The Dolphin Whistle
October 28, 2020 Issue 13
Dear Parents,
This Friday is School Spirit Day and the theme is Hallowe'en or Fall Colors! Please encourage your child to show their school spirit and post their flipgrid video here and/or their photo here.
Thank you to all the families that have attended meetings or completed surveys to give input on the district Strategic Plan. Your participation in district and school events is very important and much appreciated.
Thank you also to all of the families that picked up the textbook materials on the scheduled day. For those that still need to pick them up, please do so asap as the students need them for the lessons. Come to the office between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
It is almost the end of the first trimester and the students are finishing up assessments and then the teachers will complete the report cards. It is a minimum day on Friday, November 6th when the teachers compile all of the data and work on the report cards. Dismissal is at 11:50 a.m. on that Friday.
Please contact me or the office if you have any questions or concerns, including if you're child is having any difficulties with technology. It is important to call as soon as possible so that the situation can be resolved without losing too much instructional time!
Best Regards,
Theresa Lambert
Principal Mariano Castro Elementary
cell number (831)206-9522
Socio-emotional Tool of the Week - Courage
November 6, 2020 - End of Trimester- Minimum Day- 11:50 a.m. dismissal
November 7, 2020 - English Classes for Castro parents
November 11, 2020 - No School (Veterans Day)
November 17, 2020 - ELAC meeting, 6:00p.m.
November 25th - 27th, 2020 - Thanksgiving Recess (No School)
English classes for adults are starting Saturday, Nov. 7th!
Halloween: Have fun but stay safe
ust a reminder for Halloween that local and state Health Officer Orders are still in effect. The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department strongly recommends alternative festivities in lieu of traditional activities. Rather than trick-or-treating or costume parties, consider focusing on decorating, limiting activities to the people with whom you do not reside, and opting for virtual costume parties. Click here for more information and ideas.
Parent University
Missed the last one? Fear not: all of our 2020-21 events are recorded and posted online. Come check out our learning sessions - mental health, distance learning, literacy at home, raising digitally resilient kids - at And, mark your calendars for the next event on November 18 at 5:30 p.m. about supporting math at home, featuring former math teacher and coach, Principal Heidi Galassi of Landels Elementary. Details to come soon!
Substitute Teaching
Click here to learn more about substitute teaching. We can help you through the steps.
If you are already qualified, you may view jobs and apply online on our website. For information, call 650-526-3555.
Police Interactions, Race and “The Talk:” A Panel Discussion
Date: Thursday, Oct. 29, 6:30 p.m. on Zoom:
For Black children, the “talk” about how to interact with police is a rite of passage. Join MVWSD for a panel discussion with parents, the Mountain View Police Department and other leaders about what this means for policing for all of our children and families in our community and schools.
For more information about how MVWSD is working to support equity in our community, please see For more information about the City’s racial equity and inclusion efforts, please click here.
Application help for free healthcare coverage
Free application assistance for healthcare coverage for families in Santa Clara County is offered by the Healthier Kids Foundation. Your family may qualify for medical, vision, dental, prescription and mental health services. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Get a flu shot: Not the flu!
Free flu Shots on Saturdays at the Fairgrounds in San Jose on Saturday, October 24, 2020, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and every Saturday through mid-December
Car entrance for general parking: Gate D, 2542 Monterey Road, San Jose, CA 95111
No appointment needed
All are welcome regardless of immigration status
No cost
Shots available at this location for everyone age 3 years and older. Children aged 3 - 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Younger children should get a shot from their regular pediatrician.
Right next door to free County COVID-19 testing. Get a COVID-19 test at the same time!
More Free Flu Shots in Your Neighborhood
If you have health insurance, you can also visit your regular doctor.
The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series presents: Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | Live Online
Join us for an insightful evening with Marc Brackett, as he explores the value of our emotions and why what we do with our emotions is especially important. Marc Brackett, Ph.D., is the Founder and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a Professor in the Child Study Center of Yale University.
The goal of this presentation is to (1) inspire a new mindset around the power of emotions to transform our lives, (2) describe the five key underlying skills of emotional intelligence, known as the “RULER” skills, and (3) provide innovative strategies and tools for developing emotional intelligence so that our emotions help, rather than hinder, our well-being and success at home, in school, at work, and in everyday life.
Audience: Parents with children K - 12; teachers, and counselors
Register: To register for this free event, go to
Sponsored by Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
CHAC Invites You to Virtual Stress Management for Parents and Teachers During COVID
How to Keep Calm and Carry On” on Thursday, October 22nd 5 to 6pm
CLICK HERE to pre-register or join the event on the day of at
Please email your questions in advance to This event will be translated into Spanish.
In this talk, followed by Q&A, Dr. Jodi Cushman and Dr. Angela McBride will help us understand the toll that the stress of the coronavirus pandemic is taking and offer strategies that may help us cope more effectively during this time.