Port Angeles School District
We are excited to announce that our strategic plan is done! This plan will guide our work in achieving equity, engagement, and success for all students.
Our plan contains specific goals created through community surveys and focus groups that included staff, students, community members, business owners, and parents. Thank you to all of these contributors! Feedback from these surveys and focus groups contributed to the creation of the Port Angeles Priorities, which are:
- Equity
- Teaching & Learning
- Facilities
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Dynamic Communication
To read our district's full strategic plan and see what goals will support or priorities in the years to come, click here!
PASD Heads to Olympia for "Day on the Hill"
Students across the State joined school administrators for 'Day on the Hill' in Olympia on Monday, February 27th.
Port Angeles School District's Student Board Representative Yau Fu, a junior at Port Angeles High School, spoke with local legislators and Chris Reykdahl, Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction. Below, hear from Yau on her experience in Olympia and read her thoughts about this current legislative session:
I was recently given the opportunity to travel to Olympia with our school board to advocate for changes in our state's funding model. Districts from all over Washington came to Olympia to speak with their legislatures and discuss "Hot Topics!"
This year, we focused on the topics of fully funding Special Education services and fixing pupil transportation. In the state constitution, the public education system is named as Washington's paramount duty. So then why does Washington cap the special education population at 13.5%? Any student outside of that 13.5% is unfunded by the state. In our district, (as of February) we have a 17.8% special education population, which is 617 students. 13.5% of students is 466, so that means 151 special education students are not funded by the state, but by the local Enrichment Levy. Having to use the EP&O Levy on basic education ends up affecting every single student in the school district, from kindergarteners to seniors about to graduate. Whether that is maintaining extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and clubs, or a student struggling with mental health and not being given the proper mental health resources to know what to do, every single student will feel the effects of special education not being fully funded.
School board representatives from all over Washington came together to advocate for changes in the education system. We spoke with our district legislatures, so they could hear directly from students, about how we are impacted. We also were given the opportunity to speak with the state's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal. He was able to answer any questions we had about speaking to our legislatures, and the next steps in advocating for changes in the education system. I ended my day off, by meeting with Governor Inslee. All the student board representatives present got together and we advocated for fully funding Special Education and change in how transportation is funded.
I hope that if Legislatures took one thing away from Day on the Hill, it is that students are the ones being directly impacted by their policy changes. We are the ones that are in the schools, learning and growing almost every day for years, and every decision they make about education affects students' lives. The reason we were in Olympia was to get our voices heard, so I hope they chose to hear us out, take in what we had to say, and advocate for change.
I am very grateful that I get to work together with the board, and represent the students in Port Angeles School District. I got to meet other student representatives from all over the state with diverse backgrounds, but we all connected through our interest in advocating for change in our State's education system. Speaking to the people in charge of making decisions that impact the lives of people who can't even vote yet really opened my eyes, and I will never forget the opportunities that the board has given me! I have learned lessons I can implement in real life, and I am very thankful that the Washington State School Directors' Association put its time into making Day on the Hill happen!
School Supply Shred Event!
Join us after Tax Day for a community shred event to raise funds for the Port Angeles Back to School Fair! Donated funds will help provide backpacks and school supplies for students in need.
$10 suggested donation for three grocery bags of paper. Additional donations are encouraged for larger amounts.
Thank you to our incredible repeat sponsors: Steve Methner - State Farm Agency, Sound Community Bank, and Kiwanis Club of Port Angeles.
When: Saturday, April 29th,
10am - 1pm **or until the truck is full!**
Where: State Farm Insurance
611 E Front St, Port Angeles, WA 98362
Please enter through the alley off of Albert St.
Shredding sensitive documents is one way to reduce your risk of becoming an identity theft victim. Check out this link from the Washington State Office of the Attorney General about what to shred and when. https://www.atg.wa.gov/what-shred
Questions? Contact:
- Lisa Lyon - #360-452- 5437 llyon@lcsnw.org
-Carmen Geyer - #360-565-3703 cgeyer@portangelesschools.org
PASD Honors March 9th as Billy Frank. Jr. Day!
Billy Frank, Jr. was a member of the Nisqually Indian Tribe and a leader in his community for tribal treaty rights. He tirelessly advocated for environmental stewardship and paved the way for the “Boldt Decision,” reaffirming Tribal co-management of salmon resources in the State of Washington.
Learn more about this influential leader in this Billy Frank Jr. collection of resources: https://collections.follettsoftware.com/collection/5e6676c8fd95210011ea1e28
New website and virtual calming room
We also have a new Virtual Calming Room!
Virtual Calming Rooms is a place for students, families, and staff to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings and building our resilience. Let us know what you think! Click here.
Come out and see us at Kids Fest on Saturday, March 11th!
PAHS DECA takes 2nd in the 2023 State Career Development Conference!!
Please join us in congratulating Maryrose Halberg, Lizzy Shaw, and Becca Manson! These three lady riders are all FRESHMEN!
With over 3,500 attendees, Washington DECA’s State Career Development Conference (SCDC) is one of the largest, most exciting, and most rewarding experiences in all of DECA.
SCDC is one of the largest educational gatherings of students in Washington outside of athletics.
We are so proud of these students!
National School Social Worker Week! 🥳
PASD is lucky to have Becca Larson, PASD's social worker, and her team of Family Navigators, Julie Maron and Summer Cooper!
Our incredible Family Navigator Team works closely with families and school teams to ensure students have the support to succeed and thrive!
Becca, Summer, and Julie highlight the need for mental health services, offering hope for students and families facing various challenges and lighting the way for marginalized youth.
Please join us in acknowledging and celebrating this team's impactful work supporting our District. Thank you, Summer, Julie, and Becca!
Real World Lessons at PAHS
PAHS students in Ms. Hamblin’s science class are studying anatomy and had a special visit from dental instructors around the northwest!
Students learned what’s involved with dentistry, the benefits of being a dentist, and the education requirements of dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dentists.
After a lesson, students received real-world, hands-on experience using actual dental tools to apply sealants to dental models.
Thank you to:
Lower Elwha Dental Clinic
Pamela Ready
Betsy Simpson
Sara Moore
Peninsula College
Paula Watson with the Dental Hygienist program
Delta Dental
Errin Coburn
Sherri Engvall
Lolinda Turner
Class of 2023 Updates!
The Senior Party is a safe, sober event for all Port Angeles graduates. This year the Party will be at Vern Burton. The party begins 45 minutes after Graduation ends and lasts until 5:00 am. Students will not be allowed to enter the party late, but they can leave at any time.
We have food, entertainment, and prizes GALORE! To make this huge celebration happen, we need everyone's help! And it's not too late!!
- Here's the link to sign up to work at the party. Please understand that once you sign up to chaperone, you'll have to find a replacement. (Parents will not be allowed to stop by and say hi during the party.)
- Please have your senior stop by to see Mrs. Sanders in room 417 - any time during the school day - to pick up a Party RSVP/Lei Order form. The party is free, and leis are optional ($25.00). The leigh order form is due Friday, March 17.
- The Senior Parade will take place on Friday, June 16. We'll stage on Ediz Hook at 1:00 pm; the parade begins at 2:00 pm.
- A slideshow featuring the graduates will play continuously during the Party. Families can submit up to 5 photos to pahs2023seniorslideshow@gmail.com.
Families who have questions should contact Stacey Sanders at ssanders@portangelesschools.org.
Community Events and Fundraisers!
Textured Sandwich Workshop
Thursday, March 23rd | 2:45PM-5:00PM
$25 Member | $30 General
Ages 7-12
Retired school teacher turned fiber and mixed media artist, Marilyn Hiestand will lead students in creating a sandwich made out of fiber, different papers, yarn, etc. Along with emphasizing nutritional sandwich ingredients, texture will be explored as an important element in art as well.
Location: The Vern Burton Community Center
Tickets at: https://pafac.kindful.com/e/textured-sandwich-workshop
Pizza Pillows Workshop
Thursday, March 30 | 2:45PM-5:00PM
$25 Member | $30 General
Ages 7-12
Join us for an afternoon learning simple embroidery skills to put together a pillow that looks good enough to eat! We'll combine felt and other textured fabric to create a slice of the ultimate comfort food.
Location: ʔaʔkʷustəƞáwt̓xʷ House of Learning, Peninsula College Longhouse
Tickets at: https://pafac.kindful.com/e/pizza-pillows-workshop
Upcoming District Dates
- March 13 - School In Session for Snow Make-up Day
- March 13 to 17 - AmeriCorps and Classified Employees Week
- March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
- March 20 - First Day of Spring
- March 20 to 24 - School Retirees Appreciation Week
- March 23 - School Board Meeting, 6pm at Lincoln Center
- April 3 to 7 - SPRING BREAK!
- May 5 - School In Session for Snow Make-up Day
- May 29 - Memorial Day Holiday
- June 16 - PAHS Graduation
- June 16 - Last Student Day (1/2 day)
Port Angeles School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Port Angeles School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX Coordinators, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinators: Scott Harker, 905 W. 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98363, (360) 457-8575, sharker@portangelesschools.org, for Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Dr. Rachel Summers, 905 W. 9th Street Port Angeles, WA 98363, (360) 457-8575, rsummers@portangelesschools.org.