Carl Ben Eielson Middle School
Daily Announcements, Tuesday, November 21st- D -Day
Daily Announcements, Tuesday, November 21st- D -Day
CBE Attendance line is available 24 hours a day. 701-446-1710
NO WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB after school today, boys. See you next week on Tuesday!
Teachers, be on the lookout later this morning for an email from Mrs. Collins with details about the Teacher Pieing that happens later this afternoon.
CALLING ALL 6TH Grade Girls, on Saturday December 2nd. There will be a FREE basketball camp from 3:30-5PM. This camp will be held at Fargo South High School. This is a great chance to improve your basketball skills and meet the varsity coaching staff and players. If you have any questions stop into Mr. Benson's room (room 54) or find Coach Olson in the office or by the front door in the morning. Grab a Friend and we will see you on December 2nd!
CBE Activities:
Boys Wrestling Meet is 11/27/23 at CBE, begins at 5 pm
Boys Wrestling Meet is 11/30 at Ben Franklin 5 pm (bus leaves at 4:15 pm)
Bruin of the Week!
Tomcats - Mr. Grant for joining an amazing team and helping to make it even more awesome!
Eagles - Ms. McGuire for stepping up as a new member to the CBE family and helping the Eagles team soar!
Broncos - Ms. Issendorf for being an amazing 6th grade science teacher who sets her students up for success as a 7th grader in Life Science!
Mustangs - Miss Auran makes Mustangs love Math! Keep up the great work, we’re lucky to have you on the team!
Seahawks - Ms. Wilhelm is a veteran teacher who has taught science, ILC, and now Health! She’s an amazing team member who makes learning fun!
Skyhawks - Ms. Schindler is the Skyhawk who makes US History fun and exciting. She has brought a dimension to the team that is recognized by the rest of the team!
Bearcats - Ms. Black for being the teacher who makes spaghetti dinners in FACS super cool! Her 8th graders loved inviting teachers to join the spaghetti dinner even if it was more like a spaghetti breakfast!
Happy Birthday to:
Naomi I.
Happy Early Birthday to:
Alexander G, Jersey K, Preston P, Joshua S, Megan F, Zachary Khoi H, Priston F, Savanna M, Success T. and Jessica L.
Carl Ben Eielson Middle School
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/cbe
Location: 1601 13th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-1700
Twitter: @FPSCarlBen