News from the Nest
Strength. Determination. Knowledge.
Happy Friday, Families!
Happy October, Families!
We have lots of fun items in this week's newsletter!
Each month, every teacher will choose a student who has exemplified a specific character trait for the month. For September, our focus was on safety! Displaying safe behaviors has included some pieces that are new this year-- wearing masks properly, washing hands regularly, not sharing food or personal space, etc.-- and has included behaviors that are typical every year-- keeping one's hands to themselves, sitting correctly in chairs, using walking feet inside, etc. Students who were selected by their teachers displayed safety in a variety of ways, and we are so proud of them! Their pictures and a comment from the teacher who selected the student are included below.
Mr. Bedford is working with our athletic league to determine whether or not 4th-6th grade sports will take place this year. If you have a student in 4th-6th grade, please take a moment to answer the interest survey at the bottom of the newsletter.
Finally, we will be hosting a Trunk-or-Treat for our families the last week of October! We'll have a date set for you by next week. We hope you're able to join us for a bit of fun!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
Dismissal starts promptly at 3:30 each and every day. It has taken 8 minutes or less to dismiss every student from our building (and the initial line is cleared in less time than that!). Dismissal ends at 3:45.
Thank you for making our dismissal process an efficient one!
Students of the Month
Our September character trait was safety! Congratulations to the following scholars who were identified by their teachers as being a great role model and displaying safety all month long! Thank you, Students of the Month, for remembering to SOAR!
Quareana, 4th Grade
Kaden, 2nd Grade
Aireonna (picture from last year), 2nd Grade
Trevon, 6th Grade
DeWayne, 3rd Grade
Frederick (picture from last year), 1st Grade
"Amaya follows all classroom rules and school expectations and has respectfully reminded other students of our expectations."
Mr. Chapman - Jai'den Wright
"Jai'den has been very responsible at school keeping the safety of himself and others in mind. He is a student I can depend on following expectations during the school day, and I know his classmates look up to him for that as well."
Mrs. Roark - Jacob Henderson
"Jacob is a great example to his classmates in all areas of safety. He keeps his mask on, maintains distance in the hallways, always uses walking feet, and remains calm and quiet during drills. Jacob is the type of peer model all teachers need."
Ms. Paynter - Quareana Fisher
"Quareana has been doing really well with following the procedures that are set for the students. She has also been working really hard in class as well as online."
Mrs. Cook - Kaden Brown
"Kaden works hard at keeping himself safe in the classroom, but also on the playground. Likewise, if he sees someone too close to another peer, he will politely remind the person and add a 'thank you' once they distance themself."
Ms. Prawdzik - Aireonna Williams
"Aireonna demonstrates safe behavior everytime she is in the classroom. She sets a great example for others by following classroom rules and expectations. She keeps herself safe, as well as others around here.
Ms. Crane - Trevon Maynard
"Trevon always follows school procedures and rules. He helps create a safe and friendly classroom environment. He is a pleasure to have in class."
Mr. Teer - DeWayne Bedenfeld
"Since day one, DeWayne has shown me he has what it takes to lead by example in the classroom; DeWayne comes prepared to school, follows the school guidelines and classroom procedures, and gets his work done on time, all while not only keeping himself safe, but protecting the others around him as well. Way to go, DeWayne!
Miss Merlo - Frederick Randle
"Frederick always makes sure to follow the safety rules in the classroom and makes sure our classroom is clean everyday. He also helps his classmates if they forget and reminds them of the rules for safety."
Kickboard works a lot like Class Dojo, but with additional benefits for students, staff, and families. Please register with the system by using your student's birthday and the access code provided by their teacher. We recommend downloading the app, but you can also register here.
To register a second student under one adult's account, log out of the account, and go to log back in. You should see an option below the login that allows you to add another access code. (See the image below.) Let us know if you need further assistance!
Thank you!
Boys & Girls Club
MTA has agreed to provide transportation both TO and FROM the Boys and Girls Club for all of our families who want to attend. To register, please notify Chris in the office. We have three forms you will need to fill out, and then we can add your students to the Boys and Girls Club program. The forms are also below if you'd like to print them at home.
The Boys and Girls Club provides an educational learning environment for students on days when they're not in school with us. The Club expanded their hours and staff to accommodate small groups of eight students or less! Your child will receive support with their virtual learning as well as participate in other activities throughout their day. The Club also provides breakfast, lunch, and a snack for all students!
Have Questions? Contact Us Today!
Location: 3196 Pasadena Ave, Flint, MI 48504
Phone: 810.768.3860