Anderson Gator Library Update
February 2016
What's Happening in the Library?
Speaking of Book Fair: Our spring Fair is March 7th-11th, and the library will be open from 7:40 am - 4:00 pm every day. Thursday night, March 10th is Open House and the Groovy Book Fair will be open that night as well.
Makerspace has made the transition to the mornings and it is going strong. Love seeing Gator Cr8rs at work Monday-Thursday mornings!
We made some awesome cardboard creations during our Cardboard Challenge. We've also worked on student password resets in the library and have been successfully working on the library Chromebooks! In the lower grades we've been using the 5-finger rule to choose our JUST RIGHT books and in the upper grades we've been talking about why we choose to read certain books while also giving peer book recommendations.
Our NEW books are coming in steadily (lots and lots of boxes) and with the help of some awesome library leaders, are being processed and will soon be ready to check out. Make sure your account is clear (no overdue books or fines) so you are able to be the FIRST reader for some of our new books!
Dr. Seuss is coming! Happy Birthday Theodore (Ted) Geisel! Next week we will have guest readers to celebrate the life of this awesome author and illustrator.
Our 4th and 5th grade Battle of the Books teams have been working diligently getting ready for their competition next Saturday, March 5th!
Library "Pass"ports
Don't forget to send students with library passes throughout the day.
Top passport issuers from 4th six weeks:
Kinder - Mrs. Garza
1st - Mrs. Ayala
2nd - Mrs. Conry (with passes from ALL 2nd teachers)
3rd - Mrs. DeVarennes
Several 4th, 5th, and 6th teachers have been sending students to the library for self-checkout with passes. This frees them up for some small group/intervention time and helps on testing schedule days. Thanks top issuers: Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Ellis and Mr. Hammonds!
Students and staff are improving with self-checkout, so keep on sending students with passes! Let Mrs. Resendez know if you need more passes.
Visit from Zero the Hero on the 100th Day of School
Decorating for Teacher/Paraprofessional of the Year
Congrats Mr. Coplen & Mrs. Perry!
Makerspace is a Barrel of Monkeys!
Library Stats and Statistics
Print Items added to the Anderson library: 487 new books
Students/staff enrolled in library system: 780+
Print books circulated 3rd 6 weeks: 6,488
eBooks accessed: 1,271 (growing!)
Library classes taught: 216
Makerspace/Drop In patrons: 1,555
Dental Health with 1st grade
Gator City in Paper Bags
Dr. Seuss Pencil Pull
Mrs. Resendez - Teacher Librarian
Email: mresend1@aisd.net
Website: andersonlib.weebly.com
Location: 1101 Timberlake Drive, Arlington, TX, United States
Phone: 6828677550
Twitter: @anderson_lib