NFHS Counseling Newsletter
November 2023 Edition
Upcoming college deadlines and events, Dual Enrollment information, and more!
November is Apply to College Month!
November is Georgia Apply to College Month and GAfutures is partnering with the University System of Georgia and the Technical College System of Georgia to provide application fee waivers! For additional information and a list of partner colleges, feel free to navigate to the GAfutures webpage.
The NFHS Counseling Team will also be hosting an Apply to College event for senior students! Students can sign up through Student Support to work on their college applications during Raider Time and Wellness on Wednesday, Nov 29th. Counselors and College Reps will be available to assist during this time. Some schools will even offer an on the spot admissions acceptance - you don't want to miss it!
Dual Enrollment Info Nights
Is your student interested in Dual Enrollment? Please plan to attend the following Dual Enrollment sessions coming up this winter.
University of North Georgia
Tuesday, November 28 at 6PM, UNG Cumming
Tuesday, December 5 at 6PM, Virtual
Lanier Tech
Wednesday, November 29 at 6PM, Forsyth Conference Center
Forsyth County School
January 23 at 5:30 PM or 7:00 PM, FOCAL Center
For Dual Enrollment, students will need to apply directly to the colleges that they are interested in.
College Admissions Reminder!
Hey Seniors – if you’re planning to apply to a college for Regular Decision with a January 1st deadline, and you’re requesting a recommendation, please plan ahead. Your awesome School Counselors will be on the holiday break too! Our suggestion – first communicate with your counselor/other teacher recommenders and ask (kindly) for them to provide a recommendation for you! Please request this by December 1st for any deadline over the holiday break. Then complete your Common Application profile or the school’s own application, then, complete the Senior Resume linked below
If you can finish both of those things by December 1st, you’ll ensure your outstanding School Counselors has ample time to write a stellar recommendation, plus, you’ll be stress and worry-free over the holidays!
Scholarship Opportunity
ALSO, If you’re planning to apply to Clemson, Tennessee (Knoxville), or Ole Miss, then you need to create an account with RaiseMe ( This is a FREE, micro-scholarship program in which these colleges (and many more) participate. Check it out!
Junior Conferences
Your NFHS Counseling Team has officially kicked off our Junior Conferences! These are an opportunity for us to meet individually with our junior students (and parents/guardians if they are able to join) to discuss high school credits, senior year schedule, graduation and post-graduation planning. Please use the link below, find the bookings calendar your counselors, and sign up!
Financial Aid Readiness Night - Follow Up
Last month, we hosted our annual Financial Aid Readiness Night with Georgia Student Finance Commission. For those who were able to attend, we hope you found that information so helpful! For those unable to attend, we wanted to follow up with a few resources:
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - Reminder, this will not be available for the current senior class until December. We encourage all graduating seniors to complete this form when it is available to apply for the 2024-2025 school year.
Georgia Student Finance Commission - Our Representative, Anna Roberts, presented our Financial Aid Readiness Night presentation and is an excellent resource. Please see her contact information for any follow up questions, as well as her Bookings page for the opportunity to set up an appointment with her.
Anna Roberts,
Bookings Page - HERE
GAFutures - Informational Webinars