4-H Friday NewsBlast for 11/20/2020
Cass County
Shooting Sports Instructor Report DUE 11/20/2020....Today!
Your help is needed in collecting information from the past year (October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020) regarding your involvement in the Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Program. This past year has been one for the history books and we recognize it has been much different than previous years. You, as a shooting sports instructor, play a big part in helping to collect this data. We use an on-line system to collect your information. You can access the on-line reporting form by going to:
- A valid email is important for two reasons: 1) your data confirmation, 2) communication
- Pages 2 thru 21 β You will notice that you will have the option to complete each project area by page. It will ask if you taught a specific project. If you answer βnoβ and then hit the βcontinueβ button, it will bring up the next project area. If you answer βyesβ for the project area, youβll then have the opportunity to input your data. Please be sure to hit the βsubmitβ button when you are finished.
- You should receive an email shortly after submitting your report to confirm it was received. This is why it is important to enter a valid email address on page one.
- I realize some of our clubs were not able to meet as they have before or had a late start in getting club activities going. Thatβs okay.
Please make every effort to have your Instructor Summary submitted by November 20th or sooner. This electronic reporting form will close after 5 pm, November 20th. This information is important to our state 4-H Shooting Sports program, and to keep support on the National 4-H level for shooting sports.
Yearly Requirements to Maintain Discipline Certification (meet 2 out of 3 for 2020)
- All instructors must teach youth or assist in instruction of youth, a minimum of four hours in their respective discipline(s) every year.
- Instructors must also complete and submit their annual instructor report (on-line format) to the state coordinator to remain a certified instructor in their respective discipline.
- Enroll in their respective 4-H Shooting Sports project(s) area in their county. Instructors should also complete leader release form and code of conduct.
Does your mail make you smile? The Hastings Museum believes that it should, and so does 4-H! The Cass County Extension Office is helping spread the word about the Hastings Museum Pen Pal Program. This would be a great way to spruce up your snail mail and make someone elseβs day. We also believe there could be a 4-H exhibit or two in the future based on this project. To learn more about the program, visit https://hastingsmuseum.org/penpal-program/
National Western Catch -A- Calf
The National Western Catch-A-Calf program has re-opened the 2021-22 NWSS CAC Application website and the new deadline is January 15, 2021. Go to: https://nationalwestern.com/catch-a-calf-program/?fbclid=IwAR3LBfau6HJKcroQJmU7Q9RlYClb-qVSWTzpwXh7LhgHHzhA_7amYd_B2N0
Itβs getting chilly outside, but that doesnβt have to stop the fun of 4-H camp! Nebraska 4-H winter camps are open to all youth ages 6-14. Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members in order to join us for some winter camp fun! All of the Nebraska 4-H camp programs follow CDC and ACA recommendations for in-person activities with hand sanitizer, masks, and social distancing. Check out all of the Nebraska 4-H winter camp sessions and register at 4h.unl.edu/school-year-camps.
2021 State Horse Expo
The 2021 State Horse Expo is looking for volunteers to help keep the show running smoothly next summer during the July 10-14, 2021 event. No horse experience is necessary and volunteer duties consist of exit gate, entry gate, ring steward/judge helper, announcer, ribbon person, etc. Contact Grace Kim at ekim23@unl.edu to sign up.
π4HOnline is now open for 2020-2021 Enrollmentsπ
**Sign up for the Special Garden Project while you are enrolling! π
2021 Nebraska 4-H Special Garden Project
NEW! Cass County 4-H is excited to offer these expertly curated kits for checkout to our members and 4-H leaders! Perfect for club meetings, homeschooling, interest-led learning, and family activities. Visit http://go.unl.edu/casskits for details, or contact Tracy at tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Don't forget to complete your Year End Club Treasurer's Report! They are due January 31, 2021 Click here to complete your clubs report! You can email it to Tammy @ tcavanaugh2@unl.edu or bring it by the Extension Office.
βΌ2020 Awards and Fair Premiums βΌ
"This is my 4-H market steer. He is a purebred Shorthorn. He weighs 1,256 pounds. I showed him at the Cass County Fair in Weeping Water, Nebraska. This is my first year exhibiting at the Nebraska State Fair! I'm so excited!"
We're so happy that Mollie was able to exhibit her steer at the 2020 @nestatefair. She received a purple ribbon and was even awarded Champion Shorthorn Market Beef!
"We get along so well! We had a such a fun summer working together. He loves me and I love him! I'll never forget him."
"Working with calves takes a lot of hard work! I started working with him in November to prepare him for livestock shows. I learned that hard work and dedication to your project makes it successful."
4-H Calendar
4-H Calendar - Be sure to check often for updates!
- November 26 - 27 2020 Cass County Extension Office CLOSED Thanksgiving Break
- December 25, 2020 Cass County Extension Office CLOSED Holiday Break
- January 1, 2021 - Cass County Extension Office Closed Happy New Year!
- January 2, 2021 - Beef Weigh In
- January 31, 2021 - Year End Treasurers Reports Due - REQUIRED
- June 14, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Scottsbluff
- June 15, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Burwell
- June 16, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Columbus
- June 17, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Lincoln
- June 18, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - McCook
- June 28-29, 2021 - Life Challenge
- June 28-29,2021 - Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
- June 30, 2021 - State 4-H Public Speaking Contest
- July 10-14, 2021 - Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Tammy Cavanaugh, 4-H Support Staff, tcavanaugh2@unl.edu
Sandy Prall, Office Manager, sprall2@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLCassCounty/
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty