November 29, 2023
Second Quarter of the School Year in Full Swing..... Happy Holidays!
Greetings ASASP Members,
Thanksgiving is behind us and the holiday season is in full swing. I hope that you and your family enjoy the season as much as you possibly can. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day minutia of working, but we all must learn to let our hair down and get as much enjoyment out of each day that we can.
Don't save it all up for some vacation or opportunity that may or may not come. Learn to live each day like it is your last and you will be better able to focus on what is important.
Don't let the stress of climbing ladders, stepping on or over others and being in constant interview mode for the next job cause you to lose yourself. Take a moment when you can to close the door or take a walk and enjoy some time to gather your thoughts be true and good to yourself.
Tragedy Strikes At Riverdale Elementary.....During Thanksgiving Week.
Principal Riley and Vice Principal Moore.......Our Hearts Go Out To You!
Last week, three days before Thanksgiving, the unthinkable happened at Riverdale Elementary School. A tragic accident occurred in front of the school at the start of the school day as students and parents were en route to the building. Two PGCPS very young, innocent children were so abruptly taken from us in the blink of an eye, in a horrific traffic accident.
Please support your colleagues and the families any way that you cans, as they are doing everything they can to compose themselves to and maintain their sanity and continue to move forward.
Please keep your eyes and ears open for any update on arrangements that may cause the need for staff support, should the final arrangements be held during the school day. On behalf of ASASP, Principal Riley, Assistant Principal Moore and the entire Riverdale Elementary Family our heartfelt condolences to the families, the staff and administration. Keep holding on!
The Day After......
Holding Back the Tears!
Growing Tribute to the babies....
We Must Provide Safe Streets for our Babies to Cross!!
Somthing More Needs To Be Done.....
Support the Families If You Like....... I am sure they will appreciate your support!
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace!!
Talk to me.......
What are the issues that are negatively impacting and impeding your work, your growth and the overall environment and growth of your colleagues and departments. What changes would you like to see that would benefit the members of this union? Talk with your colleagues and develop a plan that you believe will be beneficial to all involved in the work. Get involved in bringing about change, join a committee, attend meetings, share what's really going on. Don't Talk About It, Be About It!
Keep your eyes and ears open for the Communication Tool we will send out on December 1st, that will allow you to articulate to us things you think should be addressed in Upcoming Negotiations!!
Negotiation Nights, December 6th, 13th, 20th
Don't Talk About It, Be About It!
Greetings ASASP Members,
I am hosting Negotiation Nights Dinner (15 members per night, first come basis) throughout the month of November and December that will provide you the personal opportunity to have your voice heard on issues you think should be considered in upcoming negotiations. Some ASASP board members that are available to attend may join us, it just depends. Dinner will be served each night from 6pm to 7:30pm at our office. Visit the website for the address if necessary.
Take the time to have conversation with folks that you work with to discuss the most pressing issues affecting your work and have someone or a group of you, to come out and share.
This union represents hundreds of job positions and we need to hear from you about specifics that impact your work to ensure that your voice is heard. If we receive less than 5 RSVP's each night, we will contact you to inform you of the cancellation.
Please email me at jeffery.parker@asasp.org and let me know which night you will be coming to the office for dinner with the Executive Director and discussion about issues impacting those that work in your field. If we don't get enough participants we will have to cancel, but for now we are wide open!
ASASP Election Nominations Have Begun!
Check Your Email......
Please be reminded that an email was sent to you on Monday, November 27th. Nominations for the office of president and vice president only are being requested. The nomination process will end on December 8, 2023. The election of will begin promptly on December 11th and continue through December 22, 2023. Let your voice be heard!
ASASP Members Have Spoken...... You Want A Real On and Off-Cycle Evaluation!
280/1050 Roughly 27% of You Responded......Great Participation, Thank You!!
ASASP Has Spoken on Evaluations
The Off-Cycle Results indicate by a margin of 79% to 15% agreed with an evaluation process that would require nothing more than a PDF during the Off -Cycle year. The Other 6% shared varied considerations on the process.
FYI: The Actual Off-Cycle Survey Option - the ASASP Member will develop and complete a Professional Development Plan for the purposes of continuous growth during their off-cycle year(s). This will be the only activity required of ASASP Members during their off-cycle year(s).
The On-Cycle Results indicate by a margin of 53% to 40% that members are OK with the current On-Cycle process. The other 7% shared various and considerations on the process.
FYI: The Actual On-Cycle Survey Option - the ASASP Member will follow the current plan as developed by the Office of Employee Performance during their on-cycle year.
There were 105 comments that were provided by members in the survey as well. We thank you for your input and attention to the matters of this union.
Thank You Dr. Carlene Murray for gathering that information for us.
Many Members Being Paid on Wrong Grade and Class For Years and Can't Get Paid...
I'm Just Sayin'.........
That' s right, PGCPS has basically let us know that they have underpaid staff for years, but refuse to pay our members for the service they have provided. I know, it's hard to believe, but people have been intentionally or unintentionally placed in the wrong grade and/or class for years.
We have been asking nicely for a long to time for our folks to receive the retroactive pay they've worked for all these years. Every time we bring it up, we get a smirk that says "Whatever." Some Executives have been bold enough to tell us, "sue us."
It is amazing that anyone would step in the necks of their employees with such reckless, uncaring and demeaning behavior in one meeting, and walk right into the next meeting talking about the mental wellness of their staff like they actually care. All of this going on and people wondering PGCPS can't retain or hire enough staff each year.
I love PGCPS, don't get me wrong, but I don't care at all for the degradation, nepotism, cronyism and 18th century bullying tactics used to keep folks from speaking up. If you scared, say you scared, but if we come together, we can strike a mighty blow.
PGCPS has acknowledged their wrong doing, error or oversight, but have yet to correct it.
Remember, every issue is not necessarily your issue and may not impact you at the time, if ever, but as a union we have to stand together support our colleagues in unit 2 or unit 3, when they have issues.
Work Calendar 2023-24
210 Days Of Work....
Pay Attention Members!
Don't Say We Didn't Tell You!! 210 not 211, 212, etc....
August 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024
As an Eleven Month Employee you are scheduled to be paid for 210 Days of Work
There are actually 240 Days between the August 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, however 24 of those days, Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students.
That leaves 216 actual work days that you can schedule your 210 days.
Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students during SY24 on:
September 4 and 25th Labor Day/Yom Kippur
November 22, 23, and 24th Thanksgiving Holiday
December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29th Winter/Christmas Holiday
January 1, 2, 15th Winter Break/MLK Holiday
February 19th Presidents Day
March 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29th Spring Break
April 1, 10, 23rd Spring Break/Eid-al-Fitr/Primary Election Day
May 27th Memorial Day
June 19th Juneteenth
As an Eleven Month Employee, you must work 210 Days during the work year or submit leave when need to be absent from work. Your 210 Days should include each day that school is scheduled to be in session for students, as well as those days scheduled for staff professional development. Otherwise, if you need to be off submit your leave.
If you plan or are asked to cover a Weekend Game, Weekend Homecoming Game, Weekend School Detention, Weekend Workshop or any school activity on the weekend, those days should be included in your 210 days even if they are a couple of hours or half day.
The Next Few Weeks....
Plan Ahead.
PGCPS Calendar 2023-24
November 22-24, 2023 Thanksgiving Break
Holiday - Schools/Offices Closed
The next 2-3 week at ASASP
November, 2023
27th Monday (Day 79/210) B
28th Tuesday (Day 80/210) A
29th Wednesday (Day 81/210) B
30th Thursday (Day 82/210) A
December, 2023
1st Friday (Day 83/210) B
4th Monday (Day 84/210) A
5th Tuesday (Day 85/210) B
6th Wednesday (Day 86/210) A
7th Thursday (Day 87/210) B
8th Friday (Day 88/210) A
11th Monday (Day 89/210) B
12th Tuesday (Day 90/210) A
13th Wednesday (Day 91/210) B
14th Thursday (Day 92/210) A
15th Friday (Day 93/210) B
18th Monday (Day 94/210) A
19th Tuesday (Day 95/210) B
20th Wednesday (Day 96/210) A
21st Thursday (Day 97/210) B
22nd Friday (Day 98/210) A
You Heard it from Mr.House.....Don't Check the Emails!
Don't Do It.... Forward Mr. House's Email Instead!!
Dear Colleagues,
The work we do on behalf of students and families, far too often takes us away from our own, as professionals within Prince George’s County Public Schools.
Effective Friday, October 27, I am strongly discouraging staff-to-staff email communication on weekends. Employees are not expected to respond to email on the weekends. Please refrain from sending staff emails after 6:00 p.m. on Fridays unless it is an emergency.
You may resume sending emails Monday morning. I ask that supervisors maintain current contact information for all staff members in the event of an emergency.
Please note you should respond to email messages from parents and community members within 48 hours of receipt during the workweek. If you are absent from work, please ensure your out of office reply is on to alert our community that you are unavailable to respond.
As always, thank you for all of the work that you do on behalf of our students and schools.
Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Millard House II
Superintendent of Schools
Administrative Procedure 5156
Game Coverage in Middle and High Schools
The Blueprint and It's Impact on Education in Maryland
Maryland Blueprint For Education
Please be sure to check out PGCPS Version of the Maryland Blueprint for education, which has been approved by MSDE. I don't see anything hidden in there about members having to teach 10 or 20 percent of your times next year. When you read it, let us know.
Administrative Procedure 4107
Greetings All,
Due to the persistent advocacy of ASASP, support from our Executive Board and PGCPS, we were able to ensure that ASASP twelve-month employees that were being excluded will now be compensated for CPD trainings.
In some cases, unit members will be able to serve as the instructor for these specific training sessions if they qualify.
As ASASP moves forward, we will continue to explore and identify other possible compensatory opportunities for all units of our membership. We are here to serve all units and all members any way that we can.
Click the link for specific, more detailed understanding:
Warm Regards,
David Dzidzienyo, ASASP Membership Services
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP