WMS RedHawk Update
August 17, 2020
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Some Words and Phrases You Need to Know!
You are going to be hearing these words a whole bunch and they are important words in our new world. Please take a look at these words and definitions so that you understand where they fit with your schedule:
Synchronous: (sometimes called Synchronous Learning) This means that students will be on a computer, using Google Meets, Zoom, or Schoology to engage in learning and work directly with their teacher and/or teaching assistants. There is a specific, scheduled time for students to meet with their teacher and classmates. We “synchronously” learn at the same time.
Asynchronous: (sometimes called Asynchronous Learning) This is where students will be working independently, from home. On “asynchronous days” learning and instruction do not happen at the same time. Teachers will assign independent learning and work which can be completed by the student throughout that day.
Full Remote Learning: This is the term we use for students who have chosen to do their learning fully from home. Some of their synchronous classes may be on an A or B day. They are not divided by the alphabet in their classes.
Hybrid Learning: This is the phrase that we use for students who have chosen to come to school to do their learning on an A/B schedule. Sometimes we call this “in-person” or “blended” learning. One day will be in-person and the next will be asynchronous (independent, at home). These students are assigned to the A/B schedule based on their last name (with a few exceptions) A Days= Last names A-Le B Days = Last names Lf-Z.
Full In-Person Learning: This is the term we use for a small group of students who will be coming to school each day, in-person.
You can find more information on the D303 Guide to Reopen Schools
Assignment Notebooks and Math Workbooks for Remote Leaders
WMS Hybrid Schedule for the Month of August
Dear WMS Parents:
Some of our parents have had questions about just how this schedule will work. I have created a video for you to see that will explain specifics. I have also two documents that are the same information formatted differently so that you chose the way that best fits your communication style.
Our goals for those first few days, until we are all in person on the A/B schedule, will be to get to know our students and to get them prepared for learning.
Information for Hybrid Learners (A/B Day Attendance)
Here are some bullet points that describe how our remote learners will be working:
- Schedules will be open in HAC on Tuesday at 10 AM (or so). Please have your child write or print down their schedule, only wiring the classes for Q1 or MP1. They also need to look if they start class is in-person (synchronous) on an A day or B day. Or, for our 6th graders in the A-Le (A Day) group... they come to school!
- Our students who are hybrid learners will still have an A/B day schedule.
- The synchronous (face to face with teachers) classes will be about the same as our regular periods, 45-50 minutes.
- During the first few days, when your child is at home but doing synchronous lessons, they need to follow the WMS Bell Schedule. Here is our bell schedule so that you can see each period. Look at the bell schedule for your child's grade. They do not logon during lunch/tutorial.
- They will have a total of 7 classes each of the synchronous and in-person days: math, science, social studies, ELA, 2 explore, and Pe/Health. We realize that this may be a lot of screentime for their synchronous (face to face online) days, so we will consider that as we plan.
- There are two steps to getting your students logged on. Initially, teachers are going to send them directions to a Google Meet (video). They will then also receive an invite to join a Google Classroom. Between the two of those, they will be fully ready to logon and engage in learning.
- For students who need a better graphic organizer for each day, try using this document to help clarify: My Daily Remote Schedule (scroll the to bottom for the Hybrid Learner's Schedule)
- Communication: You will get some emails from a team of teachers with some group activities, and some emails directly from specific teachers with directions (like how to login to Google Classroom.)
- This document will remind you of which days your child needs to be synchronous (face to face with teachers online), asynchronous (doing independent work), or in-person (here at WMS).
Here are some bullet points that describe how our remote learners will be working:
- Schedules will be open in HAC on Tuesday at 10 AM (or so). Please have your child write or print down their schedule, only writing the classes for Q1 or MP1. They also need to look if the class is in-person (synchronous) on an A day or B day.
- Our students who are full remote learners will still have an A/B day schedule. But some classes will be on the A day and some on the B day.
- The classes will be about the same as our regular periods, 45-50 minutes.
- On your child's schedule, you will only see periods 2-6 listed. That is because some periods will be meeting on day A, while some on Day B. As an example, your child may have two classes 2nd period- one on the A day and one on the B day.
- Student remote classes are held during the normal periods 2-6 at WMS. Here is our bell schedule so that you can see each period. Look at the bell schedule for your child's grade. They do not logon during lunch/tutorial.
- They will have a total of 7 classes over those two days: math, science, social studies, ELA, 2 explore, and Pe/Health
- There are two steps to getting your students logged on. Initially, teachers are going to send them directions to a Google Meet (video). They will then also receive an invite to join a Google Classroom. Between the two of those, they will be fully ready to logon and engage in learning.
- Your child will have a variety of teachers, just as if they were in school.
- The daily schedule of times looks like THIS GRAPHIC
- For students who need a better graphic organizer for each day, try using this document to help clarify: My Daily Remote Schedule
- Communication: You will get some emails from a team of teachers with some group activities, and some emails directly from specific teachers with directions (like how to login to Google Classroom.)
- We will be scheduling a time for REMOTE students to pick up their planner, math workbook and any other materials in the next two weeks. We will be working on different types of activities for now.
Information for Full In-Person (All Day Learners)
- Please have your schedule written or printer (Oasis) or we will have one for you.
- Students should come into the building at their designated door.
- Make sure they prepared with your backpack.
- Ne prepared for a full day or learning!
These packets include what to bring in your backpack along with some other useful information. Click below for the appropriate packet:
From WMS Nurses to 6th Grade Parents
The Wredling nursing staff looks forward to receiving your child's Mandated physical exam and vaccine records. If you haven't already provided these to the health office please plan on driving by WMS between the hours of 10-3. Two RN's will be waiting curbside to receive your documents from your car window. All 6th-grade students must have this paperwork completed whether they are learning in person or remotely.
If you have any questions, please contact the Health office at 331-228-3709
Wredling Middle School Health Office
6th grade students and guardians,
The 6th grade Newsletter is now ready for viewing. In there you will find a welcome message along with some information about the start of the school year.
- newsletter link -https://www.smore.com/am3gx
8th Grade Students and Guardians
In this email, you will find links to each of your child’s classes. Using their schedules, students should locate their teachers by discipline and then use the Google Class codes to enroll in each class prior to Wednesday, August 19th.
Wredling Middle School Redhawks Spirit Wear Store
Wredling families,
We are excited to bring to you our new online Spirit Wear Store. The online store will
be open starting Friday, August 14th thru Thursday, September 17th . Visit the online store at
https://stores.inksoft.com/wredling/shop/home to check out our spirit wear items and find something for the entire family!
Order online before September 17th!! Orders will be delivered to school, individually packed, and dropped off to the student at school in early October or an arranged pick up date/time will be determined.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Rosalinda Saucedo, Spirit Wear Chair, at
Fall Food Service Information
The middle school food vendor is OrganicLife again this year. District 303 has collaborated with our food service vendors to provide grab and go meals for students to enjoy at home. As we move into the school year, we want to make you aware of the procedures for making sure that students continue to receive meals, whether they are learning in-person or remotely.
Click here to view the Food Services website with a link to the daily menus.
Breakfast: $1.60; Reduced Breakfast: $0.30
Lunch: $2.90; Reduced Lunch: $0.40
Milk: $0.60 (when purchased separately from meals)
Due to COVID-19, the school district is no longer accepting check payments and cash at the schools. Parents will need to use PushCoin to apply funds.
The options listed below are the best ways for families to receive support with a system or broken device. The information has been updated on our Technical Support Resources Page, which is available on the main district website.
A live chat service is available for device and system support. This is the best way for families to receive fast technical support for district devices and services. The virtual IT team will be available to assist during normal business hours, but if you leave a message, support staff will follow up the next business day. Chat support can be accessed by going to https://helpdesk.d303.org/chat/
- Remote Learners: For problems with a D303 issued device, a socially distanced exchange service is available at the main entrance of the Haines Center. It is recommended to troubleshoot via the above “Live-Chat” service before bringing in a device for exchange.
Haines Center
305 S. 9th Street
St. Charles IL 60174
Monday-Friday 7am - 11am
Parking spaces may be limited. Street Parking is available on the east side of 9th street from 7:00-8:00am and from 9:00am-3:00pm. - In-Person Learners: Please report issues according to your school's procedures.
Wreding: If your Chromebook is not functioning, notify the LRC through Wredling's Chromebook Support Form and your device will be exchanged. Your classroom teacher will fill out the form for you and an LRC Staff member will come to your class to exchange devices. Please see the flowchart below for troubleshooting support.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303