East In Action
February 2024
NO SCHOOL - Monday, Feb. 5th
Don't forget, we DO NOT have school Monday, February 5th. This a Professional Learning day for teachers and staff members. Enjoy your weekend!
2024 - 2025 Enrollment - Feb. 2nd
Who needs to complete enrollment? Everyone!
Mark your calendar! Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!
All existing families are required to complete the annual update for each student in their household using the Infinite Campus portal. This is also where existing families can add a child who is new to the district, such as incoming preschool or kindergarten students.
Preschool and Kindergarten families - don’t wait to register!
For your student to be placed in their home building, it’s crucial that you register as soon as possible. Waiting to register may result in your student being assigned to a different building. This is because some buildings fill up very quickly. Don’t wait!
Kindergarten Information Night - Feb. 8th
Elementary schools will hold a Kindergarten Information Night on Thursday, February 8, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. for families interested in enrolling their child for the 2024-2025 school year.
Registration opens on Friday, February 2 at 8:00 a.m. This event offers insights into kindergarten, including details about Kindergarten Jumpstart, and allows parents to submit their child’s checklist.
Families transitioning to a new building next year are also encouraged to attend the parent meeting at the building your family will attend for the 2024-2025 school year. Abbie Grove will be open for families to attend their Kindergarten meeting at Abbie Grove.
To verify your school of attendance please utilize the address look-up tool and ensure that you refer to the information for the 2024-2025 school year.
Transitional Kindergarten
Ankeny Schools is excited to announce the opening of a transitional kindergarten (TK) program for the 2024-2025 school year.
What is transitional kindergarten?
Transitional kindergarten gives children additional time to develop the necessary social and academic skills to bridge preschool and kindergarten. Students who turn 5 by September 15 are eligible for the full-day Transitional Kindergarten program. Class sizes will be limited to 20 students per class.
How do I sign up?
Registration for transitional kindergarten will be part of the general registration process, which opens on February 2, 2024. There will be limited spaces available based on the time and date of the completed registration- so don’t delay registering!
*The district will continue to monitor the total number registered to determine the final number of classrooms opening in August 2024.
How will I know if we got in?
You will receive an email by the end of March confirming your spot in a classroom or on the waitlist. Buildings and classrooms will be announced the second week of June, along with all other building assignments.
Program includes:
- Same programming as Ankeny elementary schools
- Specials: Art, Digital Learning, Guidance, PE, and Vocal Music.
- Supplemental Support, Interventions, & Extensions
- ESOL Services
- Counselor/Social Worker Support
- Special Education Services
- Same calendar as Ankeny elementary schools (7:55 a.m. – 2:55 p.m.)
- Eligible for Ankeny Schools’ Before and After School Program (if space is available)
- Eligible for district transportation (for those who live two miles or more from their neighborhood elementary school.)
- Transitional Kindergarten State Requirements
- TK students are reported to the State Department of Education as kindergarten students receive state funding. Therefore, TK is considered a retention year, and students are required to participate in statewide kindergarten assessments.
Kindergarten Iowa Core Standards
- The students will be introduced to kindergarten math, literacy, and social-emotional standards at a developmentally appropriate pace, giving them opportunities to work on readiness skills.
We look forward to welcoming students and families to the new transitional kindergarten program on August 23, 2024.
For further information regarding the Transitional Kindergarten program and registration details, please visit ankenyschools.org.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Teacher conference week will be held the week of February 26th through the 29th. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions regarding conferences.
January Hawks Nest
Books Bring Us Together!
Join us on Saturday, February 24, 2024 to kickoff our spring book fair with a “Books and Bagels” event.
Students, families and friends are invited to shop at the book fair and have breakfast as well. All proceeds from the book fair are used to provide funds for the purchase of new library books, materials to support the makerspace and provide author visits for students. Stop by the East book fair for a bagel, a new book and the opportunity to enjoy an atmosphere filled with the joy of reading.
Saturday, February 24 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday, February 26 2:55 PM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, February 27 2:55 PM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday, February 28 2:55 PM - 4:00 PM
Thursday, February 29 2:55 PM - 4:00 PM
Visit the Ankeny Volunteer website to select a time you would like to help.
Visit our East Book Fair website to order online.
Sheryl Dales
K-5 Digital Learning Teacher
Save the Date
- At the end of March we will start our roller skating unit in grades 3-5. I will have everything your child needs. Students are encouraged to bring any extra braces and / or knee pads / elbow pads if they have any.
- The 5th grade Track Meet has been scheduled for May 8th (More Information to follow).
Cole Ashman
PE Teacher
Notes From Nurse Mandy
Hearing Screenings
Hearing screenings will take place February 26th, 27th and 28th. They are performed by a Heartland AEA Audiometrist. Only grades Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 5th are screened. If you have any questions/concerns, or you would not like your child screened, please contact the school nurse, Mandy Snyder. Please see attached document for more information.
Cold Weather Guidelines
Outdoor recess will occur most days and is an important part of your child's emotional, social and physical growth. Student handbook guidelines state that students will go outside for recess unless the temperature and/or wind chill is at 0 degrees or below. These are maximum wind chill guidelines. If at any time the recess supervisor(s) believes it is too cold, they will bring students inside regardless of time or temperature. Students not wearing boots and snow pants during snowy weather will be allowed to play on the blacktop areas.
Please be sure students bring the following items DAILY:
Winter Coat
Snow pants
Snow Boots
Warm pair of gloves
Back-up Clothing
Unforeseen accidents in the classroom, lunch room and playground can result in wet or soiled clothing. Please make sure your student(s) has the following back-up items in a grocery sack or large ziploc that can be kept in their bag or locker.
Appropriate back-up clothing suggestions:
- Extra gloves
- Shirt
- Long pants
- Underwear
- Socks
- PE shoes
Nurse Mandy
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand
Students will learn Leader in Me Habit 5 during the month of February!
January Special's Trophy
The December Special's Trophy Award was awarded to Mr. Vacek's fourth grade class and Mrs. Halls' Kindergarten class. The Special's trophy is awarded each month to a K-2 class and 3-5 class that shows the Leader in Me habit of the month in specials on a consistent basis. Congratulations to Mr. Vacek's and Mrs. Hall's class for showing the Leader in Me habit of the month!
East PTO
East Spirit Night (Rescheduled) - Feb. 5th
East students and their families are invited to see the Ankeny Hawks play on MONDAY, FEB. 5th The girls and boys basketball teams will be taking on Johnston starting at approximately 6:15pm and we'd love to have you in attendance.
All games will take place at Ankeny High School, located at 1155 SW Cherry Street.
Game and Activities
Game time is 6:15pm - but arrive early to take part in all of the fun activities.
- Fan tunnel for the players at 6pm
- Half-time Student Shoot-out (girls game) approx. 6:45pm
- Halt-time Dash for Cash (boys game) approx. 8:15pm
Free Popcorn & Admission For East Students
A flyer will be sent home with students on Friday which will also serve as their "ticket" into the game.
- All East students will be admitted free and receive a free box of popcorn (preschool age and under are free too).
- $5 admission for all others. Below is a quick breakdown of timing for the event (all times are approximate):
- T-shirt toss
- Signed basketball
Join other East Elementary students and families on MONDAY night as they cheer the Hawks to victory!
Yearbooks - Now on sale!
Yearbooks are on sale now through April 2nd for $15. 5th grade students will be provided a copy courtesy of the PTO!
Order here: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09863622
PTO Dates to Remember
Tuesday 2/13
- Applebee's Together We Care Give Back Night
- PTO Meeting at 6:30pm in the Media Center
Girls on the Run - Registration Feb. 2nd - Feb. 16th
East will be hosting Girls on the Run for the spring season!
- The lottery registration period will be February 2 - February 16 at 10 AM
- Teams with remaining spots available will reopen the afternoon of February 16 until teams are filled.
- Our Spring 2024 season will begin the week of March 25
- Our practices will be on Mondays & Fridays from 3:00-4:15
- Practices will run until May 17
- The end-of-season 5K will be May 18 (Tentatively scheduled)
- Direct your questions to Heather Schulz, Lori Staples, or Amina Cook
Before & After School Program
Summer Adventures Camp: get ready for a summer full of sizzling fun! Registration is open to any student completing grades K-5 during the 2023-24 school year. Camp dates are June 3 - August 16. Each week includes fun, hands-on, theme-based enrichment activities focused on science, arts, technology, and recreation, as well as field trips. Two convenient Ankeny Community School District locations. Space is limited! Check out the details by clicking here!
Online registration opens February 1 to current B/ASP students & 2023 Summer Adventures Camp students. Registration opens February 8 to all other students.
Now Hiring! Before & After School Program Teachers & Program Assistants: Do you know someone 16 & older who would be an amazing addition to our B/ASP team? We're hiring for multiple positions! If you know someone who loves working with elementary-aged students; working on an energetic team; and who's a committed, positive role model, encourage them to apply online today: https://ankeny.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx?jcat=BASP!
Questions? Contact the central Before & After School Program office - 515-289-3925 or basp@ankenyschools.org
ACSD People of the Year Awards: Nominations Open - Feb. 1st
Students, parents, and community members are invited to participate in the nomination process for the ACSD People of the Year awards, an event that recognizes outstanding contributions to our educational community.
Nomination forms open on February 1st for the following awards:
Education Professional of the Year Nomination Form
Support Staff Member of the Year Nomination Form
Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form
Your nominations will help us recognize and celebrate the outstanding people that make our school district a great place to be! Please take a moment to consider individuals who have made a positive impact and submit your nominations by March 1, 2024.
AHS Dance Team Winter Clinic
Exciting Job Opportunities
Important Dates
February 2 - Enrollment opens for the 2024-2025 school year (existing families are required to complete the annual update).
February 5 - No School (Professional Learning day for staff)
February 5 - East Spirit Night at Ankeny High School
February 8 - Kindergarten Information Night for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year
February 13 - PTO Meeting at 6:30pm and Dine to Donate at Applebee's
February 23 - Report Cards sent home
February 24 - Books and Bagels event (East Media Center)
February 26 to 29 - Teacher Conferences & East Book Fair (Media Center)
March 1 - No School (Professional Learning day for staff)
March 8 - No School
March 11 - 15 - No School Spring Break
March 21 - Spring Picture Day
Virtual Backpack
The information distributed in the Virtual Backpack (vBackpack) is provided as a community service to inform members of the community of available activities or services. The majority of information included in the vBackpack is from community organizations. The vBackpack can be found here on the district's
Please make sure you have set up and are maintaining your Infinite Campus Parent Portal with accurate phone numbers and email addresses. This enables the district, as well as the school and teachers to communicate with you in a timely manner. Click here to access the Parent Portal information page.
Be sure to create an account through TouchBase to add money into your student's meal account. Menus can be found on the District website. Please visit the Nutrition Services website for further information.
Contact the school if your child is sick or has an appointment. East's phone number is 515-965-9660. You can also email the Office Manager at ea.office@ankenyschools.org along with your student's teacher.
You can now enter absences using the Absence Request Tool in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows you to report your student’s absence online with just a few clicks.
Free & Reduced Priced Meals
Free & Reduced Price Meal applications can be completed at any time of the school year. Life and financial situations can change quickly. Ankeny Schools and the USDA offer a parachute to help ensure your children have access to high quality school meals at potentially a reduced or free cost.
To complete an application please log onto SchoolCafe and complete the application. It only takes a few minutes. If you have questions about the free & reduced price meals program, please contact LeeAnna Vigor @ 515-965-9604 or email her at leeanna.vigor@ankenyschools.org.