Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Friday 22nd October 2021
2021 Important Dates
Week 2:
Fri 22 Oct: PP Assembly
Week 3:
Thurs 28 Oct: KG22 Parent Orientation
Fri 29 Oct: Grandparent's Day 1.45pm; 2W Assembly; OLC Dance Crew Performance
Week 4:
Fri 5 Nov: Y4 Assembly
Fri 12 Nov: Pupil Free Day
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Congratulations Mrs. Birch
Last Friday Mrs. Julie Birch attended a special function in Perth to reward her for 30 years of excellence in teaching in Catholic Education. WE are so fortunate to have Mrs. Birch teaching at OLC. Keep up the great work Julie.
Grandparents Afternoon
Grandparents are most welcome to come into school at 1.45pm on Friday 29 October. They will be welcomed into the classrooms and attend our special assembly at 2.15 pm.
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
We submitted our plans to CEWA in May and were notified last week that we have been successful in the first stage of our application. We have now completed the next level of legislative requirements required by . It is now looking like we will not be able to commence our OLC, OSHC till some stage early in 2022.
Feral Animal Control in Meelup Regional Park
We have been informed that baiting for foxes and rabbits with 1080 baits will be carried out on an ongoing basis in Meelup Regional Park from November 2021 till October 2022. Signage is being erected to warn any person entering the park that baits have been laid.
Thank you P&F
A huge thank you to our OLC P&F for providing a delicious morning tea for our hard-working staff on Wednesday to celebrate National Education Assistants day and World teacher's Day.
Amongst many other valuable items around our school, the P&F have provided Bee Botts to assist with the development of coding and higher-level thinking skills with our students.
Many thanks to the Playground Committee and volunteers for leading the commencement of our new playground overlooking the school oval. A huge number of hours has gone into the planning and a number of exciting features are to follow.
Capital Development Plan (CDP)
Our school has been partially successful with our CDP application. If our timeline runs smoothly, the building of two new classrooms will be completed next year 2022. The classrooms will be situated overlooking the basketball courts.
End of year Christmas Concert
Our end of year Christmas Concert will be held on the oval on Tuesday 7 December commencing at 5.30pm. The junior students will be showcasing their dancing skills that they have been practising with Mrs. Haines and the senior students will be performing musical items that they have been learning with Mrs. Sherborne.
Did you know
- Gladys Berejiklian’s name is rather tricky to spell
- Local police have located a stolen car containing an incomplete set of golf clubs. They are still looking for the driver.
- Indianna Wise (1C) came to the office on Thursday at 2.03pm reporting that her tooth was on an angle, it wasn’t loose but really sore. Resident dentist and chief of security, (who accompanied Indie to the office) Birdie Opie (1C), assured us all that ice would fix the issue. Mr. and Mrs. Wise should expect a tax invoice Birdie Dentistry shortly.
- Ruby Wardrope (4D) was playing table tennis at lunchtime last Thursday. Ruby is one of those very special people that God has put on earth. Ruby just spreads sunshine and joy wherever she goes and we are very grateful that she is at OLC.
- There used to be 30 dozen kids on our bus until we got a whole bus to ourselves.
Watching Archer Saunders (2M) come flying into the office for 27 seconds, hugged his mum, told her that he loved her and dashed out even faster.
RE Update
OLC Art Exhibition 3-5th June 2022
The P&F will be running an Art Exhibition fundraiser in the June long weekend of next year. The exhibition will be similar to the annual Fine Art @ Hale School Exhibition and engages and showcases artists in the southwest region. With your help the event will raise money to assist with the visual arts program at OLC with funds going towards artist in residence programs, equipment, and activities to foster the creativity of our students and provide opportunities for engagement, critical thinking, and community connection. The P&F are looking for a sub-committee to be involved in the inaugural OLC Art Exhibition. If you would like to be involved, please email olcparentsandfriends@gmail.com or touch base with Annie Mussell 0408940560.
P&F Committee Members 2022
The OLC Parents and Friends Committee raise funds for the purpose of providing amenities and enhancements for the benefit of all our students. OLC’s unique community spirit is evident in our vast network of committed parent volunteers. We are currently looking for volunteers; parents, grandparents and family members to join the P&F committee. There is an array of opportunities to be involved and support OLC. If you would like to be involved, please email olcparentsandfriends@gmail.com.
Term 4 Uniforms
Please note, due to shipping issues, Permapleat are out of stock of all sizes of grey shorts. If you are able to donate any items to the second hand uniform shop, it would be much appreciated.
Canteen News
Book Club
Web address: scholastic.com.au
Sporting Schools Program - Term 4 with Mrs Sinclair
community news
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Enrol at education.wa.edu.au/vacswim
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/