The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - April 16, 2021
Important Dates
Fri., Apr. 16 - Gala Auction Preview (3-6pm)/Bidder Registration Closes
Sat., Apr. 17 - Virtual GALA all day until 8pm (Raffle Drawing at 6:30 - Gala FB)
Mon., Apr. 19 - Happy Birthday, Dr. Thomas!
Wed., Apr. 21 - Eat & Earn at Belle Isle
Thur., Apr. 22 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Teague!
Thur., Apr. 22 - 8:15am School Mass (K-1st, 3rd-5th)
Fri. Apr. 23 - CSSE Track Meet
Fri., Apr. 23 - 8:15am School Mass (2nd, MS)
Sat., Apr. 24 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Wagner!
Sat., May 1 - First Holy Communion
Our St. Eugene Catholic Church & School Annual Gala kicked off Friday afternoon! We had a lot of fun checking in on all the bidding!
Winners may pick up items from Ross Hall on Saturday from 8-9pm or Sunday from 2-4pm at the school library
Raffle Winners will be contacted soon. Check the Gala FB or School Facebook pages to watch the raffle drawing from Saturday evening!
What Does the Gala Support?
School Track Meet Volunteers Needed!
School Track Meet Volunteers Needed!
The school track meet will be held Friday, April 23 on the school campus. 5th - 8th events will be held in the morning and 1st-4th grades in the afternoon. We could still use a couple of volunteers for the afternoon shift - 12pm-2:30pm. If you are able to volunteer, please email Liz Metz at
Financial Aid Application Deadline Extended
If your family is in need of financial assistance for the 2021-22 school year, you need to complete the FACTS Grant & Aid application by April 30. Families that have received aid in the past must complete another application to be eligible for aid for next year.
Instructions to Apply for Financial Assistance
Log into your ParentsWeb account
Select the Financial option from the left toolbar.
Under the Financial Links section, select Apply for Grant & Aid
A new screen will open to log into FACTS. This is different from your login for ParentsWeb. If you have applied for financial aid before, you should already have a FACTS login. If you have not, then you will need to create a new login.
Parish Verification Form Clarification
PTO News!
Eat & Earn at Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewery! Wed., April 21st from 5-9pm. Just mention our name and a percentage of the sales will go back to our school.
Eat & Earn at Johnnie’s! Dine in or order out from Johnnie’s (both Britton and N. May locations) all day on Wednesday, April 28th. Mention St. Eugene when you order so a portion of proceeds come back to our school!
New Spirit Wear is In! Our new spirit wear looks so good! PTO has extras of all designs, but with limited sizes available for purchase. To purchase, send an email to
Cookbooks are Here! With more than 150 recipes to tantalize your taste buds, how could you stand to miss out on the CSSE Collaborative Cookbook?!? Ragin' Cajun Boudin Bake, The BEST Crockpot Chicken, Crustless Quiche, The BEST Chocolate Chips EVER and The WORST EVER Chocolate Chip Cookies are just a few of the awesome recipes you'll want to try. Order a copy at Send a check to the school office (made out to CSSE PTO) or send payment via venmo @CSSE-PTO-19.
If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site or Facebook group for more info.
Eagle Excellence
We are so proud of our Eagles and Eagle alumni!
Let us know about your student's achievements or give a shout out to a staff member so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
In Case You Missed It - School News on Repeat
Parents/guardians may now sign up to attend school masses in limited numbers. Because our school mass is closed to non-school related guests at this time, you MUST sign up on the sign up link by 5pm the day BEFORE the mass you want to attend. We will have someone checking off names and taking temperatures in the narthex before mass.
Lunchroom Volunteers Needed. We are in need of help in the lunchroom once a week! Sign up for a shift or two to help monitor students, pass out condiments, and wipe down tables between lunch periods. 11am-1pm on Fridays.
Refer Your Friends! We are currently accepting new student applications for the coming school year. We love it when our current school families help us bring new students to The Catholic School of St. Eugene! To show our appreciation, we created a referral program. Check it out at this link!
Parish News
Mass is still celebrated daily at St. Eugene, and with the exception of school mass, masses are open for all to come and participate while following COVID precautions. Weekend mass times are: Saturday: 5:00 pm (English), Sunday: 9:30 am, 5:00 pm (English), Noon (Spanish), 7:00 pm (Spanish). All public masses are streamed on the church’s Facebook. You may also stream via the church’s YouTube channel for weekend masses.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for Vivienne Schmidt’s aunt, Jennifer Goodrich, as she battles a second round of breast cancer. | Please pray for Richard Jackson, grandfather of Sarah, William and Charlotte Elder and Priscilla and Summer Jackson. He has been battling cancer and experiencing complications following chemotherapy. | Please pray for Carter Hanks’ grandmother, Carolyn Hanks, who is home, but still in recovery following a stroke. | Please pray for Atticus and Silas Mullings’ grandmother, Tesse Mullings. She is starting chemo again due to the recurrence of her bone cancer. | Please pray for Mrs. Wilson’s father, Johnnie Spears, who is battling COVID-19 and complications with dialysis. | Pray for all those who have been affected by Covid-19, whether by sickness, loss of job, isolation, or loneliness, etc. May all find strength, comfort and healing in this difficult time. | Pray for our staff, students and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate this difficult time. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
COVID-19 Response and Procedures
My Child is Ill. What Do I Do? Allergies or COVID? Stomach bug or COVID? It can be hard to decipher what ailment might be affecting your child. We have created some graphics and flowcharts to help you navigate what steps to take when your child or someone in your household is feeling unwell. Please report concerns or questions about illness to Mrs. Goldsworthy at, and she will consult with our response team - Mrs. O'Connell and Mrs. Rischard. ALWAYS fill out and submit the Absentee Form (or call Ms. Patrick in the office), then notify your child’s homeroom/house teacher each day of absence.
Absences Please use the Absentee Form to report absences AND email your child’s teacher/house homeroom. It is important to communicate why your child is missing school with the teacher and document through the Google form. Please be meticulous in following directions if a child, household member, or close contact has recently tested positive for COVID or is awaiting results of a COVID test. NO ONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD MAY ENTER THE SCHOOL BUILDING if COVID exposure is positive OR in question. Mrs. Goldsworthy MUST clear your household for return to school in all cases where the possibility of COVID is involved. Please send illness updates to Mrs. Goldsworthy.
Screening Questions and Carpool Please remember to have your questions answered DAILY and results ready to show on your phone. Students should be masked, on the passenger side for temp checks, and ready to go as soon as carpool teacher opens the door.
Spirit Tee Tuesday is EVERY Tuesday! - Students may wear their regular uniform or a St. Eugene spirit tee with jeans or uniform bottoms. Don't forget ALL students dismiss at 2pm EVERY Tuesday!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067