to raise funds that go toward various school projects including our end-of-the-year school party, field trips, arts programming projects and more! Click below to order and pay online. Orders may also be placed with the paper order forms that were sent home with students last week. Extra copies are available in the office.
Options include:
- Original glazed donuts ($11 per dozen)
- Flavored & filled glazed donuts ($13 per dozen)
- Chocolate iced glazed
- Glazed raspberry filled
- Glazed lemon filled
- Glazed Kreme filled
- Bags of ground coffee ($11 per bag)
- Smooth
- Rich
- Decaf
Upcoming Events
Band & Orchestra Concerts
Come support the Birch Grove Band & Orchestra students at their upcoming concerts! Our musicians have been practicing hard all year and are looking forward to performing for their family and friends.
Tuesday, May 2nd, 8:00 pm: 5th Grade Band Concert at Osseo Middle School
Wednesday, May 10th, 6:30 pm: 5th Grade Orchestra Concert at Osseo Middle School
Wednesday, May 17th, 6:00 pm - Birch Grove Full Orchestra Concert at Birch Grove Elementary
Birch Grove Spotlight on the Arts
Join us for two nights celebrating the amazing work our Troupes students have put into the arts this year! Raffle tickets, concessions, and Art Troupes games will be available for purchase for $1 each. Raffle tickets go toward a drawing for prize baskets!
Friday, May 12th, 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm: Grades 4 & 5*
Friday, May 19th, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Grades 2 & 3*
*ALL Choir Troupe students will perform both nights!
PTO Meeting at Heavy Rotation Brewing Co.
Join the Birch Grove PTO for their final meeting of the school year at Heavy Rotation Brewing Co! Annual PTO elections will be held during this meeting.
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
9801 Xenia Ave N, Suite 105
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
BBQ, Book Fair, and Bingo!
Birch Grove will be hosting an evening full of fun events on May 18th! Grab a burger or hot dog at our free barbecue! Bingo starts at 6:00 and is free to play! Shop at the Book Fair where everything is buy one, get one free - one night only!
Thursday, May 18th
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Krispy Kreme Pickup & Food Trucks
Pick up your Krispy Kreme fundraiser order at Birch Grove and enjoy some delicious food for purchase from Ku•ma•in, Yummy Tummy, and Wonders Rolled Ice Cream!
Friday, May 26th
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Canvas and Crusts
It's time to get creative! Families are invited to join Ms. Brown, Birch Grove staff, and the PTO to create fantastic art and enjoy some pizza! More details coming soon - stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 31st
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Birch Grove Quick Calendar
Contact Information
Dr. Ronald Salazar, Principal: SalazarR@District279.org
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal: PattersonLindsey@District279.org
Elise Dorgan, Administrative Assistant: DorganE@District279.org
Carolyn Givens, Counselor: GivensC@District279.org
Megan Ruhland, Social Worker: RuhlandM@District279.org
School Nurse, Direct Line: 763-549-2308
4690 Brookdale Drive
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: 763-561-1374
Transportation: 763-391-7244