Paw Prints
Mound City Elementary and Middle School
January 2024
Mark your calendar!
- January 2 - Teacher In-service; no school for students
- January 3 - Students back in the building for first day of Qtr. 3
- January 5 - Cub Clinic permission forms due
- January 8 - Quarter 2 grade cards will be sent home this week!
- January 8-9 - MS play auditions during 8th Hr; must have signed permission slip to audition
- January 11 - JH Scholar Bowl at West Nodaway
- January 12 - Quarter 2 Awards Assembly - See "Events" section for more info.
- January 15 - MLK Day - No school
- January 16 - Please send back Reading Success Plan packets this week.
- January 18 - JH Scholar Bowl at Nodaway Holt
- January 19 - Cub Clinic
- January 25 - JH Scholar Bowl at Mound City
- February 5 - Teacher In-service; no school for students
- Please dress your child according to the weather. Students go outside for recess unless the temperature or wind chill drops below 20 degrees or if there is wintery percipitation.
- Please do not linger in the hallways after 8:00 AM. All classes (PK-12) begin promptly at 8:00 AM.
- Please do not drop off students before 7:40 AM. Students are NOT supervised before 7:40 AM at the school.
- Breakfast is served between 7:40-7:57. Breakfast is NOT served after 8:00 AM.
- Please share an active email address on the enrollment form and with your child's teacher for easy communication.
Event Details
Quarter 2 Awards Assembly
- 8:10 AM - Middle school awards assembly in the main gym. Parents are welcome to attend! Awards will include: attendance, PBS All-Stars, honor roll, and Student of the Month.
- 9:00 AM - Elementary school (PK-4) awards assembly in the main gym. Parents are welcome to attend! Awards will include: attendance, honor roll, Student of the Month, and Accelerated Reader.
Friday, Jan 12, 2024, 08:00 AM
Character Trait of the Month
Openness and respect for the differences that exist among people
A few examples of how to demonstrate tolerance:
- Being kind to everyone
- Ask questions before assigning judgment
- Don't use put-downs based on differences
- Consider alternative perspectives
- Be patient with others
Tolerance is worth THREE PBS points during the month of January.
December Students of the Month
These students were chosen by their teachers for being shining examples of compassion.
Counselor's Corner
This time of year always seems to be a struggle for many of us, including kids. Everyone seems to have these days, but we can always do something to help get ourselves out of the winter blues. Sunshine in my opinion is one of the best cures – so take advantage of those occasional days where the sun is out, even if it means bundling up. Get outside and feel the sun on your face! Exercise is another option to help make us feel better. Movement helps to push the “blahs” out, so go on a walk, do projects in the house that make you move, go help a neighbor, do something that involves movement! Play a game with your children – they will love it! Even if it is just for 20-30 minutes, this will help get the blood pumping and produce extra energy to get through the day. The good news…our days are getting longer, which means we are well on our way to nicer days!
Title Talk
I hope to have the middle of the year DIBELS reading assessments and Renaissance CBM reading assessments done by January 12th. I will then send home the results. I go over these scores with students in second, third, and fourth grades. If your child is in these grades, please take time to discuss these results with them. I am always eager to see these result because students tend to make big gains from the beginning of the year to the middle. Once you receive these results and you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me during normal school hours to set up a meeting.
Students on a Reading Success Plan received packets in December to practice their reading skills at home. Please send the packets back to school on January 16th. If there were any particular activities that your family enjoyed and want more of, please let me know. Students will receive a new packet with different activities around February.
Go Panthers,
Mrs. Osburn
We are starting the second semester and the students have worked hard and have mastered many math concepts since the beginning of the school year. They should all be applauded for their determination and diligence!
Mclass math, middle of the year (MOY) testing for K and 1st grade begins when students return to school. They will be tested on counting, missing number, number ID, quantity discrimination, next number and math facts to see their improvement since the beginning of the year (BOY). These results will be sent home to the parents.
In the upcoming weeks students will be working on the following:
- K--Exploring subtraction, representing subtraction as taking apart, subtraction as taking from, representing and explaining subtraction with equations, using subtraction to develop fluency, and problem solving.
- 1st--Working with addition and subtraction equations, making an equation true, word problems with three addends, solving addition and subtraction word problems, and using the symbols (+,-, or =) to make equations true.
- 2nd--Continue working with money, tell and write time to five minutes, tell time before and after the hour, AM and PM, and Topic 1-8 cumulative benchmark assessment.
- 3rd--Properties of Addition: Associative (Grouping) Property, (18+14)=15= 18+(14+15); Commutative (Order) Property of Addition, 57+35=35+57; Identity (Zero) Property of Addition, 39+0=39; using mental math for addition and subtraction, rounding whole numbers, and estimating sums and differences.
- 4th--Understanding factors, problem solving, prime and composite numbers, and multiples of numbers.
😄 What is a math teacher's favorite season? 😄
Mrs. Osburn
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Ashford
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Asher
Title 1 Math