Westland Update for Week of Nov 13
A Note from the Desk of Ms. Serino, Westland principal
In November We Honor American Indian Heritage Month
This Week- The Week of Nov 13
Make-Up/Retake Photos- Tomorrow, Nov 13th during lunch, students who missed our photos in August or students who would like a retake should plan to take their photo on the stage during lunch.
NEW! Limited spots for Parent/Teacher Conferences- Tomorrow night at 8 PM, our Sign Up Genius links will open for limited spots for parent/teacher conferences. The Sign Up Genius closes on Friday, 11/17 at 7 AM. (see below)
NEW! NAACP Parent Zoom Session- On Tuesday night, Nov 14th at 7 PM, join parent leader, Aisha Campbell, to discuss ways to promote equality and diversity within the school community. (see below)
Parent/Athlete Zoom- On Wednesday evening, November 15th at 6 PM, basketball players and parents are invited to Zoom with our Athletic Coordinator, Mr. Johnson to learn about tryouts starting in early December.
Prospective Parent Coffee/Student Shadow Opportunity- On Thursday, November 16, we will welcome pre-registered guests to check out Westland. Share information with friends and neighbors to pre-register.
NEW! Make-Up/Retake Photos
NEW! Parent Teacher Conference Format
NEW! NAACP Parent Zoom on Nov 14
Looking Ahead- The Week of Nov 20
Thanksgiving Holiday- There will be no school for students on Nov 22, 23 and 24. Students will return on Monday, November 27.
Attendance Tips from Mr. Sanchez
NEW! Student Government Association Election Results
Our Minds Matter Club
NEW! MYP Students of the Month!!!!
Congratulations to the following students who were selected by our faculty members for embodying the MYP learner profile traits! Bravo!
NEW! MCPS Budget Forum on Nov 14
Your voice matters, and we're eager to hear your insights! Join us for a special virtual Operating Budget Forum, a collaborative initiative brought to you by Board of Education Member Julie Yang and MCPS leadership.
Save the Date: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM, live Online via Zoom Webinar. Meeting Link (share your email and join)
This forum is your chance to dive deep into the 2024-2025 operating budget process and be an active part of the conversation. It's an opportunity to engage with MCPS leadership, ask questions, and share your perspectives. We believe that together, we can create a brighter future for our schools and students.
What to Expect:
- Insights from MCPS Leadership
- Breakout Sessions for Deeper Engagement
- Interactive Q&A with Board Member Julie Yang and MCPS Leaders
- Your Opportunity to Shape the Future
Please let us know if you'll be attending — RSVP Now
American Sign Language and Spanish Interpretation will be Available.
Westland Basketball Tryouts
- Athletic Registration Video - A quick video for parents/guardians on how to register their students in athletics.
- ParentVue Guide - A "Quick Guide to ParentVue for Athletics" in English for parents/guardians when registering their students for athletics.
- ParentVue Guide - A "Quick Guide to ParentVue for Athletics" in Spanish for parents/guardians when registering their students for athletics.
- ParentVue Guide - A "How to Guide" for parents/guardians for Getting Started with ParentVUE.pdf
- Care for Kids - A health care program that provides access to health care services for uninsured children in Montgomery County.
- Clinics for Sports Physicals - an annual list released by MCPS Athletics, pricing is subject to change
NEW! Opening Letters from Pen Pals in France
Changemaker Workshops
What's New in STAR?
* New Events Are Added in Bold Font
- American Indian Heritage Month
- Remembrance and Reconciliation Month
- M, 11/13- Make-up and Retake photos during lunches
- M, 11/13- Parent Conference Sign Up Genius opens at 8 PM
- Tu, 11/14- NAACP Parent Zoom Discussion at 7 PM
- W, 11/15- Basketball Tryout Informational Zoom at 6 PM
- Th, 11/16- Prospective Parent/Student Visit
- F, 11/17- Parent Conference Sign Up Genius closes at 7 AM
- M, 11/20- Early release day- students dismissed at 12:30 PM
- Tu, 11/21- Early release day- students dismissed at 12:30 PM
- W, 11/22- F 11/24- No School- Thanksgiving Week
- Tu, 11/28- First Day of MYP Site Visit
- Tu, 11/28- Half of 7th Grade Travels to Finance Park
- W, 11/29- Half of 7th Grade Travels to Finance Park
- F, 12/1- Final Day of MYP Site Visit
- F, 12/1- First Day of New Trimester for 6th Graders- Art, Music or Robotics
- Tu, 12/5- Basketball Tryouts Begin
- Tu, 12/12- Evening Showcase for Families of Students in Drama Club
- Th, 12/14- Prospective Parents' Coffee- register on website
- Th, 12/14- 7th Grade Social After School- Cookie Decorating
- M, 12/18- Choral and Instrumental Music Concerts at BCC HS- 6:00 Band/Orchestra performance, 7:15 brief intermission, 7:30 Choral performance
- M, 12/25- Tu, 1/2- Winter Break- no school for students
Westland Middle School
Email: Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/westlandms/
Location: 5511 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA
Twitter: @AlisonSerinoWMS