Columbia Crest
A-STEM Academy

March 2023 Newsletter
Dear Rainiers,
Last month was packed full of greatness at Columbia Crest. We welcomed back Mr. Hunter, our beloved music teacher. Mr. Hunter was transferred to Eatonville Elementary during Covid and returned after three years. Students were thrilled to have music class once again. We are looking forward to a June concert for the whole community. On Valentine's Day there were parties at each grade level and an Italian Soda party on the stage. This fundraiser brought in more than $150 for the ASB. Thank you to all who contributed. The middle school students had their first dance of the school year last month. The gym was transformed into a winter wonderland. Thank you to everyone who made the evening a night to remember. Finally, the month ended with a fun Bingo event for middle school students who maintained C grades or higher, no missing assignments or discipline issues. Lots of prizes were won by students. There are lots of wonderful events to come this month too.
We are looking forward to our next award assembly, a Kids Night Out event, swim lessons for 2nd grade, celebrating our classified staff, the start of spring and hopefully, sunny days.
Paper Drive
From March 1 to March 13 we are running a Copy Paper Drive. Students who bring a ream of copy paper will be entered into a drawing to have a pizza party and the class to donate the most reams wins a St. Patrick's Bash party hosted by the Student Council leadership students.
Read-in and PJ Day
National Read Across America Day is March 2. We will be celebrating by hosting a Pajama Day and asking students to bring their favorite book and stuffed animal to school. We will have a whole school Read-in from 1:00-1:45 on March 2. Students will get to read near their friends and by their stuffed animal.
Next Year
While there are still several months of this school year left, we are beginning discussions for next school year. Please help us plan accordingly by submitting your plan for student placement by clicking this link.
Wishing you a happy month.
Kind Regards,
Principal Burslem
Winter Formal Dance
Around Campus
Preschool enjoying Italian Sodas
Welcome Back Music Class with Mr. Hunter
Pizza Club thanks to Mrs. Lay
March Activity Calendar
School Wide Read-in
You're Invited to our next Award Assembly
Paper Drive
Thank you, Classified Staff!
New Character Trait
Daylight Savings is Coming March 12
Volunteers Needed for Kids Night Out on March 17
Nachos and Numbers Night
You are invited to join us for Nachos and Numbers Night and FREE and FUN Family Math Night on Thursday, April 6 at 5pm. We will have games, learning, and fun for the whole family! All who attend will have a free dinner provided to them.
Interested in attending? Please click the link to RSVP and let us know about any dietary restrictions.
Additionally, the Book Fair will be open as well as the Reptile Man!
Transitional Kindergarten
Preschool Enrollment Opens March 1
Kindergarten Enrollment is Open
Intent to Return
Highly Capable Referral Window Closes March 15
Does your child perform at significantly advanced academic levels? Consider referring them for Highly Capable Services by submitting a referral. Referral forms will be available using the link below.
Learning characteristics could include:
- Analytical thinker
- Accelerated learner
- Advanced language speaker
- Self-motivated
The Highly Capable program referral window will be open The referral window will be open from Feb. 1-March 15, 2023.
Anyone (parents, teachers, community, etc.) can refer a student to be tested for potential qualification for next year's highly capable programs. Students from Kindergarten - 7th grade can be referred. Referred students will be tested in the school building in March and April. Results will be sent home through postal mail to families by the end of the school year.
Second grade students will participate in a Highly Capable Universal Screener the month of January/February and therefore do not need to be referred to be considered for services.
March Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Highly Capable Advisory Committee Meeting, March 1
Are you interested in serving as a parent representative on the Highly Capable Program Advisory Committee for Eatonville School District? The committee aides in developing, monitoring, implementing, and evaluating the district's Highly Capable/Advancement Placement Program plan. The committee ensures compliance with state laws and administrative codes governing the Highly Capable Program, including equitable identification and makes recommendations, as needed. The committee will meet 4 times throughout the school year. The first meeting was held on January 4th.
Highly Capable Class Dates
Upcoming Late Starts
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org