Pirates Post
Week of April 4th
Message from Principal Drew...
Shrek the Musical is presented this Thursday and Friday night by Mrs. Jones and our drama students. The show will begin each night at 7:00 PM in the PCHS Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door. The cost of tickets is $10 for adults and $5 for students. Arrive early and sing and laugh along as our talented students take you into the fairy tale world of Shrek and his friends.
Seniors your cap and gown pick up will be this Tuesday during all three lunches. You will need to bring your remaining balance in the form of cash or money order to pick up your items. You may also pay online prior to Tuesday by visiting www.highschool.herffjones.com online.
Sports physical forms were sent home with potential athletes on Thursday of this past week. Parents and athletes these forms should be returned to Ms. Lankford by Friday of this week if you plan to get a free athletic physical. Physicals will be given only to students that return their completed forms. Physicals will be given at school on May 11th and 12th.
Another week of opportunity awaits when we return to school tomorrow:
Monday - Golf will play at Gates County and Women's Soccer will play at Hatteras.
Tuesday - Golf will play at NECP and Softball and Varsity Baseball will play at Bertie County.
Wednesday - Golf will play at Tarboro, Track will run at Tarboro, and JV Baseball will play at doubleheader at Camden.
Thursday - Opening night of Shrek the Musical. Women's Soccer will host Camden and Softball will play at Camden.
Friday - Encore performance of Shrek the Musical. Spring sports pictures will be taken, JV Baseball will host Camden, Women's Soccer will host Bear Grass Charter and Softball and Varsity Baseball will host Bertie.
There are also dates coming up that you may want to mark on your calendars:
Spring Break will begin on April 15, 2022 and end on April 24, 2022.
Prom will be held on April 30, 2022. Tickets can be purchased from Mrs. Russell before or after school each day this week.
The AP US History Exam will be given on May 6th.
A job fair for Seniors will be held on May 6th at the parks and recreation center from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Students will be taken to the job fair by bus on this day.
The Athletic Awards Banquet will be held on May 31st.
Baccalaureate will be held on June 1st.
Final Exams will be given the week of June 6-10.
Graduation practice is June 8th at 1:30 PM. Graduation tickets will be given out this day. Attendance is mandatory for all Seniors.
Graduation is June 10th on the football field at PCHS.
We have 38 instructional days before final exams. Consistent daily attendance and completion of daily assignments are keys to success for each student as we enter the final stretch of the school year. Let's finish strong by striving for excellence every day.
PCHS Highlights...
SHREK THE MUSICAL > The Perquimans County High Theatre Department is proud to present its spring production this week!!! Shrek will be performed on April 7th and 8th, at 7 P.M.
Tickets may be purchased at the door the night of the show. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults.
As well as in the cafeteria during lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 5th and 6th.
SHREK THE MUSICAL is based on the story and characters from William Steig’s book Shrek!, as well as the DreamWorks Animation film Shrek, the first chapter of the Shrek movie series. It tells the story of a swamp-dwelling ogre who goes on a life-changing adventure to reclaim the deed to his land. Joined by a wise-cracking donkey, this unlikely hero fights a fearsome dragon, rescues a feisty princess, and learns that real friendship and true love aren’t only found in fairy tales.
Math Department> Math Students of the Week...
Carver - Jayla Jackson - Math 3
Craddock - Kemora Felton - Math 1
Riddick - Zachary Levesque - Math 2
Tyson - Hailey Gilbert - Math 1
Early Childhood Education> The following students earned their CPR and First Aid certification at COA...
Ava Beyer
Hannah Dalton
Tashyra Ford
NyAsja Hodges
Na’Shyla Miller
Tyasia Spellman
Shakeria Warren
J’tia Watson
SAVE Club Members> Don't forget there will be a meeting on Wednesday, April 6 during WIN Time.
East Coast Regional Essay Winners> Congrats to Derek Levesque - 12th grade 1st place winner, Malik Bossert-Haverland - 11th grade 1st place winner, Justin Richardson - 10th grade 3rd place winner, and Lilly Winslow 9th grade 1st place winner...way to go Pirates!!! #pqproud
ECSU Celebrates Its Volunteer Social Work Field Instructors> Congrats to our very own Mrs. Miller-White for your service and all that you do!!!
Students Reading to Students> Any student interested in reading to Preschoolers at the public library on April 19 at 11:00, please stop by Ms. Sutton's room, B107 to sign up.
Have you written a poem expressing yourself? Have you read a poem that genuinely expresses how you feel and/or think? Do you have a rap or song to share with others? We need you to share the poem, rap or song at the public library, April 28, 5:30-6:30, for "Expressing Ourselves through Poetry!" Please stop by Mr. Fipps or Ms. Sutton's room to sign up.
Seniors> Seniors will have a Senior Meeting during 2nd period on April 5th?
Graduation Announcement and Cap & Gown Delivery...Attention Seniors!! The Herff Jones representative will be here on Tuesday, April 5th during all lunches to deliver your graduation and cap & gown orders. Please remember your balance due. Only exact cash or money order is accepted on delivery day. You can also pay your balance due on-line at: www.highschool.herffjones.com (don’t log in to your account – pay as a guest).
Seniors that have not ordered their cap & gown unit must order it on-line at: www.highschool.herffjones.com
Prom> Prom tickets are now on sale. The prom will be held on April 30 and tickets are $35 per person until the end of March and then the price will be $40 per person. Please see Mrs. Russell before or after school to purchase tickets.
Pirate Chest> Need a gorgeous prom dress or some dancing shoes? Stop by the Pirate Chest or Ms. Sutton's Room, B107, 12:15-12:45 to find the right dress for Prom 2022!
Baccalaureate will be June 1st at 6;30
Graduation Practice will be June 8th @1
Graduation will be June 10th @7:30
Dental Services for Students> Friendly Dental Van is offering services to our students. Forms were sent home this week and should be returned by Monday, April 4.
Students please complete the brief survey today
This Week @ PCHS...
***Autism Awareness Spirit Week (see below)***
- Tue, Apr. 5th> Golf @ North Eastern 2 PM; Softball & Varsity Baseball @ Bertie 4 PM.
- Wed, Apr. 6th> Golf @ Tarboro 1 PM; Track & Field @ Washington Co. 4 PM; JV Baseball @ Camden 4:30 PM (Doubleheader).
- Thur, Apr. 7th> Soccer home vs Camden 5 PM; Softball @ Camden 6 PM; Shrek The Musical 7:00 PM ($5 Students / $10 Adults)
- Fri, Apr. 8th> Spring Sports Pictures; JV Baseball home vs Camden 4 PM; Soccer home vs Bear Grass Charter 5 PM; Softball & V Baseball home vs Bertie 6 & 7 PM; Shrek The Musical 7:00 PM ($5 Students / $10 Adults)
* Athletic Department> Free Annual Sports Physicals will be held at the high school for students on May 11th and May 12th from 9:00-1:00 during the school day. If your child is interested in playing a sport for the 22-23 school year, please pick up a physical form from Ms. Amanda or Coach Roberson to be filled out and returned back to them by April 25th. Once your child turns in the physical, they will be given an appointment time for when they will be called out of their class on May 11th or 12th for their free physical. Please contact Ms. Amanda Lankford with any questions.