Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Giving up is easy, finishing a goal is hard. Ray Croc is a story of perseverance. The golden arches are also synonymous with one of the oldest, biggest, and most successful businesses in the world. But without Ray Croc, McDonalds would have been a one location burger chain in San Bernardino. Ray met the brothers behind McDonald’s and eventually convinced them of a franchise model to grow the brand. Today, McDonald’s hire around 1 million workers in the US every year with $27 billion in revenue makes it the 90th-largest economy in the world. The definition of PERSVERANCE is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. synonyms: persist, continue, carry on, go on, keep on, keep going, not give up, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, see/follow something through, keep at it, show determination, press on/ahead, stay with something.
Week of November 16th - Recovery Phase 2, Step 2
Monday, 6PM - Council Meeting (In-Person & ZOOM)
Tuesday, 4PM - Municipal Court; 7PM - Presentation on Tiny Houses @ Presbyterian Church
Wednesday, 11:30 - Chamber Luncheon, City Presentation on Health & Wellness; 5PM - Historic Preservation Commission via ZOOM
Friday, 8AM - Noon - Free COVID Testing @ Crescent Lake Christian Center
Saturday - Christmas in Excelsior Springs Begins: 10AM Downtown Holiday Open Houses, Mistletoe Market, 6PM Mayor's Downtown & Tree Lighting Ceremony, 6:15 PM Lighted Christmas Parade, Lane of Lights opens after Parade, Downtown Window Display Competition begins
Sunday - Hall of Trees Opens
Council Actions
Worthy of Mention
Key Project Updates
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752