Thompson Friday Forecast
October 15, 2021
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
Author Visit
On Tuesday, Thompson had the privilege of virtually hosting author Pablo Cartaya. Mr. Cartaya is best known for his young adult book titled The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora. Earlier this year our Thunder staff each took turns reading a chapter of the book; I read chapter 12. All of Pablo Cartya’s novels center around the theme of family, culture, and community. He spoke to our students about being true to yourself and writing from your experience. Our Thunder students were highly engaged and asked thoughtful questions while taking advantage of the learning opportunity in front of them. This author visit is one of many actions that Thompson takes to support and grow a community of readers. Thanks to our LRC Director, Ms. Legenski, and the Thompson committee overseeing our building reading initiative for making this happen!
Veterans Day Information
Typically at Thompson, Veterans Day provides the opportunity for our Thompson community to come together to honor all of our veterans, past and present. This assembly has been characterized by powerful moments, patriotic music, and meaningful learning for all those in attendance. This year, in order to adhere to current social distancing and Covid 19 mitigation protocols, we will not be coming together as a student body along with our school community. Instead our activities will look a little differently as we acknowledge our veterans and Veterans Day.
One of our planned activities includes acknowledging family members, past and present, who have served our country. In this Forecast is a certificate to fill out and share that information; it can also be found here Veterans Day Certificate. We are asking that any family that includes a veteran fill out the certificate and return it to the Thompson main office. These will be placed in a centralized location to proudly display and honor those who served.
Enjoy your weekend!
6th Grade Ghoul Chase
Attention all 6th grade students! Our 8th grade WEB leaders are inviting you to a fun Halloween event on Friday, October 22nd after school from 3:40 to 4:45 pm. Students will meet in the cafeteria and be placed on Ghoul Chase teams. Snacks will be provided and prizes will be handed out for the winning teams. 6th grade students wishing to participate need to fill out a google form after getting their guardian’s permission. Forms can be found on your team google classroom page or with the link below. Forms need to be submitted by Wednesday, October 20th.
Halloween Costumes
On Friday, October 29th Thompson will be recognizing Halloween. As is our tradition, students (and staff) will be allowed to dress in their Halloween costumes. This day is always full of energy and fun while the focus remains on learning. We would like to remind the students to dress appropriately and to follow the guidelines listed below:
Costumes must be school appropriate
Costume/Hair/Make-up must be completed prior to the arrival at school or entering the bus. No spray cans are allowed on the bus or at school.
Costume accessories, if applicable, should not depict or display anything hurtful, harmful or have the opportunity to be utilized as a weapon.
The student’s identity should be visible and easily recognizable (i.e. no masks.)
The classroom learning environment should not be compromised due to a student’s costume.
Summer CTE Camps Survey
The Northern Kane County Regional Vocational System is a consortium of school districts U-46, District 300, District 301, and District 303 working together on career and technical education and college and career readiness throughout the region. The districts are currently considering the possibility of offering summer camps aligned to these opportunities giving students exposure to different career fields. Career fields include robotics, computer science/programming, automotive technology, architecture, engineering, manufacturing, welding, construction, video and music production, culinary arts, veterinary science, and health science.
In order to plan and offer the very best in camp opportunities for our students, we need to hear from you and your students. We would like your feedback on these possible summer opportunities. Please take a moment to complete the survey below by October 31st and share your thoughts with us.
Parent Volunteer Communication from the District
In District 303 we believe that families are the strongest partners we have to support our students’ education. We are excited to welcome volunteers back into District 303 buildings to assist with a variety of classroom and school activities.
As a public school district, we are required to comply with the Governor’s Executive Order relative to COVID-19 mitigation steps in all district buildings. These steps will keep our students, staff members, and volunteers safe while they are in our schools. Given that, all volunteers must:
Provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test received within 72 hours of arriving to volunteer
Bring documentation to the front office upon arrival
Wear a properly fitting mask at all times while in the building
Complete the Volunteer Information Form prior to the first time you volunteer
Our students and staff members appreciate your willingness to volunteer your time!
Volunteers Needed To Share Career and Education/Training Experiences
From Your PTO
At the September PTO meeting, it was voted and approved to eliminate membership dues for the Thompson Middle School PTO. Instead, we are focusing on the Write-A-Check Campaign. (Read below for more information.) Any dues already contributed will be added to the Write-A-Check Campaign. We encourage all families to give what they can, when they can. Not having dues allows more flexibility in how our community can show its support.
As a result, all families and TMS staff members are welcome members of the PTO. Everyone is welcome to participate in PTO sponsored events and activities.
Please donate to the Thompson Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) via our Write-A-Check Campaign!
This campaign, which is instead of selling cookie dough, magazines, wrapping paper, etc. throughout the year, is our main fundraiser for the year. All money goes directly to the students and staff and funds supplies, educational resources for the classroom, events, staff grants, and much more!
It is as simple as paying online via PushCoin. Donations via check (made out to Thompson PTO, memo Write-A-Check) can be dropped off in the main office.
Did you know that many business organizations offer a matching gift program as part of their employee benefits package?
These programs allow you to invoke your organization's philanthropy for the benefit of Thompson Middle School! Through corporate gift matching, your employer can multiply your donation to our Write-A-Check Campaign!
Please check with your company's Human Resources department to see if they offer gift matching. If your employer does offer this program, your Human Resources department should provide you with a matching gift form to include with your donations.
Facilitated Book Talk: Differently Wired by Debbie Reber
October 20, 2021
Zoom - 6:30 p.m.
Click here to register!
Dr. Cindy Ruesch, Director of Staff, Family and Student Services, and Dr. Patti Palagi, Director of Instructional Interventions will lead a discussion about the book and how it can help parents embrace and accept their children who think differently. As part of the registration, you will receive a free copy of Ms. Reber’s book you may pick up at Town House Books.
Pick up a free copy of the book any time during normal business hours (Monday-Saturday 9:00-4:00) at:
Town House Books
105 N 2nd Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
Please note, you must register in order to be on the list at Town House Books.
Dates to Remember
Friday, October 22 - 1Q Grades Available in HAC
Wednesday, October 27 - Early Release Day @ 2:52 pm
Monday, November 22 - Wednesday, November 24 - Non Attendance Days
Thursday, November 25 - Friday, November 26 - Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, December 1 - Early Release Day @ 2:52 pm
Friday, December 17 - End of the 2nd Quarter
Monday, December 21 - Friday, December 31 - Winter Break
Monday, January 3 - No School for Students (Teacher Work Day)
Tuesday, January 4 - Start of the 3rd Quarter
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Ms. Lindsay Mortensen - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100