Celebrating Gifted
August 2022
Welcome to 2022-2023!
- Schoology Auto Enrollment
- GT PAC and Open Meeting
- GT Learning Plans
- Curricular Alternatives
- Innovation Hour (pilot campuses only)
Middle School
- Schoology Auto Enrollment
- Structured Time
- GT PAC and Open Meeting
- GT Learning Plans
- Innovation Hour (Sartartia Middle School only)
High School
- Schoology Auto Enrollment
- Structured Time
- GT PAC and Open Meeting
- GT Learning Plans
- Innovation Hour (Sartartia Middle School only)
- GT Mentorship Class of 2023
Auto Enrollment in Schoology for GT students
Structured Time for Secondary Students
GT PAC 2022-23
The Gifted and Talented team is now recruiting parents to serve on the GT Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC) for the 2022-2023 school year. The Gifted and Talented Parent Advisory Committee (GTPAC) is comprised of parents of gifted students in Fort Bend ISD who support the GT program offered by Fort Bend ISD. The GTPAC allows parents the opportunity to collaborate with the Fort Bend ISD Gifted and Talented Department and provide feedback related to Gifted and Talented programming. The 2022-2023 GTPAC Membership Drive will run from August 1st to August 31st. If you are interested (or know another GT parent who is), please take a moment to complete the GTPAC Interest Form by Wednesday, August 31, 2022. For additional information, please contact Aisha Coleman-Holmes (Aisha.ColemanHolmes@fortbendisd.com).
GT PAC Open Meeting
We will be hosting a virtual PAC Open Meeting on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM. During this meeting, returning members and interested parents will receive an overview of the GT Parent Advisory Committee and the vision for 2022-23. The meeting details are as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 5588 7161
Passcode: 530829
We look forward to collaborating with you this school year!
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022, 07:00 PM
GT Learning Plans
A GT Learning Plan is a recommended program service based on the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented students. The FBISD Gifted and Talented Learning Plan will be launched on all campuses beginning in Fall 2022. GT students will create at least one academic and one social-emotional goal to identify an area of growth and measure progress. GT students who participated in the GT Learning Plan pilots will continue implementing GT Learning Plans at all grade levels. A list of pilot campuses is available here. GT Learning Plans will be implemented in grades 1st-6th and 9th for GT students who have not previously participated in the pilot. Additional information including a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about GT Learning Plans is available on the GT Learning Plan web page.
Each month, the newsletter will outline the month's tasks on TPSP to ensure both parents and students are on track with the TPSP timeline for the school year.
August Tasks:
- GT Showcase introduction to student on campus
- GT Showcase Student Profile and Participation Agreement forms shared on campus
- Student Profile and Participation Forms due to campus
Please see the campus GT Web Page for specific dates.
Curricular Alternatives for Elementary
Innovation Hour: Participating Campuses for 2022-23
Arizona Fleming Elementary
Blue Ridge Elementary
Colony Meadows Elementary
Cornerstone Elementary
Goodman Elementary
Lantern Lane Elementary
Lexington Creek Elementary
Madden Elementary
Malala Elementary
Meadows Elementary
Palmer Elementary
Patterson Elementary
Settlers Way Elementary
Walker Station Elementary
Sartartia Middle School
GT Mentorship Class of 2023
We know these outstanding students will represent Fort Bend ISD with professionalism!
FBISD GT Department
Email: gtfbisd@fortbendisd.com
Website: www.fortbendisd.com/gifted
Location: 16431 Lexington Boulevard, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 634-7664
Twitter: @fbisdgt