CMIT South Elementary School
Week of November 27, 2022

Friday, February 16 2024
Themes of the Month
CMIT South Elementary February Themes
Character Theme: Peace
“If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” ― Marvin Gaye
STEM Theme: African American Inventors
Principal's Desk
Dear CMIT South Elementary School Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well as we reflect on another exciting and eventful week at our wonderful school. Here are some highlights and important announcements for the week of February 12 - 16, 2024:
Valentine's Day Celebration
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making our Valentine's Day celebration a tremendous success! The love and creativity shared among our students, staff, and parent volunteers truly made the day special. The decorations, cards, and positive energy were heartwarming.
Black History Month Celebrations
Our school has been buzzing with activities to honor and celebrate Black History Month. A special thank you to our dedicated staff and parent volunteers for the outstanding door decorations and bulletin boards showcasing the rich contributions of African Americans throughout history. Your efforts are truly appreciated.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
As we approach the midway point of the school year, we encourage families to reach out to teachers to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences as needed. While our priority is addressing, behavior, attendance, and grading concerns, we value open communication between teachers and parents. Please connect with your child's teacher to discuss your child's progress. Additionally, you can schedule conferences any day except Tuesdays as those are designated collaborative planning days.
Presidents Day and Delayed Start for Conferences
Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, February 19, in observance of Presidents Day. Additionally, there will be a two-hour delay on Tuesday, February 20, to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Principals Meeting
On Wednesday, our school had the honor of hosting principals and central office staff from the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation for our monthly meeting. It was a great opportunity to collaborate and share insights to enhance our educational programs.
Little Medical School Program and Art Contest Winners
Congratulations to the 25 students who participated in the Little Medical School Program over the last six weeks that ended this past Thursday. Your enthusiasm for learning about the medical field is truly commendable. Additionally, a special shout-out to James Donovan, a 5th-grade student, for securing second place in the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation's 20th-anniversary art contest. We are incredibly proud of his achievement.
Thank you to our dedicated staff, students, and families for making CMIT South Elementary School a vibrant and engaging learning community. We look forward to another week of growth, learning, and success.
Wishing you all a wonderful extended weekend!
Mr. Ronald A. Miller, Jr.
Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South Elementary
Prince George’s County Public Schools
Dates to Remember
Please take a look at these February calendar reminders:
2/1-29/24 African-American History Month
2/16/24 - Parent Grade Appeal deadline AP 5116 - Grade Change Authorization and Appeals
2/19/24 - Presidents’ Day – Schools and Offices Closed
2/20/24 - Parent-Teacher Conferences – 2-Hr. Delayed Opening for Students
2/23/24 - Black History Performance (K-2 -8:30 a.m. and 3rd -5th - 9:35 a.m.)
2/29/24 - CLF African-American History Contest Deadline
School Closed - Monday, February 19, 2024 - President's Day
Black History Month Spirit Week
Black History Month is starting in February. Our theme for this year is HOMECOMING.
We will host our Black History Program on Friday, February 23rd.
Times and Grade levels
8:30 am-9:30 am—-K-2nd
Homecoming Spirit Fridays
African American History Contest
CLF African-American History Contest Guidelines
Theme: How would you evaluate The Power of The African-American People?
Eligibility: Kindergarten through twelfth grades at our CLF schools may participate.
Grade Level Categories:
Kindergarten - Fifth grade (Elementary)
6th - 8th grades - (Middle)
9th - 12th grades - (High)
Contest Dates: Tuesday, January 16 - Thursday, February 29, 2024. Entries submitted after the deadline will not be judged.
Submission Guidelines:
Recorded entries should be uploaded to the African American History Contest Form on or before Thursday, February 29, 2024. Artwork submissions must arrive at CLF Laurel, 6151 Chevy Chase Dr. Laurel, MD 20707 on or before Thursday, February 29, 2024.
Judging and Winners:
- A panel of judges will use the rubric to evaluate all submissions.
- Grand Prize Finalist will be selected from each category (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12) to receive a trophy and:
- 1st Place prize - $150 Gift Certificate
- 2nd Place prize - $100 Gift certificate
- 3rd Place prize - $75 Gift certificate
- Prize-winning video submissions will be shared on the CLF YouTube Channel.
- All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Contest Rules:
1. Video recorded performances and original artwork submissions must respond to "How would you evaluate The Power of The African American People?"
2. Submission must be video recordings (mp4) or one-dimensional artwork.
3. Students may only submit one (1) submission.
4. Each submission must include a voiced introduction (video) and/or label with the child's name, grade, school, and a title or description.
5. The submission will become the property of Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Schools. The submission can be used partially or entirely, at any time, by the Foundation.
6. Submissions will be judged based on the provided rubric.
7. Video recordings must be in mp4 format and no longer than 10 minutes.
- The student must be the performer. The student is to follow all copyright and licensing laws.
- Any of the following performances are acceptable, dance, vocal, instrumental music, rap, drama, mime, spoken word, sermon, speech, storytelling, performance art, or dramatic readings.
8. Original artwork must be smaller than 11x17 and should be mounted on cardstock or presentation board for support. A canvas does not need to be mounted or framed.
- All artwork must be two-dimensional, original, and not appropriated from any other sources. Artwork must be unpublished, original, and completed by the student.
- Paint (watercolor, tempera, acrylic, or oil)
- Drawing materials (pencil, charcoal, colored chalk, pastels, oil pastels, colored pencils, markers, etc.)
- Collage materials (cut and glue paper, such as construction paper, tissue paper, wrapping paper, aluminum foil, etc.)
- Mosaics (decoration on a surface by setting small pieces of glass, tile, or stone of different colors into another material to make pictures or patterns).
Be Prepared: Winter Weather
Winter means the potential for weather-related delays or closures. Take a moment to ensure you are signed up to receive emergency alerts by text message, phone, and email. We also share delay and closing notices on PGCPS social media platforms, on pgcps.org at the top of our home page as well as notifying the news media.
Dress for the Weather
Professional School Counselor's Den
Hazel Health Services Coming to CMIT South Elementary
What is Hazel Health?
Hazel Health has partnered with Prince George's County Public Schools to provide access to quality healthcare services for all students, at no cost to families, this school year. Students can be referred by the school counselor or their parent/guardian. A designated person at the school or a parent/guardian can initiate a video visit with a Hazel health care provider while your child is at school or at home to provide either physical or mental health services. Therapy sessions with Hazel Health are a safe space and are private and confidential.
How can your child receive services?
Waitlists for mental health services for children are sometimes long or sometimes as parents it's tough to find the time to take our children to appointments which makes it difficult for them to receive the immediate support they need. Hazel Health is geared to bridge that gap. Students are able to receive these services free, virtually and while in school. If you have any questions please feel free to visit their website https://www.hazel.co/ or reach out to me.
Lost and Found
The “Lost and Found” collection bin is located in the cafeteria. Any found articles (coats, hats, gloves, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc.) are placed in the bin. Found small items (keys, glasses, jewelry) are stored in the Main Office. Students may check the “Lost and Found” for lost items before or after school, or during lunch. All items left unclaimed at the end of each academic quarter are donated to charities or are discarded. Parents are strongly encouraged to label all belongings with first and last names.
Sign Up to Volunteer
In November 2020, PGCPS launched an online volunteer application and approval process. Click here for more information on becoming a volunteer and to access the application.
📣 We NEED You! Volunteer 📣
If you’re interested in volunteering at our school, please note the volunteer opportunities above. You can sign up via the link below:
Thank you and Happy Volunteering!
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are so much fun to celebrate with classmates. However, during the school day, the health and safety of each student are important, especially students with food allergies. Students are ONLY permitted to bring in NON-FOOD items to distribute to classmates at the end of the school day. Birthday invitations will not be distributed.
Attendance in school each day is important. Let’s stay in school.
In order for an absence to be considered excused, a written note must accompany the student no later than three (3) days after return to school. The note should include:
- date(s) of absence
- scholar’s name
- Reason for absence
Late or make-up work will not be accepted unless the absence is an excused absence. Please review Administrative Procedure 5113 AP 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence and Truancy for further information.
Students who are absent for ten consecutive days will be withdrawn on the 11th day and will need to re-enroll.
Lawful Absences
Students enrolled in public schools are considered lawfully absent from school for any portion of the day, only under the following conditions:
- Death of a family member
- Illness of the student
- Court appearance
- Work approved or sponsored by a school
- Observance of a religious holiday
- State of emergency
- Suspension from school
- Mental Health (Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence
- in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs.
- Other emergencies
- Deployment-related absences
Unlawful Absences
Unlawful absence – any time a student does not attend school that does not qualify as the above-listed reasons for a lawful absence.
Scholars will be officially tardy if they are not in the building at 8:10 a.m.
If your scholar enters the building after the 8:05 a.m. bell, a parent must escort them into the building and electronically sign them in the late arrival portal. Scholars will be given an orange tardy slip to be permitted to class.
Parents of students who have 10 or more tardies in a semester will be required to meet with the principal/designee to discuss the reasons for the tardies and to develop a plan for improvement.
👩🏽⚕️Nurse's Station
Health Forms
Please be sure to submit all required health forms! Please note that ALL medications, cough drops included, cannot be administered or consumed without appropriate documentation.
You can access all health forms here for the 2023-2024 school year.
Remember: masks remain a tool to reduce the spread of illness and vaccinations continue to be the best defense against COVID-19. When children are sick, please keep them home.
Cafeteria Updates
School Meals
2023-24 School Year Meal Prices
Elementary (Pre-K through Grade 5)
Breakfast: $1.60/day
Lunch: $2.75/day
How to Pay
MySchoolBucks, owned and operated by Heartland Payment Systems, is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, make tuition payments for Before and After School Extended Learning programs, and receive email notifications for low-account balances. With MySchoolBucks, payments can be made 24/7 using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, credit or debit card, and mobile app.
Principal Lunch Account
ALL breakfast,lunch, and Principal lunch payments should be made via www.myschoolbucks.com.
All money comes/goes to 1 account (child's). All that is needed to set up account (if not done) is
students lunch pin or student id.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals
We encourage all families to consider applying for free and reduced-price meals! Visit www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict to apply online today!
To apply, you will need:
- The name, school, and grade of your school-age children
- The name of all adults living in the home
- Income information for all adults living in the home
- Student ID Numbers for your school-age children
Applications will also be sent home with students the first week of school. Applications are available at all PGCPS schools and can be submitted at any time.
Portable Electronic Policy (Administrative Procedure 5132).
Morning Arrival Instructions
Dismissal Protocol
Grade Level Updates
Grade Level Blurb:
Hello Kinder Families,
We had a great time presenting the Black History Month posters. We all were able to learn about the amazing contributions of so many different African American men and women who have helped shape our nation. Students did a great job sharing the information that they have learned and the posters were so creative.
We will be conducting a limited number of parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday 2/20 between 7:30a-9:30a. This is a very small window of time, therefore teachers will be reaching out to the families that we would like to speak with. Keep in mind that you may always request a conference with your child’s teacher at any time throughout the year.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
February 19th- NO SCHOOL
February 20th- Conferences and 2 hr delayed opening for all students
February 26th- Aquarium Field Trip
Reading Updates:
Traditional Stories
In this new unit, we will continue to read traditional stories, write a fiction story, and talk with others about why people like stories. We will also discuss how fictional, or make-believe, characters are different from real people.
This week we will continue to:
Compare and contrast stories
Ask and Answer Questions
Understanding how context clues assist us within a text
Possessive Case Pronouns
Phonological Awareness: Syllables; Initial Sounds; Word Count
Phonics: Consonants Zz / z / and Qq /kw
High-Frequency Words: her, how, down
Math Updates:
Numbers 11-20
Your child is learning to count, read, and write numbers from 11 through 20. He or she
will learn to count forward from any number to 20. Your child will also learn to use logical
reasoning to solve problems when there is more than one possible solution.
We will discuss how:
there is a unique symbol that goes with each number word
counting tells how many are in a set, regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. The last number said when counting a set is the total.
counting is cumulative.
you use the count sequence to count from any number within 20.
numbers become greater when you count on them.
Science Updates:
In this topic, we will continue to build on our understanding as they explore Earth’s weather. We will discuss each season with the class. Students will learn how to describe when each season is and what the weather is like during each season. We will also consider each season as starting on a particular date, understanding that the weather does not suddenly change because a new season starts.
Social Studies Updates:
Geography of the Neighborhood
This new topic will allow students the opportunity to compare and contrast the relative locations of people, places, and environments and recognize several different location words. For the next several weeks, we will discuss that places, and their relative advantages and disadvantages, can change over time. We will also build backgrounds by asking children what they know about their community and encouraging them to share what they know about where they live.
Health Updates:
This monthly lesson will continue to help students identify health helpers, get a checkup to keep their bodies healthy and safe, care for their teeth, and make healthy decisions.
First Grade
Grade Level Updates
Grade level blurb:
We hope that you are enjoying these short stories for homework. Please have students read and reread these to practice fluency and comprehension. Remember the importance of students completing all assignments in the homework packet. Reminder: Teachers are re: conferences for students. Please know that if you have concerns and/or questions, please let us know. Many projects came in this week. Looking forward to the presentations next week. These will be returned at the end of February. Thank you for always supporting student learning.
Please support students to become members of a public library.
It builds interest and experience for early literacy.
Great books to use and read
Good habits for life
What a great opportunity!
Link for information:https://www.pgcmls.info/
I believe there is online support as well:) A student can borrow up to 20 books at a time. Read these, return them, and borrow more again.
Reading Updates:
Unit 3
Week 3-Poetry
Genre- Poetry
Vocabulary: be,
Phonics_ Long /e/
Spelling Words: see, me, tree, we, she, Three, be, Bee, he, live, work, who, out,
Math Updates:
Topic 8-Understanding place value
Ongoing skills: counting by 10’s, addition, subtraction, and word problems. Please teach students to tell the time, it is a difficult skill to learn even for ⅔ graders. Teach both ways to write and tell time. Note: As we wind down into the year, some H/W math packets may have all types of skills, not just the current learning. Math skills are ongoing to build fluency.
Science Updates:
Living Things
Social Studies Updates:
Continents and Oceans
Black History discussion and projects
Project presentation and celebrations.
Health Updates:
Lesson 4: Expressing how you feel
Second Grade
Grade Level Updates
Grade level blurb:
We are halfway through the third quarter already! Please be sure to check SchoolMax regularly for current grades. Please also check Blue folders nightly for graded work and behavior. Agenda books should also be checked nightly for homework assignments and expectations.
Reading Updates:
Unit 3 Week 5 is all about Procedural Text. We will be reading My Food, Your Food to understand text features and make inferences.
Our Spelling Words will focus on the vowel teams oo, ue, ew, ui. Homework will be sent home on Tuesday, February 21st.
Math Updates:
We have all begun Topic 8 - Time and Money. Please spend time with your scholar counting and identifying U.S. coins and dollars.
Your scholar must be only completing the page of the lesson that we have learned in school that day. Those lessons will be in your scholar's agenda book.*
Science Updates:
We have begun Topic 4- Earth's Processes. We will focus on Quick, Slow, and Human-made changes on Earth. Such as Earthquakes, Erosion, and Leeves.
Social Studies Updates:
Many classes are wrapping up Topic 3 - Government and will be moving onto Topic 4- People who supply our Goods and Services.
Health Updates:
We are working through and wrapping up Fear and what your body does when you feel afraid. Our next topic will be Babies and How You Grow.
Third Grade
Grade Level Updates
Grade level blurb:
Another week is in the books! Please be advised progress report grades are due this week. This means we are halfway through the 3rd quarter. Please make sure students are coming to school on time and prepared to learn. We will be gearing up for state testing season soon. Chromebook collection will be taking place towards the end of the night; please be on the lookout for more information.
There is no school on Monday, February 19th for President’s Day. On Tuesday, February 20th there is a 2-hour delay for parent-teacher conferences. Teachers will be communicating with specific families to schedule conferences.
Reading Updates:
Fleet/Lewis: This week we finished discussing persuasive text using Welcome Back Wolves and Wolves Don't Belong In Yellowstone. We were able to identify what was opinion and fact. They also have received their new spelling words and will have a spelling test on Tuesday, February 21, 2024
Math Updates:
Fleet/Lewis: This week we completed lessons 2 and 3 of topic 7 which was creating picture and bar graphs. Next week we will be focusing on answering word problems based on graphs. This will conclude topic 7 so be on the lookout for a study guide and date for the topic assessment.
Madison/Mathews: We are currently working on Topic 8 (Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract)! Specifically, we worked on mental math strategies and reviewed regrouping. We will continue with lessons on rounding and estimating next week!
Science Updates:
Fleet/Lewis: This week we discussed patterns of life cycles and inherited traits. Next week we will be reviewing all lessons discussed in topic 5. The topic assessment is scheduled for Monday, February 26th. Please be on the lookout for updates and a study guide.
Madison/Mathews: We are still working on Topic 4 - Climate! We mainly discussed climate change, and we will learn about world climates next week.
Social Studies Updates:
Fleet/Lewis: Our next Social Studies assessment will be on Chapter 3. The study guide for this assessment will be handed out next week, assessment date TBA.
Health Updates:
The theme for February is “My Family, Your Family.” Students will explore different types of families, family traditions, the role that genes play in development, special qualities, and personal safety.
*Includes child abuse and violence prevention*Fourth Grade
Grade Level Updates
Grade level blurb:
I hope that everyone is doing well. We have completed our fourth week of the third quarter. The Progress Report Window has opened and teachers are busy updating their grades in Schoolmax. As always, please check Schoolmax to stay up to date with your scholar’s grades and progress in their classes.
This upcoming Monday, February 19, 2024, is Presidents’ Day and school will be closed. On Tuesday, February 20, 2024, we will have a two-hour delayed opening for parent-teacher conferences. All teachers have created their own conference schedules and have shared those with parents who have been invited to conferences. We ask that you check your Classdojo to see if you have a message from your scholar’s teacher and to sign up for a conference spot. If you were invited to a conference please do not share this information with any other family, we are only meeting with selected students. We also enjoyed seeing our scholars dressing down on Friday in their black and red to show Black love! Finally, the school celebrates every Friday for Black History Month. Please see the information posted to Classdojo for the themes for each Friday. As always students should be dressed appropriately and follow the county dress code.
Fourth graders are slated to return their Chromebooks on Friday, March 1, 2024. In preparation for Chromebooks to be returned, we required the charger that was given with the computer. We also ask that all stickers and other labels be removed from the Chromebooks. Please ensure that your scholar has also removed any plugins they may have for their computer mouse or headphones. For more information regarding the next steps for Chromebook usage outside of school please contact the administration or our technology department.
This is a friendly reminder that late work is only accepted if a student has an excused absence! If a scholar is absent and does not bring a note they will earn a 0 on the assignment that was missed. Please read the reminders to ensure that you are partnering with your scholars to make them successful in school.
Fourth Grade Reminders:
Scholars should come to school each day with a fully charged Chromebook. As a STEM school technology is utilized in all classes and students are completing assignments digitally. It is difficult to charge Chromebooks during class.
Please check Schoolmax weekly to see the scholar’s updated grades. Canvas is a Learning Management System that scholars utilize to complete assignments and get access to materials. The grades provided in Schoolmax are those that will be used to calculate progress reports and report cards.
If your scholar is absent, please share a note with the homeroom teacher within 3 days of your scholar returning to school. For students to receive make-up work you must provide a note stating; the student’s name, the date of absence, and the reason for absence. Work is provided to students upon their return to school with an absence note.
Each week we suggest checking your scholar's browser history and YouTube history. This is to make sure that your scholar isn’t going to a site or watching videos that you would not approve of. Teachers are limited to only seeing activity on your scholar’s screen when they are in class. We utilize a system called Hapara that allows us to prevent access to certain sites. We are asking that you check your scholar's computer history weekly.
Reading Updates:
This Week: Students concluded Unit 2 and textbook Vol. 1 by creating a brochure about an endangered animal. Students brainstormed animals, gathered information on the animals through research, and finally created an informational brochure on their animals. Students got a chance to present their brochures to a partner and also reflect on ways to improve their projects for the next time. Their Vol. 1 textbooks have come home and are to remain home.
Next Week: Students will begin unit 3 Diversity. In this unit, students will be reading various literature texts that explore different characters in different situations. Our first story of the text is called “Out of My Mind.” In this text, students will explore reasons why people communicate in different ways. Students will monitor their inner conversations while reading closely, make inferences about the story, and determine the traits of a character. Students will resume spelling words this week.
Math Updates:
This week, students wrapped up work in Topic 4 by reviewing previously taught skills. Students completed the Topic 4 assessment and as well as the Topic 4 Performance task. Sections 41 and 42 completed the Unit 1 Test, this assessment covers Topic 1-4. Sections 43 and 44 will take the Unit 1 assessment on Tuesday. The next topic will be Topic 5 Dividing, by the end of Topic 5 students will be able to solve division problems that involve rounding, estimating, and computing whole numbers. Students will take the Topic 5 Pre-test next week.
Please check Schoolmax and Canvas with your scholar to ensure completion of assignments.
Science Updates:
In Science this week students began presenting their African American STEM/ Inventor research project. For this project students were required to choose an African American inventor or member of the STEM community, then research and compile information about their life, and complete a slide presentation based on their research. Next week we will be taking our lesson quiz assessing lesson one from Topic 2.
Social Studies Updates:
This week: Students read Lesson 2: How Our Government Works and identified the three branches of government of the United States.
Next Week: Students will read Lesson 3: Our Rights and Responsibilities and explain how citizens in a democracy have both rights and responsibilities.
Health Updates:
In health, we are learning about our Digestive Systems! How does our digestive system contribute to the overall function of our bodies? What can we do to promote a healthy digestive system?
Pictures (Optional-Please include caption)
Fifth Grade
Grade Level Updates
Grade level blurb:
Hi everyone!
We are in February, and we are focusing on our character trait, peace! We want to show peace in any way we can! It is also Black History Month, so we are excited to celebrate and discuss many influential people throughout history! We will have themed spirit days every Friday this month, so keep an eye out for more information! We have our Black History Month production next week on Friday so we are getting prepared for that!
Please check the assignment calendar on our Google site to see what upcoming assignments students may have. We have been having tests, quizzes, and homework, so we want to make sure students are keeping up with their work. Students should click on their homeroom teacher’s name to see their assignments. Here is the link to the 5th-grade website for those who need it: https://sites.google.com/pgcps.org/5thgradeclasssite/home
Reminder that we are happy to have volunteers come in to assist us with different things throughout the year, so if you are interested, please make sure your volunteer requirements are completed. We would love it if people wanted to come in and volunteer during lunch times for students, so let us know if you are interested.
The temperature is low, and students MUST have a winter coat to be allowed outside for recess. The CMIT fleeces are no longer warm enough for recess. If the temperature drops below 32 degrees or is wet outside, we will have indoor recess!
Reading Updates:
We are working on unit 3 week 1 and our first section is about realistic fiction. We are also getting our new spelling words for this section!
Math Updates:
Students are in unit 7 of Math which is about common denominators and adding fractions. Homework will be posted on the assignment calendar as we get started so keep an eye out!
Science Updates:
Students are working on unit 4 of Science, about the water cycle. Homework will be posted on the assignment calendar as we get started so keep an eye out!
Social Studies Updates:
We are finished with chapter 4 which is about life in the colonies. We will be taking our test next week!
Updates from the Art Room!
This week I want to bring to your attention another art contest opportunity!
Earth Day 2024
Contact Email: metroart@wmata.com
Entry Deadline: 2/29/24
In honor of Earth Day (Monday, April 22, 2024), Metro’s Art in Transit program is inviting K-6 students from Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia to submit 2-D (two-dimensional) artworks that highlight and celebrate the significant role of public transportation in fostering a sustainable environment and healthy communities.
The selected artworks will be featured on bus wraps as part of Metro’s celebration of Earth Day.
You can learn more about Metro Art in Transit here: https://wmata.com/initiatives/art-in-transit
You can learn more about Metro Sustainability here: https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/sustainability.
Application Requirements:
Each applicant may enter one (1) piece of artwork.
Artwork must be an original composition created entirely by the entrant.
Each applicant may submit one (1) 2-dimensional artwork, including the following format: drawing, print, collage, or painting.
The artwork must measure 8.5" x 11" and be horizontally oriented.
Participants are required to submit a high-quality photograph of the original artwork in JPEG or JPG format. Only the artwork should show in the photo (no frames or extraneous backgrounds).
An Art Selection Committee, with the Metro Art in Transit Program, will select five (5) artworks from each jurisdiction (Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia). The artworks will be displayed on three specially designed buses as part of our celebration of Earth Day in April.
Eligibility Criteria:
This call is open to K-6 artists in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
Participants may attend public, private, or homeschool.
Submitted artwork must be original and cannot have been previously exhibited.
By submitting an artwork, parents and/or guardians agree that the artwork can be reproduced for the purpose of this call, and any associated promotional material, including social media.
Parents and/or guardians of the student whose work will be selected will be required to execute a written release authorizing WMATA to use the selected artwork and the student’s name.
There is no entry fee for this call.
This week in PE students learned about flexibility/balance and the many ways we can improve our flexibility/balance. We practiced static stretches and a few yoga poses. Next week we will focus on yoga and how we can use it to increase our flexibility.
Flexibility and Balance in PE
Flexibility and Balance in PE
Flexibility and Balance in PE
• Hours: 8:00 a.m to 2:25 p.m
• Grades: K-5
• Uniform: Yes
• Before After School Enrichment: Yes
• School Colors: Hunter Green, Navy Blue
• School Mascot: Tigers
• School Website: http://www.cmitsouthes.org
For more information
Quick Links
Previous Newsletters
In case you missed it!
Friday, February 9, 2024 🐾 Friday, February 16, 2024 🐾Friday, February 23, 2024
Friday, January 19, 2024,🐾Friday, January 26, 2024, 🐾 Friday, February 2, 2024
Friday, January 12, 2024, 🐾 Friday, December 22, 2023, 🐾 Friday, December 15, 2023
Friday, December 8, 2023, 🐾 Friday, December 1, 2023, Friday, 🐾 November 17, 2023
Friday, November 10, 2023 🐾 Friday, November 3, 2023 🐾 Friday, October 27. 2023
Friday, October 20, 2023, 🐾 Friday, October 13, 2023, 🐾 Friday, October 6, 2023
Friday, September 29, 2023, 🐾 Friday, September 22, 2023, 🐾 Friday, September 15, 2023
Friday, September 8, 2023, 🐾 Friday, September 1, 2023, 🐾 Friday, August 25, 2023
CMITs offer high tech, STEAM education to all our Prince George’s County students grades K-5!
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.