Weekly Newsletter
Friday 1st October 2021
This week in school
What a busy 'proud to be Brayton' kind of week!
Don't get me wrong - this is not a school of complete angels - we have normal fallible children learning here and normal fallible human beings teaching them (and an even more fallible Headteacher!) But sometimes I just look around and think "this is as good as it gets" and this week I've said it quite a few times. Sometimes 'Braytonites' simply shine - and this week they have shone very brightly indeed.
Thank you for your continued support - have a really lovely weekend.
Mrs R - Proud Headteacher
Whole School Attendance
That's below target attendance.
An amazing 323 children had 100% attendance this week.
Happy Birthdays!
Many many many many happy returns this week to.....
Mr Pooley, Oliver Dockray, Freya Chilvers, Alfie Longhurst, Alex Yesil, Benjamin Ingham, Charlie Adams, Ellie Graley, Nancy Mattinson, Imogen Chalkley, Jessica Pearce, Elliot Kelly, Dylan Nelson , Benjamin Mustapha, Thomas Summerton, James Smith, Macy Adkin, Harry Wildon, Jessica Bradley, Alex Holliday, Alex Robinson, Ethan Sowersby, Billy Simmonds, Luca Cobbold, Keeley Sharpe, Maisie Fenton, Max Willis, Kian Bird, Isla Lodge, Noah Whittaker-Doherty, Joseph Possnett
This week in classrooms
Nursery - Stars
This week has been all about trains and rain. We have enjoyed reading ‘Oi, Get off our Train’, especially the repeated parts and ‘Faster, Faster Little Red Train’. We have used the small world train track to make a track right round Stars. We have tried to draw train tracks outside, but the rain kept washing them away. We even made our own train and visited lots of places including the seaside and dinosaur land. There has also been a lot of discussion around birthdays.
In phonics this week we have continued to focus on our listening skills. We have played sound lotto and lots of guessing the sound games. In maths we have explored 1-1 correspondence by moving objects (1 person for each train carriage) and the number 1
Superstar - Ada Parker-Houlden
FS - Moon and Mercury
The children have all listened to the story 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. It is a story about a Colour Monster who is a mix of colours. We have used the idea in the story to help the children with their emotional development. The Children have also been making some beautiful cards for someone in the class telling them why they are special as well as drawing things that make them feel calm. We have also been reading 'The Button Box' by Margarette Reid and investigating how we can match buttons by colour and size as well as sorting buttons in different groups.
Superstars - Jaxon Acaster, Isabella RAmpling
Y1 - Galaxy and Venus
What a busy week we have had learning, investigating and creating this week! We have enjoyed sharing our new superhero themed story Juniper Jupiter and writing a character description using adjectives. We have been very impressed to see the children applying their phonic skills. In maths, we have been ordering numbers, using ordinal numbers and investigating number lines. We have completed paper self portraits using the paper techniques learnt last week. In science, we have been investigating the sense of touch and had lots of fun exploring different textures.
Superstars - Grace Short, Emilie Knight
Year 2 / 3 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune
In Year 2/3 we have been writing diaries about the Great Fire of London as if we were Boxton the rat from our class book. The children were even seen sprouting face painted whiskers to help them get into character. We have looked carefully at the features of Tudor houses and then designed our own in DT. In PSHCE, we have explored how careful hand hygiene could have helped the people of London stop the Plague in the same way as it helps protect us from Covid. We have continued our work on Place Value in Maths. The children are really good at placing numbers on a numberline and using the smaller than/ greater than sign. If all this isn't enough, try asking your children how to say hello and goodbye in French!
Superstars - Noah Smethurst, Esta Heslop, Isabel Harris
Year 4 Mars and Earth
Despite the turn in the weather, it’s been a sunny and smiley week in year 4. In English, we have put together our newfound knowledge of the Vikings and written a newspaper article based on the Viking attack in Lindisfarne in 793 AD! The children have worked really hard to take care with their first Year 4 write and show off the skills they have remembered from Year 3. In maths we have been very busy bees. We started the week exploring 10, 100 and 1000 than any number less than 10,000 before challenging ourselves by rounding numbers to the nearest 10.
Superstars - Sebastian Draper, Autumn Wray
Year 5 Asteroid and Pluto
Year 5 have had a busy week working with Roman numerals, counting in powers of 10 and comparing large numbers. As well as recording work in our maths' books, we have learned some exciting, new games and solved puzzles to enhance our learning of place value. Through our computer research, we are learning just how scary and severe Tudor punishments were, for even the most minor crimes. Who would believe that a public execution in Tudor times was as popular as the release of a new James Bond film, nowadays! Perfecting our king and queen- like poses, we are starting to develop our drawing skills in our personal Tudor- style family portraits. This week's wet weather enabled us to develop teamwork skills in indoor P.E. with the giant parachute - a favourite for many.
Superstars - Riley Lee, Alex Brown
Year 6 Nebular and Constellation
Well, the Americans have only gone and done it... that's right, they've landed on the Moon... You can 'read all about it' in our newspaper writing from this week. What we don't know about that mission to our satellite is not worth knowing! In Maths we have been working on our calculations again, this time multiplication and division were dispatched with aplomb. Mr Fash-Hill and Mr Close keep throwing those challenges at us, and we just bat them right back, completed (well, after a good 30 minutes of toil). In Science this week we have been learning all about the Earth's tilt and how this causes the seasons and in our class novel, the countdown is upon us. The plot is unravelling and we are almost at the point of finding out how our 13 year old main character arrived in the unknowns of space
Superstars - Jessica Bradley, Oliver Short
Honey Pot Prize Winners
Extra bee points
10 extra bee points go to:
Best attendance
Green 98
No red slips
Sadly - all of the hives had red slips this week.
Hive with the most bee points so far this year
So far this year:
Green Hive
Well done - keep it up!